MiKTeX Packages A-Z
- 12many
- Generalising mathematical index sets.
- a0poster
- Support for designing posters on large paper
- a2ping
- Advanced PS, PDF, EPS converter
- a4wide
- "Wide" a4 layout.
- a5comb
- Support for a5 paper sizes.
- aalok
- LaTeX class file for the Marathi journal ‘Aalok’
- aalok__doc
- LaTeX class file for the Marathi journal ‘Aalok’
- aalok__source
- LaTeX class file for the Marathi journal ‘Aalok’
- aastex
- Macros for Manuscript Preparation for AAS Journals
- abc
- Support ABC music notation in LaTeX
- abnt
- Typesetting academic works according to ABNT rules
- abntex2
- Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules
- abntexto
- LaTeX class for formatting academic papers in ABNT standards
- abntexto__doc
- LaTeX class for formatting academic papers in ABNT standards
- abntexto__source
- LaTeX class for formatting academic papers in ABNT standards
- aboensis
- A late medieval OpenType cursive font
- aboensis__doc
- A late medieval OpenType cursive font
- aboensis__source
- A late medieval OpenType cursive font
- abraces
- Asymmetric over-/underbraces in maths
- abraces__doc
- Asymmetric over-/underbraces in maths
- abraces__source
- Asymmetric over-/underbraces in maths
- abspos
- Absolute placement with coffins
- abspos__doc
- Absolute placement with coffins
- abspos__source
- Absolute placement with coffins
- abstract
- Control the typesetting of the abstract environment.
- abstyles
- Adaptable BibTeX styles.
- academicons
- Font containing high quality icons of online academic profiles
- academicons__doc
- Font containing high quality icons of online academic profiles
- academicons__source
- Font containing high quality icons of online academic profiles
- accanthis
- Accanthis fonts, with LaTeX support
- accanthis__doc
- Accanthis fonts, with LaTeX support
- accents
- Multiple mathematical accents
- accessibility
- Create tagged and structured PDF files
- accfonts
- Utilities to derive new fonts from existing ones.
- accsupp
- Better accessibility support for PDF files
- achemso
- Support for American Chemical Society journal submissions
- achemso__doc
- Support for American Chemical Society journal submissions
- achemso__source
- Support for American Chemical Society journal submissions
- acmart
- Class for typesetting publications of ACM
- acmart__doc
- Class for typesetting publications of ACM
- acmart__source
- Class for typesetting publications of ACM
- acmconf
- Class for ACM conference proceedings
- acro
- Typeset acronyms
- acro__doc
- Typeset acronyms
- acro__source
- Typeset acronyms
- acroflex
- Create a graphing widget in a PDF file
- acromemory
- Memory games in LaTeX
- acronym
- Expand acronyms at least once
- acronym__doc
- Expand acronyms at least once
- acronym__source
- Expand acronyms at least once
- acrosort
- Sort sliced image into order
- acroterm
- Manage and index acronyms and terms.
- acrotex
- The AcroTeX education bundle
- acrotex__doc
- The AcroTeX education bundle
- acrotex__source
- The AcroTeX education bundle
- acrotex-js
- JavaScript files used by acrotex and other packages
- acrotex-js__doc
- JavaScript files used by acrotex and other packages
- acrotex-js__source
- JavaScript files used by acrotex and other packages
- active-conf
- Class for typesetting ACTIVE conference papers.
- actuarialangle
- Angle symbol denoting a duration in actuarial and financial notation
- actuarialsymbol
- Actuarial symbols of life contingencies and financial mathematics
- addfont
- Easier use of fonts without LaTeX support
- addliga
- Access basic ligatures in legacy TrueType fonts
- addlines
- A user-friendly wrapper around \enlargethispage
- addtoluatexpath
- Add paths to Lua packages and input TeX files
- addtoluatexpath__doc
- Add paths to Lua packages and input TeX files
- adfathesis
- Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format.
- adforn
- OrnementsADF font with TeX/LaTeX support
- adforn__doc
- OrnementsADF font with TeX/LaTeX support
- adforn__source
- OrnementsADF font with TeX/LaTeX support
- adfsymbols
- SymbolsADF with TeX/LaTeX support
- adfsymbols__doc
- SymbolsADF with TeX/LaTeX support
- adfsymbols__source
- SymbolsADF with TeX/LaTeX support
- adigraph
- Augmenting directed graphs
- adigraph__doc
- Augmenting directed graphs
- adigraph__source
- Augmenting directed graphs
- adjmulticol
- Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output
- adjmulticol__doc
- Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output
- adjmulticol__source
- Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output
- adjustbox
- Graphics package-alike macros for “general” boxes
- adjustbox__doc
- Graphics package-alike macros for “general” boxes
- adjustbox__source
- Graphics package-alike macros for “general” boxes
- adobe-euro
- Metric and map files for the Adobe Euro fonts
- adobecaslon
- Adobe Caslon font in LaTeX
- adobemapping
- Adobe cmap and pdfmapping files
- adobemapping__doc
- Adobe cmap and pdfmapping files
- adobeornaments
- Using ornaments in Adobe Fonts with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX
- adobeornaments__doc
- Using ornaments in Adobe Fonts with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX
- adobeornaments__source
- Using ornaments in Adobe Fonts with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX
- adrconv
- BibTeX styles to implement an address database
- adrlist
- Using address lists in LaTeX
- adtrees
- Macros for drawing adpositional trees
- advdate
- Print a date relative to "today".
- advice
- Extend commands and environments
- advice__doc
- Extend commands and environments
- advice__source
- Extend commands and environments
- ae
- Virtual fonts for PDF-files with T1 encoded CMR-fonts.
- aeb-minitoc
- Create mini-tocs
- aeb-mlink
- Multi-line links with hyperref
- aeb-mobile
- Format PDF files for use on a smartphone
- aeb-pro
- Items from the AeB Pro Family of Software
- aeb-pro__doc
- Items from the AeB Pro Family of Software
- aeb-pro__source
- Items from the AeB Pro Family of Software
- aeb-tilebg
- AeB Tiling Backgrounds
- aebenvelope
- The AeB Pro eEnvelope System.
- aebslicing
- An image slicer.
- aebxmp
- Add advanced metadata to PDF files
- aecc
- Almost European Concrete Roman virtual fonts.
- aeguill
- Add several kinds of guillemets to the ae fonts.
- aesupp
- Special support for the æ character
- affilauthor
- Tag author and affiliation information in a key-value style
- affilauthor__doc
- Tag author and affiliation information in a key-value style
- affilauthor__source
- Tag author and affiliation information in a key-value style
- afparticle
- Typesetting articles for Archives of Forensic Psychology
- afthesis
- Air Force Institute of Technology thesis class.
- aguplus
- Styles for American Geophysical Union.
- aiaa
- Typeset AIAA conference papers
- aiaa__doc
- Typeset AIAA conference papers
- aiaa__source
- Typeset AIAA conference papers
- aiplans
- A TikZ-based library for drawing POCL plans
- aiplans__doc
- A TikZ-based library for drawing POCL plans
- aiplans__source
- A TikZ-based library for drawing POCL plans
- akktex
- A collection of packages and classes.
- akletter
- Comprehensive letter support
- akshar
- Support for syllables in the Devanagari script
- albatross
- Find fonts that contain a given glyph
- albatross__doc
- Find fonts that contain a given glyph
- albatross__source
- Find fonts that contain a given glyph
- alchemist__doc
- Typeset alchemist and astrological symbols
- alchemist__source
- Typeset alchemist and astrological symbols
- alegreya
- Alegreya fonts with LaTeX support
- alegreya__doc
- Alegreya fonts with LaTeX support
- alertmessage
- Alert messages for LaTeX
- alfaslabone
- The Alfa Slab One font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- alg
- LaTeX environments for typesetting algorithms.
- algobox
- Typeset Algobox programs
- algolrevived
- A revival of Frutiger's Algol alphabet
- algolrevived__doc
- A revival of Frutiger's Algol alphabet
- algolrevived__source
- A revival of Frutiger's Algol alphabet
- algorithm2e
- Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords
- algorithmicx
- The algorithmic style you always wanted!
- algorithms
- A suite of tools for typesetting algorithms in pseudo-code.
- algpseudocodex
- Package for typesetting pseudocode
- algpseudocodex__doc
- Package for typesetting pseudocode
- algpseudocodex__source
- Package for typesetting pseudocode
- algxpar
- Support multiple lines of pseudocode
- algxpar__doc
- Support multiple lines of pseudocode
- algxpar__source
- Support multiple lines of pseudocode
- aligned-overset
- Fix alignment at \overset or \underset
- alkalami
- A font for Arabic-based writing systems in Nigeria and Niger
- allrunes
- Fonts and LaTeX package for almost all runes
- almendra
- Almendra fonts with LaTeX support
- almendra__doc
- Almendra fonts with LaTeX support
- almfixed
- Arabic-Latin Modern Fixed extends TeX-Gyre Latin Modern Mono 10 Regular to full Arabic Unicode support
- alnumsec
- Alphanumeric section numbering.
- alpha-persian
- Persian version of alpha.bst
- alphabib
- Add alphabetical headers into citations.
- alphalph
- Convert numbers to letters
- alterqcm
- Multiple choice questionnaires in two column tables
- altfont
- Alternative font handling in LaTeX
- altsubsup
- Subscripts and superscripts with square brackets
- altsubsup__doc
- Subscripts and superscripts with square brackets
- altsubsup__source
- Subscripts and superscripts with square brackets
- ametsoc
- Official American Meteorological Society Latex Template.
- amiri
- A classical Arabic typeface, Naskh style
- amiri__doc
- A classical Arabic typeface, Naskh style
- amiri__source
- A classical Arabic typeface, Naskh style
- amnestyreport
- A LaTeX class for Amnesty International
- amnestyreport__doc
- A LaTeX class for Amnesty International
- amnestyreport__source
- A LaTeX class for Amnesty International
- amsaddr
- Alter the position of affiliations in amsart
- amsaddr__doc
- Alter the position of affiliations in amsart
- amsaddr__source
- Alter the position of affiliations in amsart
- amscdx
- Enhanced commutative diagrams
- amscls
- AMS document classes for LaTeX
- amscls__doc
- AMS document classes for LaTeX
- amscls__source
- AMS document classes for LaTeX
- amscls-doc
- User documentation for AMS document classes
- amscls-doc__source
- User documentation for AMS document classes
- amsfonts
- TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
- amsfonts__doc
- TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
- amsfonts__source
- TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
- amslatex-primer
- Getting up and running with AMS-LaTeX.
- amsmath
- AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX
- amsmath__doc
- AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX
- amsmath__source
- AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX
- amsrefs
- A LaTeX-based replacement for BibTeX.
- amstex
- American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros.
- analogclock
- An analog ticking clock package for PDF output.
- andika
- andika fonts with support for all LaTeX engines
- andika__doc
- andika fonts with support for all LaTeX engines
- anima
- Create slideshows with simple animations
- anima__doc
- Create slideshows with simple animations
- anima__source
- Create slideshows with simple animations
- animate__doc
- Create PDF and SVG animations from graphics files and inline graphics
- animate__source
- Create PDF and SVG animations from graphics files and inline graphics
- annee-scolaire
- Automatically typeset the academic year (French way)
- annot-pro
- Create text, stamp and file attachment annotations
- annotate-equations
- Easily annotate math equations using TikZ
- annotate-equations__doc
- Easily annotate math equations using TikZ
- annotate-equations__source
- Easily annotate math equations using TikZ
- anonchap
- Make chapters be typeset like sections.
- anonymous-acm
- Typeset anonymous versions for ACM articles
- anonymouspro
- Use AnonymousPro fonts with LaTeX
- answers
- Setting questions (or exercises) and answers.
- antanilipsum
- Generate sentences in the style of “Amici miei”
- antiqua
- antique-spanish-units
- A short document about antique spanish units
- antique-spanish-units__source
- A short document about antique spanish units
- antyktor
- Antykwa Toru\'nska: a Type 1 family of a Polish traditional type.
- anufinalexam
- LaTeX document shell for ANU final exam
- anyfontsize
- Select any font size in LaTeX.
- anysize
- A simple package to set up document margins
- aobs-tikz
- TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer
- aobs-tikz__doc
- TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer
- aobs-tikz__source
- TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer
- aomart
- Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics
- aomart__doc
- Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics
- aomart__source
- Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics
- apa
- American Psychological Association format.
- apa6
- Format documents in APA style (6th edition)
- apa6__doc
- Format documents in APA style (6th edition)
- apa6__source
- Format documents in APA style (6th edition)
- apa6e
- Format manuscripts to APA 6th edition guidelines.
- apa7
- Format documents in APA style (7th edition)
- apa7__doc
- Format documents in APA style (7th edition)
- apa7__source
- Format documents in APA style (7th edition)
- apacite
- Citation style following the rules of the APA.
- apalike-ejor
- A BibTeX style file for the European Journal of Operational Research
- apalike-ejor__doc
- A BibTeX style file for the European Journal of Operational Research
- apalike-ejor__source
- A BibTeX style file for the European Journal of Operational Research
- apalike-german
- A copy of apalike.bst with German localization
- apalike-german__doc
- A copy of apalike.bst with German localization
- apalike2
- Bibliography style that approaches APA requirements
- apl
- Fonts for typesetting APL programs
- apnum
- Arbitrary precision numbers implemented by TeX macros
- appendix
- Extra control of appendices
- appendixnumberbeamer
- Manage frame numbering in appendixes in beamer
- apptools
- Tools for customising appendices.
- apxproof
- Proofs in appendix
- apxproof__doc
- Proofs in appendix
- apxproof__source
- Proofs in appendix
- arabi
- (La)TeX support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel
- arabi__doc
- (La)TeX support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel
- arabi__source
- (La)TeX support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel
- arabi-add
- Using hyperref and bookmark packages with arabic and farsi languages.
- arabic-book
- An Arabic book class
- arabic-book__doc
- An Arabic book class
- arabic-book__source
- An Arabic book class
- arabicfront
- Frontmatter with arabic page numbers
- arabluatex
- ArabTeX for LuaLaTeX
- arabtex
- Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic
- arabtex__doc
- Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic
- arabtex__source
- Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic
- arabxetex
- An ArabTeX-like interface for XeLaTeX
- arara
- Automation of LaTeX compilation
- arara__doc
- Automation of LaTeX compilation
- arara__source
- Automation of LaTeX compilation
- archaeologie
- A citation-style which covers rules of the German Archaeological Institute
- archaeologie__doc
- A citation-style which covers rules of the German Archaeological Institute
- archaeologie__source
- A citation-style which covers rules of the German Archaeological Institute
- archaic
- A collection of archaic fonts.
- archivo
- The Archivo font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- arcs
- arev
- Fonts and LaTeX support files for Arev Sans.
- argumentation
- Create abstract argumentation frameworks via TikZ
- argumentation__doc
- Create abstract argumentation frameworks via TikZ
- argumentation__source
- Create abstract argumentation frameworks via TikZ
- arial
- URW Arial A030 Postscript Type 1 fonts.
- arimo
- Arimo sans serif fonts with LaTeX support
- arimo__doc
- Arimo sans serif fonts with LaTeX support
- armtex
- A system for writing in Armenian with TeX and LaTeX
- armtex__doc
- A system for writing in Armenian with TeX and LaTeX
- armymemo
- A document class for Army memorandums in accordance with AR 25-50
- arphic
- Arphic (Chinese) font packages.
- arphic-ttf
- TrueType version of Chinese Arphic fonts
- arraycols
- New column types for array and tabular environments
- arraycols__doc
- New column types for array and tabular environments
- arraycols__source
- New column types for array and tabular environments
- arrayjob
- Array data structures for (La)TeX.
- arraysort
- Sort arrays (or portions of them).
- arsclassica
- A different view of the ClassicThesis package
- arsenal
- Open Type font by Andrij Shevchenko
- arsenal__doc
- Open Type font by Andrij Shevchenko
- arsenal__source
- Open Type font by Andrij Shevchenko
- articleingud
- LaTeX class for articles published in INGENIERIA review
- artthreads
- Support for article threads
- arvo
- The Arvo font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- arydshln
- Draw dash-lines in array/tabular
- asaetr
- Transactions of the ASAE
- asana-math
- A font to typeset maths in Xe(La)TeX and Lua(La)TeX
- asapsym
- Using the free ASAP Symbol font with LaTeX and Plain TeX
- ascelike
- Bibliography style for the ASCE.
- ascii-chart
- An ASCII wall chart.
- ascii-font
- Use the ASCII “font” in LaTeX
- asciilist
- Environments AsciiList and AsciiDocList for prototyping nested lists in LaTeX
- ascmac
- Boxes and picture macros with Japanese vertical writing support
- askinclude
- Interactive use of \includeonly
- askmaps
- Typeset American style Karnaugh maps
- asmeconf
- A LaTeX template for ASME conference papers
- asmeconf__doc
- A LaTeX template for ASME conference papers
- asmeconf__source
- A LaTeX template for ASME conference papers
- asmejour
- A template for ASME journal papers
- asmejour__doc
- A template for ASME journal papers
- asmejour__source
- A template for ASME journal papers
- aspectratio
- Capital A and capital R ligature for Aspect Ratio.
- assignment
- A class file for typesetting homework and lab assignments
- assoccnt
- Associate counters, making them step when a master steps
- association-matrix
- LaTeX support for creating association matrices
- association-matrix__doc
- LaTeX support for creating association matrices
- association-matrix__source
- LaTeX support for creating association matrices
- asternote
- Annotation symbols enclosed in square brackets and marked with an asterisk
- asternote__doc
- Annotation symbols enclosed in square brackets and marked with an asterisk
- asternote__source
- Annotation symbols enclosed in square brackets and marked with an asterisk
- astro
- Astronomical (planetary) symbols.
- asy-overview
- A brief overview of the Asymptote language for drawing mathematical graphics
- asy-overview__source
- A brief overview of the Asymptote language for drawing mathematical graphics
- asyfig
- Commands for using asymptote figures.
- asymptote
- 2D and 3D TeX-Aware Vector Graphics Language
- asypictureb
- User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX
- asypictureb__doc
- User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX
- asypictureb__source
- User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX
- atableau
- A LaTeX package for symmetric group combinatorics
- atableau__doc
- A LaTeX package for symmetric group combinatorics
- atableau__source
- A LaTeX package for symmetric group combinatorics
- atbegshi
- Execute stuff at \shipout time
- atbegshi__doc
- Execute stuff at \shipout time
- atbegshi__source
- Execute stuff at \shipout time
- atenddvi
- Provides the \AtEndDvi command
- atendofenv
- Add a custom symbol at the end of an environment
- atendofenv__doc
- Add a custom symbol at the end of an environment
- atendofenv__source
- Add a custom symbol at the end of an environment
- atkinson
- Support for the Atkinson Hyperlegible family of fonts
- atkinson__doc
- Support for the Atkinson Hyperlegible family of fonts
- attachfile
- Attach arbitrary files to a PDF document
- attachfile2
- Attach files into PDF
- attachfile2__doc
- Attach files into PDF
- attachfile2__source
- Attach files into PDF
- atveryend
- Hooks at the very end of a document
- atveryend__doc
- Hooks at the very end of a document
- atveryend__source
- Hooks at the very end of a document
- aucklandthesis
- Memoir-based class for formatting University of Auckland masters' and doctors' theses.
- augie
- Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting
- auncial
- Artificial Uncial manuscript book-hand font
- auncial-new
- Artificial Uncial font and LaTeX support macros.
- aurical
- Calligraphic font (AuriocusKalligraphicus) for LaTeX in T1-encoding.
- authoraftertitle
- Make author, etc., available after \maketitle
- authorarchive
- Adds self-archiving information to scientific papers
- authorarchive__doc
- Adds self-archiving information to scientific papers
- authorarchive__source
- Adds self-archiving information to scientific papers
- authordate
- Author/date style citation styles.
- authorindex
- Index citations by author names
- auto-pst-pdf
- Wrapper for pst-pdf (with some psfrag features)
- auto-pst-pdf-lua
- Using LuaLaTeX together with PostScript code
- auto-pst-pdf-lua__doc
- Using LuaLaTeX together with PostScript code
- auto-pst-pdf-lua__source
- Using LuaLaTeX together with PostScript code
- autoaligne
- Align terms and members in math expressions
- autobreak
- Simple line breaking of long formulae
- autofancyhdr
- Automatically compute headlength for fancyhdr package
- automata
- package for metapost to draw finite state machines, graphs, trees, etc.
- autonum
- Automatic equation references.
- autopdf
- Conversion of graphics to pdfLaTeX-compatible formats.
- autopuncitems
- Automatically punctuate lists
- autopuncitems__doc
- Automatically punctuate lists
- autopuncitems__source
- Automatically punctuate lists
- autosp__doc
- A Preprocessor that generates note-spacing commands for MusiXTeX scores
- autosp__source
- A Preprocessor that generates note-spacing commands for MusiXTeX scores
- autotype
- A LuaLaTeX package for automatic language-specific typography
- autotype__doc
- A LuaLaTeX package for automatic language-specific typography
- autotype__source
- A LuaLaTeX package for automatic language-specific typography
- auxhook
- Hooks for auxiliary files
- avantgar
- avremu
- An 8-Bit Microcontroller Simulator written in LaTeX.
- awesomebox
- Draw admonition blocks in your documents, illustrated with FontAwesome icons
- axessibility
- Access to formulas in PDF files by assistive technologies
- axodraw2
- Feynman diagrams in a LaTeX document
- b1encoding
- LaTeX encoding tools for Bookhands fonts.
- babel
- Multilingual support for LaTeX, LuaLaTeX, XeLaTeX, and Plain TeX
- babel__doc
- Multilingual support for LaTeX, LuaLaTeX, XeLaTeX, and Plain TeX
- babel__source
- Multilingual support for LaTeX, LuaLaTeX, XeLaTeX, and Plain TeX
- babel-albanian
- Support for Albanian within babel
- babel-azerbaijani
- Support for Azerbaijani within babel
- babel-basque
- Babel contributed support for Basque.
- babel-belarusian
- Babel support for Belarusian
- babel-bosnian
- Babel contrib support for Bosnian
- babel-breton
- Babel contributed support for Breton.
- babel-bulgarian
- Babel contributed support for Bulgarian.
- babel-catalan
- Babel contributed support for Catalan.
- babel-croatian
- Babel contributed support for Croatian.
- babel-czech
- Babel support for Czech.
- babel-danish
- Babel contributed support for Danish
- babel-dutch
- Babel contributed support for Dutch
- babel-dutch__doc
- Babel contributed support for Dutch
- babel-dutch__source
- Babel contributed support for Dutch
- babel-english
- Babel support for English
- babel-english__doc
- Babel support for English
- babel-english__source
- Babel support for English
- babel-esperanto
- Babel support for Esperanto.
- babel-estonian
- Babel support for Estonian
- babel-finnish
- Babel support for Finnish
- babel-french
- Babel contributed support for French
- babel-french__doc
- Babel contributed support for French
- babel-french__source
- Babel contributed support for French
- babel-friulan
- Babel/Polyglossia support for Friulan(Furlan)
- babel-galician
- babel-georgian
- Babel support for Georgian
- babel-german
- Babel support for documents written in German
- babel-german__doc
- Babel support for documents written in German
- babel-german__source
- Babel support for documents written in German
- babel-greek
- Babel support for the Greek language and script
- babel-greek__doc
- Babel support for the Greek language and script
- babel-greek__source
- Babel support for the Greek language and script
- babel-hebrew
- Babel support for Hebrew
- babel-hebrew__doc
- Babel support for Hebrew
- babel-hebrew__source
- Babel support for Hebrew
- babel-hungarian
- Babel support for Hungarian (Magyar)
- babel-icelandic
- Babel support for Icelandic
- babel-indonesian
- Support for Indonesian within babel
- babel-interlingua
- Babel support for Interlingua.
- babel-irish
- Babel support for Irish.
- babel-italian
- Babel support for Italian text
- babel-italian__doc
- Babel support for Italian text
- babel-italian__source
- Babel support for Italian text
- babel-japanese
- Babel support for Japanese
- babel-kurmanji
- Babel support for Kurmanji.
- babel-latin
- Babel support for Latin
- babel-latin__doc
- Babel support for Latin
- babel-latin__source
- Babel support for Latin
- babel-latvian
- Babel support for Latvian
- babel-latvian__doc
- Babel support for Latvian
- babel-latvian__source
- Babel support for Latvian
- babel-lithuanian
- Babel support for documents written in Lithuanian
- babel-lithuanian__doc
- Babel support for documents written in Lithuanian
- babel-lithuanian__source
- Babel support for documents written in Lithuanian
- babel-macedonian
- Babel module to support Macedonian Cyrillic
- babel-malay
- Support for Malay within babel
- babel-norsk
- Babel support for Norwegian
- babel-norsk__doc
- Babel support for Norwegian
- babel-norsk__source
- Babel support for Norwegian
- babel-piedmontese
- Babel support for Piedmontese.
- babel-polish
- Babel support for Polish
- babel-polish__doc
- Babel support for Polish
- babel-polish__source
- Babel support for Polish
- babel-portuges
- Babel support for Portuges
- babel-portuges__doc
- Babel support for Portuges
- babel-portuges__source
- Babel support for Portuges
- babel-romanian
- Babel support for Romanian
- babel-romansh
- Babel/Polyglossia support for the Romansh language.
- babel-russian
- Russian language module for Babel
- babel-samin
- Babel support for Samin
- babel-samin__doc
- Babel support for Samin
- babel-samin__source
- Babel support for Samin
- babel-scottish
- Babel support for Scottish Gaelic
- babel-scottish__doc
- Babel support for Scottish Gaelic
- babel-scottish__source
- Babel support for Scottish Gaelic
- babel-serbian
- Babel/Polyglossia support for Serbian
- babel-serbian__doc
- Babel/Polyglossia support for Serbian
- babel-serbian__source
- Babel/Polyglossia support for Serbian
- babel-serbianc
- Babel module to support Serbian Cyrillic
- babel-serbianc__doc
- Babel module to support Serbian Cyrillic
- babel-serbianc__source
- Babel module to support Serbian Cyrillic
- babel-slovak
- Babel support for typesetting Slovak.
- babel-slovenian
- Babel support for typesetting Slovenian
- babel-sorbian
- Babel support for Upper and Lower Sorbian
- babel-sorbian__doc
- Babel support for Upper and Lower Sorbian
- babel-sorbian__source
- Babel support for Upper and Lower Sorbian
- babel-spanglish
- Simplified Spanish support for Babel.
- babel-spanish
- Babel support for Spanish
- babel-swedish
- Babel support for typesetting Swedish
- babel-thai
- Support for Thai within babel
- babel-turkish
- Babel support for Turkish documents
- babel-ukrainian
- Babel support for Ukrainian
- babel-vietnamese
- Babel support for typesetting Vietnamese
- babel-welsh
- Babel support for Welsh
- babel-welsh__doc
- Babel support for Welsh
- babel-welsh__source
- Babel support for Welsh
- babelbib
- Multilingual bibliographies
- babyloniannum
- Typeset Babylonian numerals with XeTeX.
- background
- Placement of background material on pages of a document.
- backnaur
- Typeset Backus Naur Form definitions
- baekmuk
- Baekmuk Korean TrueType fonts
- bagpipe
- Support for typesetting bagpipe music.
- bangla
- A comprehensive Bangla LaTeX package
- bangla__doc
- A comprehensive Bangla LaTeX package
- bangla__source
- A comprehensive Bangla LaTeX package
- bangorcsthesis
- Typeset a thesis at Bangor University
- bangorcsthesis__doc
- Typeset a thesis at Bangor University
- bangorcsthesis__source
- Typeset a thesis at Bangor University
- bangorexam
- Typeset an examination at Bangor University
- bangorexam__doc
- Typeset an examination at Bangor University
- bangorexam__source
- Typeset an examination at Bangor University
- bangtex
- Class files for writing Bangla and Asamese with LaTeX.
- bankstatement
- A LaTeX class for bank statements based on csv data
- barcodes
- Fonts for making barcodes
- bardiag
- LateX package for drawing bar diagrams
- bargraph-js
- Create bar graphs using form fields and JavaScript
- barracuda
- Draw barcodes with Lua
- barracuda__doc
- Draw barcodes with Lua
- barracuda__source
- Draw barcodes with Lua
- bartel-chess-fonts
- A set of fonts supporting chess diagrams.
- bashful
- Invoke bash commands from within LaTeX.
- basicarith
- Macros for typesetting basic arithmetic.
- basiclatex-ru
- An introduction to LaTeX, in Russian
- baskervaldadf
- Baskervald ADF fonts collection with TeX/LaTeX support
- baskervaldadf__doc
- Baskervald ADF fonts collection with TeX/LaTeX support
- baskervaldadf__source
- Baskervald ADF fonts collection with TeX/LaTeX support
- baskervaldx
- Extension and modification of BaskervaldADF with LaTeX support
- baskervaldx__doc
- Extension and modification of BaskervaldADF with LaTeX support
- baskervillef
- Fry’s Baskerville look-alike, with math support
- baskervillef__doc
- Fry’s Baskerville look-alike, with math support
- baskervillef__source
- Fry’s Baskerville look-alike, with math support
- basque-book
- Class for book-type documents written in Basque.
- basque-date
- Print the date in Basque.
- bath-bst
- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
- bath-bst__doc
- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
- bath-bst__source
- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
- bbding
- A symbol (dingbat) font and LaTeX macros for its use
- bbm
- "Blackboard-style" cm fonts.
- bbold
- Sans serif blackboard bold.
- bbold-type1
- An Adobe Type 1 format version of the bbold font.
- bboldx
- Extension of the bbold package with a Blackboard Bold alphabet
- bboldx__doc
- Extension of the bbold package with a Blackboard Bold alphabet
- bchart
- Draw simple bar charts in LaTeX
- bclogo
- Creating colourful boxes with logos
- bclogo__doc
- Creating colourful boxes with logos
- bclogo__source
- Creating colourful boxes with logos
- bcr
- beamer
- A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
- beamer__doc
- A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
- beamer-fuberlin
- Beamer, using the style of FU Berlin
- beamer-rl
- Right to left presentation with beamer and babel
- beamer-rl__doc
- Right to left presentation with beamer and babel
- beamer-verona
- A theme for the beamer class
- beamer2thesis
- Thesis presentations using beamer.
- beamerappendixnote
- Create notes on appendix frames in beamer
- beameraudience
- Assembling beamer frames according to audience
- beamerauxtheme
- Supplementary outer and inner themes for beamer
- beamercolorthemeowl
- A flexible beamer color theme to maximize visibility
- beamerdarkthemes
- Dark color themes for beamer
- beamerposter
- Extend beamer and a0poster for custom sized posters
- beamersubframe
- Reorder frames in the PDF file.
- beamerswitch
- Convenient mode selection in Beamer documents
- beamerswitch__doc
- Convenient mode selection in Beamer documents
- beamerswitch__source
- Convenient mode selection in Beamer documents
- beamertheme-arguelles
- Simple, typographic beamer theme
- beamertheme-arguelles__doc
- Simple, typographic beamer theme
- beamertheme-arguelles__source
- Simple, typographic beamer theme
- beamertheme-cuerna
- A beamer theme with 4 colour palettes.
- beamertheme-detlevcm
- A beamer theme designed for use in the University of Leeds
- beamertheme-edmaths
- A beamer theme for the University of Edinburgh (UoE)
- beamertheme-edmaths__doc
- A beamer theme for the University of Edinburgh (UoE)
- beamertheme-edmaths__source
- A beamer theme for the University of Edinburgh (UoE)
- beamertheme-epyt
- A simple and clean theme for LaTeX beamer class
- beamertheme-focus
- A minimalist presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer
- beamertheme-focus__doc
- A minimalist presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer
- beamertheme-focus__source
- A minimalist presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer
- beamertheme-gotham
- A versatile and extendable beamer theme based on Metropolis
- beamertheme-gotham__doc
- A versatile and extendable beamer theme based on Metropolis
- beamertheme-gotham__source
- A versatile and extendable beamer theme based on Metropolis
- beamertheme-light
- A minimal beamer style
- beamertheme-light__doc
- A minimal beamer style
- beamertheme-metropolis
- A modern LaTeX beamer theme
- beamertheme-mirage
- A beamer theme with dark and light colour schemes
- beamertheme-mirage__doc
- A beamer theme with dark and light colour schemes
- beamertheme-mirage__source
- A beamer theme with dark and light colour schemes
- beamertheme-npbt
- A collection of LaTeX beamer themes
- beamertheme-phnompenh
- A simple beamer theme.
- beamertheme-pure-minimalistic
- A minimalistic presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer
- beamertheme-rainbow
- A beamer colour theme which alternates theme colours on every frame
- beamertheme-rainbow__doc
- A beamer colour theme which alternates theme colours on every frame
- beamertheme-rainbow__source
- A beamer colour theme which alternates theme colours on every frame
- beamertheme-saintpetersburg
- A beamer theme that incorporates colours and fonts of Saint Petersburg State University
- beamertheme-simpledarkblue
- Template for a simple presentation
- beamertheme-simpledarkblue__doc
- Template for a simple presentation
- beamertheme-simpledarkblue__source
- Template for a simple presentation
- beamertheme-simpleplus
- A simple and clean theme for LaTeX beamer
- beamertheme-simpleplus__doc
- A simple and clean theme for LaTeX beamer
- beamertheme-simpleplus__source
- A simple and clean theme for LaTeX beamer
- beamertheme-tcolorbox
- A beamer inner theme which reproduces standard beamer blocks using tcolorboxes
- beamertheme-tcolorbox__doc
- A beamer inner theme which reproduces standard beamer blocks using tcolorboxes
- beamertheme-tcolorbox__source
- A beamer inner theme which reproduces standard beamer blocks using tcolorboxes
- beamertheme-trigon
- A modern, elegant, and versatile theme for Beamer
- beamertheme-trigon__doc
- A modern, elegant, and versatile theme for Beamer
- beamertheme-trigon__source
- A modern, elegant, and versatile theme for Beamer
- beamertheme-upenn-bc
- Beamer themies for Boston College and the University of Pennsylvania.
- beamerthemeamurmaple
- A new modern beamer theme
- beamerthemeamurmaple__doc
- A new modern beamer theme
- beamerthemeamurmaple__source
- A new modern beamer theme
- beamerthemecelestia
- A modern and elegant Beamer theme
- beamerthemecelestia__doc
- A modern and elegant Beamer theme
- beamerthemecelestia__source
- A modern and elegant Beamer theme
- beamerthemeconcrete
- A collection of flat beamer themes
- beamerthemeconcrete__doc
- A collection of flat beamer themes
- beamerthemeconcrete__source
- A collection of flat beamer themes
- beamerthemejltree
- Contributed beamer theme.
- beamerthemelalic
- A beamer theme for LALIC
- beamerthemenirma
- A Beamer theme for academic presentations.
- beamerthemenord
- A simple beamer theme using the “Nord” color theme
- beamerthemetamu
- A beamer theme for Texas A&M University
- beamertools
- A collection of programming tools for beamer
- beamertools__doc
- A collection of programming tools for beamer
- beamertools__source
- A collection of programming tools for beamer
- bearwear
- Shirts to dress TikZbears
- beaulivre
- Write your books in a colorful way
- beaulivre__doc
- Write your books in a colorful way
- beautybook
- A beautiful book template for maths and science
- beautybook__doc
- A beautiful book template for maths and science
- beautybook__source
- A beautiful book template for maths and science
- beautynote
- A package designed to meet the publication of books and the production of LaTeX templates, with elegant chapter
- beautynote__doc
- A package designed to meet the publication of books and the production of LaTeX templates, with elegant chapter
- beautynote__source
- A package designed to meet the publication of books and the production of LaTeX templates, with elegant chapter
- beebe
- Nelson Beebe's BibTeX files
- begingreek
- Greek environment to be used with pdfLaTeX only
- begingreek__doc
- Greek environment to be used with pdfLaTeX only
- begingreek__source
- Greek environment to be used with pdfLaTeX only
- begriff
- beilstein
- Support for submissions to the “Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology”
- belleek
- Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts.
- bera
- Bera fonts.
- berenisadf
- Berenis ADF fonts and TeX/LaTeX support
- berenisadf__doc
- Berenis ADF fonts and TeX/LaTeX support
- berenisadf__source
- Berenis ADF fonts and TeX/LaTeX support
- bestpapers
- A BibTeX package to produce lists of authors’ best papers
- betababel
- Inserting ancient greek text coded in Beta Code.
- beton
- Use Concrete fonts
- beuron
- The script of the Beuronese art school
- bewerbung
- Typesetting job applications
- bewerbung__doc
- Typesetting job applications
- bewerbung__source
- Typesetting job applications
- bez123
- Support for Bezier curves.
- bezierplot
- Approximate smooth function graphs with cubic bezier splines for use with TikZ or MetaPost
- bezierplot__doc
- Approximate smooth function graphs with cubic bezier splines for use with TikZ or MetaPost
- bezierplot__source
- Approximate smooth function graphs with cubic bezier splines for use with TikZ or MetaPost
- bfh-ci
- Corporate Design for Bern University of Applied Sciences
- bfh-ci__doc
- Corporate Design for Bern University of Applied Sciences
- bgreek
- Typeset classical Greek.
- bgteubner
- Class for producing books for the publisher "Teubner Verlag"
- bguq
- Improved quantifier stroke for Begriffsschrift packages.
- bhcexam
- An exam class for mathematics teachers in China
- bhcexam__doc
- An exam class for mathematics teachers in China
- bib-fr
- French translation of classical BibTeX styles
- bib2gls
- Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files
- bib2gls__doc
- Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files
- bib2gls__source
- Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files
- bib2xhtml
- bibarts
- “Arts”-style bibliographical information
- bibarts__doc
- “Arts”-style bibliographical information
- bibarts__source
- “Arts”-style bibliographical information
- bibcop
- Style checker for .bib files
- bibcop__doc
- Style checker for .bib files
- bibcop__source
- Style checker for .bib files
- biber__doc
- A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX
- biber-darwin-x86_64
- A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX
- biber-linux-x86_64
- A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX
- biber-ms__doc
- A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX (multiscript version)
- biber-ms-darwin-x86_64
- A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX (multiscript version)
- biber-ms-linux-x86_64
- A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX (multiscript version)
- biber-ms-windows-x64
- A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX (multiscript version)
- biber-windows-x64
- A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX
- biber-windows-x86
- A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX
- bibexport
- Extract a BibTeX file based on a .aux file
- bibhtml
- BibTeX support for HTML files.
- biblatex
- Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX
- biblatex__doc
- Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX
- biblatex__source
- Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX
- biblatex-abnt
- BibLaTeX style for Brazil's ABNT rules
- biblatex-abnt__doc
- BibLaTeX style for Brazil's ABNT rules
- biblatex-abnt__source
- BibLaTeX style for Brazil's ABNT rules
- biblatex-accursius
- Citing features for Italian jurists
- biblatex-accursius__doc
- Citing features for Italian jurists
- biblatex-accursius__source
- Citing features for Italian jurists
- biblatex-ajc2020unofficial
- BibLaTeX style for the Australasian Journal of Combinatorics
- biblatex-anonymous
- A tool to manage anonymous work with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-apa
- BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA
- biblatex-apa__doc
- BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA
- biblatex-apa__source
- BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA
- biblatex-apa6
- BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA 6th Edition
- biblatex-archaeology
- A collection of BibLaTeX styles for German prehistory
- biblatex-arthistory-bonn
- BibLaTeX citation style covers the citation and bibliography guidelines for art historians
- biblatex-authoryear-icomp-tt
- Author-year style with compact multiple-reference-citations and ibidem mechanism for biblatex.
- biblatex-bath
- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
- biblatex-bath__doc
- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
- biblatex-bath__source
- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
- biblatex-bookinarticle
- Manage book edited in article
- biblatex-bookinother
- Manage book edited in other entry type
- biblatex-bwl
- Biblatex citations for FU Berlin.
- biblatex-caspervector
- A simple citation style for Chinese users
- biblatex-caspervector__doc
- A simple citation style for Chinese users
- biblatex-cheatsheet
- BibLaTeX/Biber ‘cheat sheet’
- biblatex-chem
- A set of BibLaTeX implementations of chemistry-related bibliography styles
- biblatex-chicago
- Chicago style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-chicago__doc
- Chicago style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-chicago__source
- Chicago style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-claves
- A tool to manage claves of old litterature with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-cse
- Council of Science Editors (CSE) style file for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-cse__doc
- Council of Science Editors (CSE) style file for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-cse__source
- Council of Science Editors (CSE) style file for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-cv
- Create a CV from BibTeX files
- biblatex-dw
- Humanities styles for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-dw__doc
- Humanities styles for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-dw__source
- Humanities styles for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-enc
- BibLaTeX style for the École nationale des chartes (Paris)
- biblatex-enc__doc
- BibLaTeX style for the École nationale des chartes (Paris)
- biblatex-ext
- Extended BibLaTeX standard styles
- biblatex-ext__doc
- Extended BibLaTeX standard styles
- biblatex-ext__source
- Extended BibLaTeX standard styles
- biblatex-fiwi
- BibLaTeX styles for use in German humanities
- biblatex-gb7714-2015
- A BibLaTeX implementation of the GBT7714-2015 bibliography style for Chinese users
- biblatex-gb7714-2015__doc
- A BibLaTeX implementation of the GBT7714-2015 bibliography style for Chinese users
- biblatex-gb7714-2015__source
- A BibLaTeX implementation of the GBT7714-2015 bibliography style for Chinese users
- biblatex-german-legal
- Comprehensive citation style for German legal texts
- biblatex-german-legal__doc
- Comprehensive citation style for German legal texts
- biblatex-german-legal__source
- Comprehensive citation style for German legal texts
- biblatex-gost
- BibLaTeX support for GOST standard bibliographies
- biblatex-gost__doc
- BibLaTeX support for GOST standard bibliographies
- biblatex-gost__source
- BibLaTeX support for GOST standard bibliographies
- biblatex-historian
- A Biblatex style.
- biblatex-ieee
- IEEE style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-ieee__doc
- IEEE style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-ijsra
- BibLaTeX style for the International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology
- biblatex-iso690
- BibLaTeX style for ISO 690 standard
- biblatex-iso690__doc
- BibLaTeX style for ISO 690 standard
- biblatex-jura
- Biblatex stylefiles for German legal literature.
- biblatex-jura2
- Citation style for the German legal profession
- biblatex-jura2__doc
- Citation style for the German legal profession
- biblatex-jura2__source
- Citation style for the German legal profession
- biblatex-juradiss
- BibLaTeX stylefiles for German law theses
- biblatex-license
- Add license data to the bibliography
- biblatex-lncs
- BibLaTeX style for Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- biblatex-lncs__doc
- BibLaTeX style for Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- biblatex-lncs__source
- BibLaTeX style for Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- biblatex-lni
- LNI style for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-lni__doc
- LNI style for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-lni__source
- LNI style for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-luh-ipw
- Biblatex styles for social sciences.
- biblatex-manuscripts-philology
- Manage classical manuscripts with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-manuscripts-philology__doc
- Manage classical manuscripts with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-manuscripts-philology__source
- Manage classical manuscripts with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-mla
- MLA style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-mla__doc
- MLA style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-mla__source
- MLA style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-morenames
- New names for standard BibLaTeX entry type
- biblatex-ms
- Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX (multiscript version)
- biblatex-ms__doc
- Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX (multiscript version)
- biblatex-ms__source
- Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX (multiscript version)
- biblatex-multiple-dm
- Load multiple datamodels in biblatex
- biblatex-musuos
- biblatex-nature
- BibLaTeX support for Nature
- biblatex-nejm
- BibLaTeX style for the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
- biblatex-nottsclassic
- Citation style for the University of Nottingham
- biblatex-opcit-booktitle
- Use op. cit. for the booktitle of a subentry
- biblatex-oxref
- BibLaTeX styles inspired by the Oxford Guide to Style
- biblatex-oxref__doc
- BibLaTeX styles inspired by the Oxford Guide to Style
- biblatex-oxref__source
- BibLaTeX styles inspired by the Oxford Guide to Style
- biblatex-philosophy
- Styles for using BibLaTeX for work in philosophy
- biblatex-philosophy__doc
- Styles for using BibLaTeX for work in philosophy
- biblatex-philosophy__source
- Styles for using BibLaTeX for work in philosophy
- biblatex-phys
- A BibLaTeX implementation of the AIP and APS bibliography style
- biblatex-phys__doc
- A BibLaTeX implementation of the AIP and APS bibliography style
- biblatex-publist
- BibLaTeX bibliography support for publication lists
- biblatex-publist__doc
- BibLaTeX bibliography support for publication lists
- biblatex-publist__source
- BibLaTeX bibliography support for publication lists
- biblatex-readbbl
- Read a .bbl file created by biber
- biblatex-readbbl__doc
- Read a .bbl file created by biber
- biblatex-readbbl__source
- Read a .bbl file created by biber
- biblatex-realauthor
- Indicate the real author of a work
- biblatex-sbl
- Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-sbl__doc
- Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-sbl__source
- Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) style files for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-science
- BibLaTeX implementation of the Science bibliography style
- biblatex-shortfields
- Use short forms of fields with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-socialscienceshuberlin
- BibLaTeX-style for the social sciences at HU Berlin
- biblatex-software
- BibLaTeX stylefiles for software products
- biblatex-software__doc
- BibLaTeX stylefiles for software products
- biblatex-software__source
- BibLaTeX stylefiles for software products
- biblatex-source-division
- References by “division” in classical sources
- biblatex-spbasic
- A BibLaTeX style emulating Springer’s old spbasic.bst
- biblatex-spbasic__doc
- A BibLaTeX style emulating Springer’s old spbasic.bst
- biblatex-spbasic__source
- A BibLaTeX style emulating Springer’s old spbasic.bst
- biblatex-subseries
- Manages subseries with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-swiss-legal
- Bibliography and citation styles following Swiss legal practice.
- biblatex-trad
- “Traditional” BibTeX styles with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-true-citepages-omit
- Correction of some limitation of the citepages=omit option of BibLaTeX styles
- biblatex-unified
- BibLaTeX implementation of the unified stylesheet for linguistics journals
- biblatex-unified__doc
- BibLaTeX implementation of the unified stylesheet for linguistics journals
- biblatex-unified__source
- BibLaTeX implementation of the unified stylesheet for linguistics journals
- biblatex-vancouver
- Vancouver style for BibLaTeX
- biblatex2bibitem
- Convert BibLaTeX-generated bibliography to bibitems
- biblatex2bibitem__doc
- Convert BibLaTeX-generated bibliography to bibitems
- biblatex2bibitem__source
- Convert BibLaTeX-generated bibliography to bibitems
- bibleref
- Format bible citations
- bibleref-french
- French translations for bibleref
- bibleref-german
- German adaptation of bibleref.
- bibleref-lds
- Bible references, including those to the scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
- bibleref-mouth
- Consistent formatting of Bible references.
- bibleref-parse
- Specify Bible passages in human-readable format.
- bibletext
- Insert Bible passages by their reference
- biblist
- Print a BibTeX database
- bibtex
- Process bibliographies for LaTeX, etc
- bibtex__doc
- Process bibliographies for LaTeX, etc
- bibtex__source
- Process bibliographies for LaTeX, etc
- bibtex8bit
- A fully 8-bit adaptation of BibTeX 0.99
- bibtex8bit-polish
- bibtopic
- Include multiple `by topic' bibliographies in a document.
- bibtopicprefix
- bibunits
- Multiple bibliographies in one document.
- bickham
- Virtual fonts for Adobe Bickham Script Pro.
- bidi
- Bidirectional typesetting in plain TeX and LaTeX, using XeTeX
- bidi__doc
- Bidirectional typesetting in plain TeX and LaTeX, using XeTeX
- bidi__source
- Bidirectional typesetting in plain TeX and LaTeX, using XeTeX
- bidi-atbegshi
- Bidi-aware shipout macros
- bidi-atbegshi__doc
- Bidi-aware shipout macros
- bidi-atbegshi__source
- Bidi-aware shipout macros
- bidicontour
- Bidi-aware coloured contour around text.
- bidihl
- Experimental bidi-aware text highlighting
- bidipagegrid
- Bidi-aware page grid in background.
- bidipresentation
- Experimental bidi presentation.
- bidishadowtext
- Bidi-aware shadow text.
- bigfoot
- Footnotes for critical editions
- bigintcalc
- Integer calculations on very large numbers
- bigints
- Writing big integrals.
- bilingualpages
- Typeset two columns in parallel
- bilingualpages__doc
- Typeset two columns in parallel
- binarytree
- Drawing binary trees using TikZ
- binhex
- Convert numbers into binary, octal and hexadecimal
- binomexp
- Calculate Pascal's triangle.
- biochemistry-colors
- Colors used to display amino acids, nucleotides, sugars or atoms in biochemistry
- biocon
- Typesetting biological species names
- biolett-bst
- A BibTeX style for the journal “Biology Letters”
- bitelist
- Split list, in TeX's mouth.
- bithesis
- Templates for the Beijing Institute of Technology
- bithesis__doc
- Templates for the Beijing Institute of Technology
- bithesis__source
- Templates for the Beijing Institute of Technology
- bitpattern
- Typeset bit pattern diagrams
- bitset
- Handle bit-vector datatype
- bitter
- The Bitter family of fonts with LaTeX support
- bitter__doc
- The Bitter family of fonts with LaTeX support
- bizcard
- Typeset business cards
- bjfuthesis
- A thesis class for Beijing Forestry University
- bjfuthesis__doc
- A thesis class for Beijing Forestry University
- bjfuthesis__source
- A thesis class for Beijing Forestry University
- blacklettert1
- T1-encoded versions of Haralambous old German fonts
- blindtext
- Producing 'blind' text for testing
- blindtext__doc
- Producing 'blind' text for testing
- blindtext__source
- Producing 'blind' text for testing
- blkarray
- Extended array and tabular.
- blochsphere
- Draw pseudo-3D diagrams of Bloch spheres
- blockdraw_mp
- Block diagrams and bond graphs, with MetaPost.
- blopentype
- A basic LuaTeX OpenType handler
- blopentype__doc
- A basic LuaTeX OpenType handler
- bloques
- Generate control diagrams.
- blowup
- Upscale or downscale all pages of a document
- blowup__doc
- Upscale or downscale all pages of a document
- blowup__source
- Upscale or downscale all pages of a document
- blox
- Draw block diagrams, using TikZ
- bmstu
- A LaTeX class for Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- bmstu__doc
- A LaTeX class for Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- bmstu__source
- A LaTeX class for Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- bmstu-iu8
- A class for IU8 reports
- bmstu-iu8__doc
- A class for IU8 reports
- bnumexpr
- Extends eTeX’s \numexpr...\relax construct to big integers
- bodegraph
- Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ
- bodegraph__doc
- Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ
- bodegraph__source
- Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ
- bodeplot
- Draw Bode, Nyquist and Nichols plots with gnuplot or pgfplots
- bodeplot__doc
- Draw Bode, Nyquist and Nichols plots with gnuplot or pgfplots
- bodeplot__source
- Draw Bode, Nyquist and Nichols plots with gnuplot or pgfplots
- bohr
- Simple atom representation according to the Bohr model.
- boisik
- A font inspired by Baskerville design.
- boites
- Boxes that may break across pages
- bold-extra
- Use bold small caps and typewriter fonts.
- boldtensors
- Bold latin and greek characters through simple prefix characters.
- bondgraph
- Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents.
- bondgraphs
- Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using pgf/TikZ.
- bonum-otf
- Support for the OpenType font Bonum
- bonum-otf__doc
- Support for the OpenType font Bonum
- bonum-otf__source
- Support for the OpenType font Bonum
- book-of-common-prayer
- Typeset in the style of “Book of Common Prayer”
- book-of-common-prayer__doc
- Typeset in the style of “Book of Common Prayer”
- book-of-common-prayer__source
- Typeset in the style of “Book of Common Prayer”
- bookcover
- A class for book covers and dust jackets
- bookcover__doc
- A class for book covers and dust jackets
- bookcover__source
- A class for book covers and dust jackets
- bookest
- Extended book class.
- booklet
- bookman
- bookmark
- A new bookmark (outline) organization for hyperref
- bookmark__doc
- A new bookmark (outline) organization for hyperref
- bookmark__source
- A new bookmark (outline) organization for hyperref
- bookshelf
- Create a nice image from a BibTeX file
- bookshelf__doc
- Create a nice image from a BibTeX file
- bookshelf__source
- Create a nice image from a BibTeX file
- booktabs
- Publication quality tables in LaTeX
- booktabs-de
- German version of booktabs.
- boolexpr
- Evaluate boolean expressions.
- boondox
- Mathematical alphabets derived from the STIX fonts
- bophook
- Provides an At-Begin-Page hook
- borceux
- Diagram macros by François Borceux
- bosisio
- boxedminipage
- Framed minipages of a specified total width (text and frame combined)
- boxhandler
- Flexible Captioning and Deferred Box/List Printing.
- bpchem
- Typeset chemical names, formulae, etc
- bpolynomial
- Drawing polynomial functions of up to order 3.
- br-lex
- A Class for Typesetting Brazilian legal texts
- bracketkey
- Produce bracketed identification keys.
- braids
- Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ
- braids__doc
- Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ
- braids__source
- Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ
- braille
- Support for braille.
- braket
- Dirac bra-ket and set notations.
- brandeis-dissertation
- Class for Brandeis University dissertations
- brandeis-dissertation__doc
- Class for Brandeis University dissertations
- brandeis-dissertation__source
- Class for Brandeis University dissertations
- brandeis-problemset
- Document class for COSI Problem sets at Brandeis University (Waltham, MA)
- brandeis-thesis
- A class for Brandeis University M.A. theses
- brandeis-thesis__doc
- A class for Brandeis University M.A. theses
- brandeis-thesis__source
- A class for Brandeis University M.A. theses
- breakcites
- Ensure that multiple citations may break at line end.
- breakurl
- Line-breakable \url-like links in hyperref when compiling via dvips/ps2pdf.
- bredzenie
- a Polish version of “lorem ipsum…” in the form of a LaTeX package
- breqn
- Automatic line breaking of displayed equations
- breqn__doc
- Automatic line breaking of displayed equations
- breqn__source
- Automatic line breaking of displayed equations
- bropd
- Simplified brackets and differentials in LaTeX.
- brushscr
- Type-1 font named BrushScript-Italic.
- bsheaders
- Double-ruled chapter heading style.
- bubblesort
- bubble sorts a list
- buctthesis
- Beijing University of Chemical Technology Thesis Template
- buctthesis__doc
- Beijing University of Chemical Technology Thesis Template
- buctthesis__source
- Beijing University of Chemical Technology Thesis Template
- bullcntr
- Display list item counter as regular pattern of bullets.
- bundledoc
- Bundle together all the files needed to build a LaTeX document
- bundledoc__doc
- Bundle together all the files needed to build a LaTeX document
- burmese
- Basic Support for Writing Burmese.
- business-research
- Markup for the journal Business Research.
- businesscard-qrcode
- Business cards with QR-Code
- bussproofs
- Proof trees in the style of the sequent calculus.
- bussproofs-extra
- Extra commands for bussproofs.sty
- bxbase
- BX bundle base components
- bxbase__doc
- BX bundle base components
- bxbase__source
- BX bundle base components
- bxcalc
- Extend the functionality of the calc package
- bxcjkjatype
- Typeset Japanese with pdfLaTeX and CJK
- bxcjkjatype__doc
- Typeset Japanese with pdfLaTeX and CJK
- bxcjkjatype__source
- Typeset Japanese with pdfLaTeX and CJK
- bxcoloremoji
- Use color emojis more conveniently
- bxcoloremoji__doc
- Use color emojis more conveniently
- bxcoloremoji__source
- Use color emojis more conveniently
- bxdpx-beamer
- Dvipdfmx extras for use with beamer
- bxdvidriver
- Enables specifying a driver option effective only in DVI output
- bxeepic
- Eepic facilities using pict2e.
- bxenclose
- Enclose the document body with some pieces of code
- bxghost
- Ghost insertion for proper xkanjiskip
- bxghost__doc
- Ghost insertion for proper xkanjiskip
- bxjaholiday
- Support for Japanese holidays
- bxjaholiday__doc
- Support for Japanese holidays
- bxjaholiday__source
- Support for Japanese holidays
- bxjalipsum
- Dummy text in Japanese
- bxjalipsum__doc
- Dummy text in Japanese
- bxjaprnind
- Adjust the position of parentheses at paragraph head
- bxjaprnind__doc
- Adjust the position of parentheses at paragraph head
- bxjaprnind__source
- Adjust the position of parentheses at paragraph head
- bxjatoucs
- Convert Japanese character code to Unicode
- bxjatoucs__doc
- Convert Japanese character code to Unicode
- bxjscls
- Japanese document class collection for all major engines
- bxjscls__doc
- Japanese document class collection for all major engines
- bxjscls__source
- Japanese document class collection for all major engines
- bxnewfont
- Enhanced \newfont command
- bxorigcapt
- To retain the original caption names when using Babel
- bxorigcapt__doc
- To retain the original caption names when using Babel
- bxorigcapt__source
- To retain the original caption names when using Babel
- bxpapersize
- Synchronize output paper size with layout paper size
- bxpdfver
- Specify version and compression level of output PDF files
- bxpdfver__doc
- Specify version and compression level of output PDF files
- bxtexlogo
- Additional TeX-family logos
- bxtexlogo__doc
- Additional TeX-family logos
- bxtexlogo__source
- Additional TeX-family logos
- bxwareki
- Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender
- bxwareki__doc
- Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender
- bxwareki__source
- Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender
- byo-twemojis
- “Build Your Own Twemojis” with TikZ
- byrne
- This package provides a set of tools to typeset geometric proofs in the style of Oliver Byrne's 1847 ed. of Euclid's "Elements"
- byrne__doc
- This package provides a set of tools to typeset geometric proofs in the style of Oliver Byrne's 1847 ed. of Euclid's "Elements"
- byrne__source
- This package provides a set of tools to typeset geometric proofs in the style of Oliver Byrne's 1847 ed. of Euclid's "Elements"
- bytefield
- Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
- bytefield__doc
- Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
- bytefield__source
- Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
- byzantinemusic
- Facilitates writing byzantinemusic
- c-pascal
- Typeset C and Pascal programs.
- cabin
- A humanist Sans Serif font, with LaTeX support
- cabin__doc
- A humanist Sans Serif font, with LaTeX support
- cahierprof
- Schedule and grade books for French teachers
- cahierprof__doc
- Schedule and grade books for French teachers
- cahierprof__source
- Schedule and grade books for French teachers
- caladea
- Support for the Caladea family of fonts
- caladea__doc
- Support for the Caladea family of fonts
- calcage
- Calculate the age of something, in years.
- calcfrac
- Calculates the value of an expression containing fractions
- calcfrac__doc
- Calculates the value of an expression containing fractions
- calcfrac__source
- Calculates the value of an expression containing fractions
- calctab
- Language for numeric tables.
- calculation
- Typesetting reasoned calculations, also called calculational proofs.
- calculator
- Use LaTeX as a scientific calculator
- calculator__doc
- Use LaTeX as a scientific calculator
- calculator__source
- Use LaTeX as a scientific calculator
- calculatoritems__doc
- Insert menus/items for classic calculators
- calligra
- Calligraphic font.
- calligra-type1
- Type 1 version of Caliigra.
- callouts
- Put simple annotations and notes inside a picture
- calrsfs
- Nicer calligraphic letters.
- cals
- Multipage tables with wide range of features
- calxxxx-yyyy
- Print a calendar for a group of years
- calxxxx-yyyy__doc
- Print a calendar for a group of years
- calxxxx-yyyy__source
- Print a calendar for a group of years
- cancel
- Place lines through maths formulae.
- canoniclayout
- Create canonical page layouts with memoir
- canoniclayout__doc
- Create canonical page layouts with memoir
- canoniclayout__source
- Create canonical page layouts with memoir
- cantarell
- LaTeX support for the Cantarell font family
- capt-of
- Captions on more than floats.
- captcont
- captdef
- Declare free-standing \caption commands.
- caption
- Customising captions in floating environments
- caption__doc
- Customising captions in floating environments
- caption__source
- Customising captions in floating environments
- carbohydrates
- Carbohydrate molecules with chemfig
- carlisle
- David Carlisle’s small packages
- carlisle__doc
- David Carlisle’s small packages
- carlisle__source
- David Carlisle’s small packages
- carlito
- Support for Carlito sans-serif fonts
- carlito__doc
- Support for Carlito sans-serif fonts
- carolmin
- Carolingan Miniscule manuscript book-hand font
- carolmin-t1
- Adobe Type 1 format of Carolingian Minuscule fonts.
- cartonaugh
- A LuaLaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
- cartonaugh__doc
- A LuaLaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
- cartonaugh__source
- A LuaLaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
- cascade
- Constructions with braces to present mathematical demonstrations
- cascade__doc
- Constructions with braces to present mathematical demonstrations
- cascade__source
- Constructions with braces to present mathematical demonstrations
- cascadia-code
- The Cascadia Code font with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- cascadia-code__doc
- The Cascadia Code font with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- cascadiamono-otf
- Fontspec support for the OpenType font CascadiaMono
- cascadiamono-otf__doc
- Fontspec support for the OpenType font CascadiaMono
- cascadiamono-otf__source
- Fontspec support for the OpenType font CascadiaMono
- cascadilla
- Typeset papers conforming to the stylesheet of the Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
- cases
- Numbered cases environment
- casiofont
- Support for the Casio ClassWiz font
- casyl
- Typeset Cree/Inuktitut in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics.
- catalan
- Catalan hyphenation patterns.
- catchfile
- Catch an external file into a macro
- catchfilebetweentags
- Catch text delimited by docstrip tags.
- catcodes
- Generic handling of TeX category codes
- catechis
- Macros for typesetting catechisms
- catechis__doc
- Macros for typesetting catechisms
- catechis__source
- Macros for typesetting catechisms
- catoptions
- Preserving and recalling standard catcodes
- catoptions__doc
- Preserving and recalling standard catcodes
- catoptions__source
- Preserving and recalling standard catcodes
- catppuccinpalette
- Provides (x)colors of catppuccin theme
- catppuccinpalette__doc
- Provides (x)colors of catppuccin theme
- catppuccinpalette__source
- Provides (x)colors of catppuccin theme
- causets
- Draw causal set (Hasse) diagrams
- causets__doc
- Draw causal set (Hasse) diagrams
- causets__source
- Draw causal set (Hasse) diagrams
- cbcoptic
- Coptic fonts and LaTeX macros for general usage and for philology
- cbcoptic__doc
- Coptic fonts and LaTeX macros for general usage and for philology
- cbcoptic__source
- Coptic fonts and LaTeX macros for general usage and for philology
- cbfonts-fd
- LaTeX font description files for the CB Greek fonts
- cbgreek
- Complete set of Greek fonts.
- ccaption
- Continuation headings and legends for floats.
- ccfonts
- Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX
- ccfonts__doc
- Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX
- ccfonts__source
- Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX
- cchess
- Chinese chess
- ccicons
- LaTeX support for Creative Commons icons
- cclicences
- Typeset Creative Commons licenses logos.
- ccool
- A key-value document command parser
- ccool__doc
- A key-value document command parser
- ccool__source
- A key-value document command parser
- cd
- Typeset CD covers.
- cdcmd
- Expandable conditional commands for LaTeX
- cdcmd__doc
- Expandable conditional commands for LaTeX
- cdcmd__source
- Expandable conditional commands for LaTeX
- cdcover
- Typeset CD covers
- cdpbundl
- Business letters in the Italian style
- cell
- Bibliography style for Cell.
- cellprops
- Accept CSS-like selectors in tabular, array, …
- cellspace
- Ensure minimal spacing of table cells
- cellspace__doc
- Ensure minimal spacing of table cells
- cellspace__source
- Ensure minimal spacing of table cells
- cellular
- Cellular table construction
- cellwise
- Building tables one cell at a time.
- celtic
- A TikZ library for drawing celtic knots
- censor
- Tools for producing redacted documents
- censor__doc
- Tools for producing redacted documents
- centeredline
- A macro for centering lines
- centeredline__doc
- A macro for centering lines
- centerlastline
- Paragraphs with last line centered, known as “Spanish” paragraphs
- cesenaexam
- A class file to typeset exams
- cfr-initials
- LaTeX packages for use of initials.
- cfr-lm
- Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts
- cfr-lm__doc
- Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts
- cfr-lm__source
- Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts
- changebar
- Generate changebars in LaTeX documents
- changebar__doc
- Generate changebars in LaTeX documents
- changebar__source
- Generate changebars in LaTeX documents
- changelayout
- Change the layout of individual pages and their text.
- changelog
- Typesetting keepachangelog.com style changelogs
- changelog__doc
- Typesetting keepachangelog.com style changelogs
- changelog__source
- Typesetting keepachangelog.com style changelogs
- changepage
- Margin adjustment and detection of odd/even pages.
- changes
- Manual change markup
- changes__doc
- Manual change markup
- changes__source
- Manual change markup
- chappg
- Package for page numbering by chapter.
- chapterfolder
- Package for working with complicated folder structures.
- charissil
- CharisSIL fonts with support for all LaTeX engines
- charissil__doc
- CharisSIL fonts with support for all LaTeX engines
- charter
- Charter fonts.
- chbibref
- Change the Bibliography/References title.
- cheatsheet
- A simple cheatsheet class
- checkcites
- Check citation commands in a document
- checkcites__doc
- Check citation commands in a document
- checkcites__source
- Check citation commands in a document
- checkend
- Extend “improperly closed environment” messages
- chem-journal
- Various BibTeX formats for journals in Chemistry.
- chemarrow
- Arrows for use in chemistry
- chembst
- A collection of BibTeX files for chemistry journals.
- chemcompounds
- Simple consecutive numbering of chemical compounds.
- chemcono
- Support for compound numbers in chemistry documents
- chemexec
- Creating (chemical) exercise sheets.
- chemfig
- Draw molecules with easy syntax
- chemfig__doc
- Draw molecules with easy syntax
- chemfig__source
- Draw molecules with easy syntax
- chemformula
- Command for typesetting chemical formulas and reactions
- chemformula__doc
- Command for typesetting chemical formulas and reactions
- chemformula__source
- Command for typesetting chemical formulas and reactions
- chemformula-ru
- Using the chemformula package with babel-russian settings
- chemformula-ru__doc
- Using the chemformula package with babel-russian settings
- chemformula-ru__source
- Using the chemformula package with babel-russian settings
- chemgreek
- Upright Greek letters in chemistry
- chemmacros
- A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents
- chemmacros__doc
- A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents
- chemmacros__source
- A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents
- chemnum
- A method for numbering chemical compounds
- chemobabel
- Convert chemical structures from ChemDraw, MDL molfile or SMILES using Open Babel
- chemobabel__doc
- Convert chemical structures from ChemDraw, MDL molfile or SMILES using Open Babel
- chemobabel__source
- Convert chemical structures from ChemDraw, MDL molfile or SMILES using Open Babel
- chemplants
- Symbology to draw chemical plants with TikZ
- chemplants__doc
- Symbology to draw chemical plants with TikZ
- chemplants__source
- Symbology to draw chemical plants with TikZ
- chemschemex
- Typeset and cross-reference chemical schemes based on TikZ code
- chemsec
- Automated creation of numeric entity labels
- chemstyle
- Writing chemistry with style.
- chemsym
- Macros for typing chemical symbols.
- cherokee
- A font for the Cherokee script
- chess
- Fonts for typesetting chess boards
- chess-problem-diagrams
- A package for typesetting chess problem diagrams
- chess-problem-diagrams__doc
- A package for typesetting chess problem diagrams
- chess-problem-diagrams__source
- A package for typesetting chess problem diagrams
- chessboard
- Print chess boards
- chessboard__doc
- Print chess boards
- chessboard__source
- Print chess boards
- chessfss
- A package to handle chess fonts.
- chet
- LaTeX layout inspired by harvmac
- chextras
- A companion package for the Swiss typesetter
- chextras__doc
- A companion package for the Swiss typesetter
- chextras__source
- A companion package for the Swiss typesetter
- chhaya
- Linguistic glossing in Marathi language
- chhaya__doc
- Linguistic glossing in Marathi language
- chhaya__source
- Linguistic glossing in Marathi language
- chicago
- A bibliography style.
- chicago-annote
- Chicago-based annotated BibTeX style.
- chickenize
- Use lua callbacks for “interesting” textual effects
- chifoot
- Chicago-style footnote formatting
- childdoc
- Directly compile \include’d child documents
- chinese-jfm
- Luatexja-jfm files for Chinese typesetting
- chinesechess
- Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw
- chinesechess__doc
- Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw
- chinesechess__source
- Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw
- chivo
- Using the free Chivo fonts with LaTeX
- chivo__doc
- Using the free Chivo fonts with LaTeX
- chivo__source
- Using the free Chivo fonts with LaTeX
- chkfloat
- Warn whenever a float is placed “to far away”.
- chklref
- Check for problems with labels in LaTeX
- chktex
- Check for errors in LaTeX documents
- chletter
- Class for typesetting letters to Swiss rules.
- chngcntr
- Change the resetting of counters
- chordbars
- Print chord grids for pop/jazz tunes
- chordbars__doc
- Print chord grids for pop/jazz tunes
- chordbars__source
- Print chord grids for pop/jazz tunes
- chordbox
- Draw chord diagrams
- chroma
- chronology
- Provides a horizontal timeline
- chronology__doc
- Provides a horizontal timeline
- chronosys
- Drawing time-line diagrams
- chs-physics-report
- Physics lab reports for Carmel High School
- chscite
- Bibliography style for Chalmers University of Technology.
- churchslavonic
- Typeset documents in Church Slavonic language using Unicode
- churchslavonic__doc
- Typeset documents in Church Slavonic language using Unicode
- churchslavonic__source
- Typeset documents in Church Slavonic language using Unicode
- chuushaku
- Flexible book notes in Japanese
- chuushaku__doc
- Flexible book notes in Japanese
- chuushaku__source
- Flexible book notes in Japanese
- cidarticle
- A class for submissions to the “Commentarii informaticae didacticae” (CID)
- cidarticle__doc
- A class for submissions to the “Commentarii informaticae didacticae” (CID)
- cidarticle__source
- A class for submissions to the “Commentarii informaticae didacticae” (CID)
- cinzel
- LaTeX support for Cinzel and Cinzel Decorative fonts
- cinzel__doc
- LaTeX support for Cinzel and Cinzel Decorative fonts
- circ
- Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams.
- circle
- Maths mode circles for temporal logic.
- circledsteps
- Typeset circled numbers
- circledsteps__doc
- Typeset circled numbers
- circledtext
- Create circled text
- circledtext__doc
- Create circled text
- circledtext__source
- Create circled text
- circuitikz
- Draw electrical networks with TikZ
- circuitikz__doc
- Draw electrical networks with TikZ
- circularglyphs
- A circular glyphs alphabet
- circularglyphs__doc
- A circular glyphs alphabet
- circularglyphs__source
- A circular glyphs alphabet
- cirth
- Fonts for Cirth.
- citation-style-language
- Bibliography formatting with Citation Style Language
- citation-style-language__doc
- Bibliography formatting with Citation Style Language
- cite
- Improved citation handling in LaTeX.
- citeall
- Cite all entries of a bbl created with BibLaTeX
- citeref
- Add reference-page-list to bibliography-items
- cje
- LaTeX document class for CJE articles
- cje__doc
- LaTeX document class for CJE articles
- cje__source
- LaTeX document class for CJE articles
- cjhebrew
- Typeset Hebrew with LaTeX
- cjk
- CJK language support
- cjk__doc
- CJK language support
- cjk__source
- CJK language support
- cjk-fonts
- Chinese/Japanese/Korean bitmap fonts
- cjk-gs-integrate
- Tools to integrate CJK fonts into Ghostscript
- cjk-gs-integrate__doc
- Tools to integrate CJK fonts into Ghostscript
- cjk-gs-integrate__source
- Tools to integrate CJK fonts into Ghostscript
- cjk-ko
- Extension of the CJK package for Korean typesetting
- cjk-ko__doc
- Extension of the CJK package for Korean typesetting
- cjk-ko__source
- Extension of the CJK package for Korean typesetting
- cjkpunct
- Adjust locations and kerning of CJK punctuation marks
- cjs-rcs-article
- Article class for The Canadian Journal of Statistics
- cjs-rcs-article__doc
- Article class for The Canadian Journal of Statistics
- cjs-rcs-article__source
- Article class for The Canadian Journal of Statistics
- cjw
- Fonts and macros for typesetting CJK
- clara
- A serif font family
- classico
- URW Classico fonts
- classico__doc
- URW Classico fonts
- classics
- Cite classic works
- classicthesis
- A “classically styled” thesis package
- classicthesis__doc
- A “classically styled” thesis package
- classicthesis__source
- A “classically styled” thesis package
- classpack
- XML mastering for LaTeX classes and packages
- cleanthesis
- A clean LaTeX style for thesis documents
- clearsans
- Clear Sans fonts with LaTeX support
- clearsans__doc
- Clear Sans fonts with LaTeX support
- clefval
- Key/value support with a hash
- cleveref
- Intelligent cross-referencing
- cleveref-forward
- Forward-referencing functionality for cleveref
- cleveref-forward__doc
- Forward-referencing functionality for cleveref
- cleveref-usedon
- Adds forward-referencing functionality to the cleveref package
- cleveref-usedon__doc
- Adds forward-referencing functionality to the cleveref package
- cleveref-usedon__source
- Adds forward-referencing functionality to the cleveref package
- clicks
- Slide Deck Animation
- clicks__doc
- Slide Deck Animation
- clicks__source
- Slide Deck Animation
- clipboard
- Copy and paste into and across documents
- clistmap
- Map and iterate over LaTeX3 clists
- clistmap__doc
- Map and iterate over LaTeX3 clists
- clistmap__source
- Map and iterate over LaTeX3 clists
- clock
- Graphical and textual clocks for TeX and LaTeX
- cloze
- A LuaLaTeX package for creating cloze texts
- clrdblpg
- Control pagestyle of pages left blank by \cleardoublepage
- clrscode
- Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
- clrscode3e
- Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms.
- clrstrip
- Place contents into a full width colour strip
- clrstrip__doc
- Place contents into a full width colour strip
- clrstrip__source
- Place contents into a full width colour strip
- cluttex
- An automation tool for running LaTeX
- cluttex__doc
- An automation tool for running LaTeX
- cluttex__source
- An automation tool for running LaTeX
- cm
- Computer Modern fonts.
- cm-super
- CM-Super family of fonts
- cm-unicode
- Computer Modern Unicode font family.
- cmap
- Make PDF files searchable and copyable
- cmarrows
- MetaPost arrows and braces in the Computer Modern style.
- cmastro
- cmathbb
- Computer modern mathematical blackboard bold font
- cmbright
- Support for CM Bright fonts in LaTeX.
- cmcyr
- Computer Modern fonts with cyrillic extensions
- cmcyralt
- LaTeX support for the cmcyralt fonts
- cmdstring
- Get command name reliably.
- cmdtrack
- Check used commands.
- cmextra
- cmfrak
- Reencoded versions of Haralambous fraktur fonts
- cmll
- Symbols for linear logic.
- cmpica
- A Computer Modern Pica variant
- cmpj
- Style for the journal Condensed Matter Physics
- cmsd
- Interfaces to the CM Sans Serif Bold fonts
- cmsrb
- Computer Modern for Serbian and Macedonian
- cmtiup
- Upright punctuation with CM italic
- cmupint
- Upright integral symbols for Computer Modern
- cnbwp
- Typeset working papers of the Czech National Bank
- cnbwp__doc
- Typeset working papers of the Czech National Bank
- cnbwp__source
- Typeset working papers of the Czech National Bank
- cnltx
- LaTeX tools and documenting facilities
- cntdwn
- Support for countdowns, and for clocks in any timezone.
- cntformats
- A different way to read counters.
- cntperchap
- Store counter values per chapter.
- cochineal
- Cochineal fonts with LaTeX support
- cochineal__doc
- Cochineal fonts with LaTeX support
- cochineal__source
- Cochineal fonts with LaTeX support
- codeanatomy
- Typeset code with annotations
- codeanatomy__doc
- Typeset code with annotations
- codeanatomy__source
- Typeset code with annotations
- codebox
- Highlighted source code in a fancy box
- codebox__doc
- Highlighted source code in a fancy box
- codebox__source
- Highlighted source code in a fancy box
- codedescribe
- LaTeX code description and documentation
- codedescribe__doc
- LaTeX code description and documentation
- codedescribe__source
- LaTeX code description and documentation
- codedoc
- LaTeX code and documentation in LaTeX-format file.
- codehigh
- Highlight code and demos with l3regex and lpeg
- codehigh__doc
- Highlight code and demos with l3regex and lpeg
- codehigh__source
- Highlight code and demos with l3regex and lpeg
- codepage
- Support for variant code pages.
- codesection
- Provides an environment that may be conditionally included.
- codicefiscaleitaliano
- Test the consistency of the Italian personal Fiscal Code.
- coelacanth
- Coelacanth fonts with LaTeX support
- coelacanth__doc
- Coelacanth fonts with LaTeX support
- coffeestains
- Add coffee stains to documents
- coffeestains__doc
- Add coffee stains to documents
- coffeestains__source
- Add coffee stains to documents
- collargs
- Collect arguments of any command
- collargs__doc
- Collect arguments of any command
- collargs__source
- Collect arguments of any command
- collcell
- Collect contents of a tabular cell as argument to a macro.
- collectbox
- Collect and process macro arguments as boxes
- collectbox__doc
- Collect and process macro arguments as boxes
- collectbox__source
- Collect and process macro arguments as boxes
- collref
- Collect blocks of references into a single reference
- colophon
- Provides commands for producing a colophon
- color-edits
- Colorful edits for multiple authors of a shared document
- colorblind
- Easy colorblind-safe typesetting
- colorblind__doc
- Easy colorblind-safe typesetting
- colorblind__source
- Easy colorblind-safe typesetting
- colordoc
- Coloured syntax highlights in documentation.
- coloredbelts
- Insert colored belts in documents (to present skills, for example)
- coloredbelts__doc
- Insert colored belts in documents (to present skills, for example)
- coloredbelts__source
- Insert colored belts in documents (to present skills, for example)
- coloredtheorem
- A colourful boxed theorem environment
- coloredtheorem__doc
- A colourful boxed theorem environment
- coloredtheorem__source
- A colourful boxed theorem environment
- coloremoji
- Style package for directly including color emojis in LaTeX documents
- colorframed
- Fix color problems with the package “framed”
- colorframed__doc
- Fix color problems with the package “framed”
- colorframed__source
- Fix color problems with the package “framed”
- coloring
- Define missing colors by their names
- colorist
- Write your articles or books in a colorful way
- colorist__doc
- Write your articles or books in a colorful way
- colorist__source
- Write your articles or books in a colorful way
- colorprofiles
- Collection of free ICC profiles
- colorsep
- Color separation
- colorspace
- Provides PDF color spaces
- colortab
- Shade cells of tables and halign.
- colortbl
- Add colour to LaTeX tables
- colortbl__doc
- Add colour to LaTeX tables
- colortbl__source
- Add colour to LaTeX tables
- colorwav
- Colours by wavelength of visible light
- colorwav__doc
- Colours by wavelength of visible light
- colorwav__source
- Colours by wavelength of visible light
- colorweb
- Extend the color package colour space.
- colourchange
- colourchange
- combelow
- Typeset "comma-belo" letters, as in Romanian.
- combine
- Bundle individual documents into a single document.
- combinedgraphics
- Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations.
- combofont
- Add NFSS-declarations of combo fonts to LuaLaTeX documents
- comfortaa
- Sans serif font, with LaTeX support
- comicneue
- Use Comic Neue with TeX(-alike) systems
- comicsans
- Use Microsoft Comic Sans font.
- comma
- Formats a number by inserting commas.
- commado
- Expandable iteration on comma-separated and filename lists
- commalists-tools
- Manipulate numeral comma separated lists
- commalists-tools__doc
- Manipulate numeral comma separated lists
- commalists-tools__source
- Manipulate numeral comma separated lists
- commath
- Mathematics support.
- commedit
- Commented editions with LaTeX
- comment
- Selectively include/exclude portions of text
- committee-font
- A font designed by a committee
- commonunicode
- Convert common unicode symbols to LaTeX code
- commonunicode__doc
- Convert common unicode symbols to LaTeX code
- commonunicode__source
- Convert common unicode symbols to LaTeX code
- commutative-diagrams
- CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX
- commutative-diagrams__doc
- CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX
- compactbib
- Multiple thebibliography environments
- competences
- Track skills of classroom checks
- complexity
- Computational complexity class names
- complexpolylongdiv
- Typesetting (complex) polynomial long division
- complexpolylongdiv__doc
- Typesetting (complex) polynomial long division
- complexpolylongdiv__source
- Typesetting (complex) polynomial long division
- comprehensive
- Symbols accessible from LaTeX
- comprehensive__source
- Symbols accessible from LaTeX
- computational-complexity
- Class for the journal Computational Complexity
- concepts
- Keeping track of formal ‘concepts’ for a particular field.
- concmath
- Concrete Math fonts
- concmath-fonts
- Concrete mathematics fonts
- concmath-otf
- Concrete based OpenType Math font
- concmath-otf__doc
- Concrete based OpenType Math font
- concmath-otf__source
- Concrete based OpenType Math font
- concprog
- Concert programmes
- concrete
- Concrete Roman fonts
- conditext
- Define and manage conditional content
- confproc
- A set of tools for generating conference proceedings.
- constants
- Automatic numbering of constants.
- conteq
- Typeset multiline continued equalities.
- context-sudoku__doc
- Sudokus for ConTeXt
- context-sudoku__source
- Sudokus for ConTeXt
- continue
- Prints ‘continuation’ marks on pages of multipage documents
- contour
- Print a coloured contour around text.
- contracard
- Generate calling cards for dances
- contract
- Typeset formalized legal documents such as contracts, statutes, etc.
- contract__doc
- Typeset formalized legal documents such as contracts, statutes, etc.
- contract__source
- Typeset formalized legal documents such as contracts, statutes, etc.
- conv-xkv
- Create new key-value syntax
- convert-jpfonts
- Convert half-width Japanese to full-width beautifully
- convert-jpfonts__doc
- Convert half-width Japanese to full-width beautifully
- convert-jpfonts__source
- Convert half-width Japanese to full-width beautifully
- cooking
- Typeset recipes
- cooking-units
- Typeset and convert units for cookery books and recipes
- cooking-units__doc
- Typeset and convert units for cookery books and recipes
- cooking-units__source
- Typeset and convert units for cookery books and recipes
- cookingsymbols
- Symbols for recipes.
- cookybooky
- A LaTeX based package to easily typeset some professional looking cooking recipes.
- cool
- COntent-Oriented LaTeX
- cool__doc
- COntent-Oriented LaTeX
- cool__source
- COntent-Oriented LaTeX
- coolfn
- Typeset long legal footnotes
- coolfn__doc
- Typeset long legal footnotes
- coolfn__source
- Typeset long legal footnotes
- coollist
- Manipulate COntent Oriented LaTeX Lists
- coollist__doc
- Manipulate COntent Oriented LaTeX Lists
- coollist__source
- Manipulate COntent Oriented LaTeX Lists
- coolstr
- String manipulation in LaTeX.
- coolthms
- Reference items in a theorem environment.
- cooltooltips
- Associate a pop-up window and tooltip with PDF hyperlinks
- cooltooltips__doc
- Associate a pop-up window and tooltip with PDF hyperlinks
- cooltooltips__source
- Associate a pop-up window and tooltip with PDF hyperlinks
- coop-writing
- Support for Cooperative Writing and editorial comments
- coop-writing__doc
- Support for Cooperative Writing and editorial comments
- coop-writing__source
- Support for Cooperative Writing and editorial comments
- cooperhewitt
- LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX support for the Cooper Hewitt family of sans serif fonts
- cooperhewitt__doc
- LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX support for the Cooper Hewitt family of sans serif fonts
- coordsys
- copyedit
- Copyediting support for LaTeX documents.
- copyrightbox
- Provide copyright notices for images in a document.
- cora-macs
- Macros for continuous sets and neural networks in the context of cyber-physical systems
- cora-macs__doc
- Macros for continuous sets and neural networks in the context of cyber-physical systems
- cora-macs__source
- Macros for continuous sets and neural networks in the context of cyber-physical systems
- cormorantgaramond
- Cormorant Garamond family of fonts
- cormorantgaramond__doc
- Cormorant Garamond family of fonts
- correctmathalign
- correct spacing of the alignment in expressions
- corridx
- Add index entries to LaTeX document.
- coseoul
- Context sensitive outline elements
- couleurs-fr
- French version of colour definitions from xcolor
- couleurs-fr__doc
- French version of colour definitions from xcolor
- couleurs-fr__source
- French version of colour definitions from xcolor
- count1to
- Make use of count1 to count9
- count1to__doc
- Make use of count1 to count9
- count1to__source
- Make use of count1 to count9
- counterz
- Additional tools for counters
- counterz__doc
- Additional tools for counters
- counterz__source
- Additional tools for counters
- countriesofeurope
- A font with the images of the countries of Europe
- counttexruns
- Count compilations of a document.
- courier
- Adobe Type 1 "free" copies of Courier.
- courier-scaled
- Provides a scaled Courier font.
- courierten
- Courier 10 Pitch BT with LaTeX support
- courseoutline
- coursepaper
- coverpage
- Automatic cover page creation for scientific papers (with BibTeX data and copyright notice).
- covington
- LaTeX macros for Linguistics
- covington__doc
- LaTeX macros for Linguistics
- covington__source
- LaTeX macros for Linguistics
- cprotect
- Allow verbatim, etc., in macro arguments.
- cprotectinside
- Use cprotect arbitrarily nested
- cprotectinside__doc
- Use cprotect arbitrarily nested
- cprotectinside__source
- Use cprotect arbitrarily nested
- cpssp
- Draw protein secondary structures.
- cqubeamer
- LaTeX Beamer Template for Chongqing University
- cquthesis
- LaTeX Thesis Template for Chongqing University
- crbox
- Boxes with crossed corners.
- create-theorem
- Initializing and configuring theorem-like environments, with multilingual support
- create-theorem__doc
- Initializing and configuring theorem-like environments, with multilingual support
- create-theorem__source
- Initializing and configuring theorem-like environments, with multilingual support
- creationboites
- Macros to create simple tcolorbox with some customizations
- creationboites__doc
- Macros to create simple tcolorbox with some customizations
- creationboites__source
- Macros to create simple tcolorbox with some customizations
- crefthe
- Cross referencing with proper definite articles and declensions
- crefthe__doc
- Cross referencing with proper definite articles and declensions
- crefthe__source
- Cross referencing with proper definite articles and declensions
- crimson
- Crimson fonts with LaTeX support
- crimson__doc
- Crimson fonts with LaTeX support
- crimsonpro
- CrimsonPro fonts with LaTeX support
- crimsonpro__doc
- CrimsonPro fonts with LaTeX support
- croatian
- Fonts for Croatian Glagolitic and other Croatian scripts.
- crop
- Support for cropmarks
- crossrefenum
- Smart typesetting of enumerated cross-references for various TeX formats
- crossrefenum__doc
- Smart typesetting of enumerated cross-references for various TeX formats
- crossrefenum__source
- Smart typesetting of enumerated cross-references for various TeX formats
- crossreference
- Crossreferences within documents
- crossreftools
- Expandable extraction of cleveref data
- crossrefware
- Scripts for working with crossref.org
- crossrefware__doc
- Scripts for working with crossref.org
- crossrefware__source
- Scripts for working with crossref.org
- crossword
- Typeset crossword puzzles
- crossword__doc
- Typeset crossword puzzles
- crossword__source
- Typeset crossword puzzles
- crosswrd
- crumbs
- Add a Navigation Path to the page header
- crumbs__doc
- Add a Navigation Path to the page header
- crumbs__source
- Add a Navigation Path to the page header
- cryptocode
- Typesetting pseudocode, protocols, game-based proofs and black-box reductions in cryptography
- cryptocode__doc
- Typesetting pseudocode, protocols, game-based proofs and black-box reductions in cryptography
- cryptocode__source
- Typesetting pseudocode, protocols, game-based proofs and black-box reductions in cryptography
- cryst
- Font for graphical symbols used in crystallography.
- cs-techrep
- Technical Reports in Computer Science and Software Engineering
- cs-techrep__doc
- Technical Reports in Computer Science and Software Engineering
- cs-techrep__source
- Technical Reports in Computer Science and Software Engineering
- csassignments
- A wrapper for article with macros and customizations for computer science assignments
- csassignments__doc
- A wrapper for article with macros and customizations for computer science assignments
- csassignments__source
- A wrapper for article with macros and customizations for computer science assignments
- csbulletin
- LaTeX class for articles submitted to the CSTUG Bulletin (Zpravodaj)
- csbulletin__doc
- LaTeX class for articles submitted to the CSTUG Bulletin (Zpravodaj)
- csbulletin__source
- LaTeX class for articles submitted to the CSTUG Bulletin (Zpravodaj)
- csfonts
- Czech/Slovak-tuned Computer Modern fonts
- csfonts-t1
- Czech/Slovak tuned CM fonts in Type 1 format
- cslatex
- LaTeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting.
- csplain
- Plain TeX multilanguage support
- csplain__doc
- Plain TeX multilanguage support
- csplain__source
- Plain TeX multilanguage support
- cspsfonts
- Czech/Slovakian PostScript font support.
- csquotes
- Context sensitive quotation facilities
- csquotes__doc
- Context sensitive quotation facilities
- css-colors
- Named colors for web-safe design
- csthm
- Customized theorem environments for computer science documents
- csthm__doc
- Customized theorem environments for computer science documents
- csthm__source
- Customized theorem environments for computer science documents
- cstypo
- Czech typography rules enforced through LuaTeX hooks
- csvmerge
- Merge TeX code with csv data
- csvsimple
- Simple CSV file processing
- csvsimple__doc
- Simple CSV file processing
- csvtools
- Reading data from CSV files
- ctable
- Flexible typesetting of table and figure floats using key/value directives
- ctablestack
- Catcode table stable support
- ctan-o-mat
- Upload or validate a package for CTAN
- ctanbib
- Export CTAN entries to bib format
- ctanbib__doc
- Export CTAN entries to bib format
- ctanbib__source
- Export CTAN entries to bib format
- ctanify
- Prepare a package for upload to CTAN
- ctanupload
- Support for users uploading to CTAN.
- ctex
- LaTeX classes and packages for Chinese typesetting
- ctex__doc
- LaTeX classes and packages for Chinese typesetting
- ctex__source
- LaTeX classes and packages for Chinese typesetting
- ctib
- cuisine
- Typeset recipes.
- culmus
- Hebrew fonts from the Culmus project
- culmus__doc
- Hebrew fonts from the Culmus project
- culmus__source
- Hebrew fonts from the Culmus project
- cuprum
- Cuprum font family support for LaTeX
- currency
- Format currencies in a consistent way
- currfile
- Provide file name and path of input files
- currfile__doc
- Provide file name and path of input files
- currfile__source
- Provide file name and path of input files
- curriculum-vitae
- Lightweight class for CVs
- curriculum-vitae__doc
- Lightweight class for CVs
- currvita
- Typeset a curriculum vitae
- cursor
- Draw a cursor in an equation
- curve
- A LaTeX2e class for making curriculum vitae.
- curve2e
- Extensions for package pict2e
- curve2e__doc
- Extensions for package pict2e
- curve2e__source
- Extensions for package pict2e
- curves
- Curves for LaTeX picture environment
- custom-bib
- Customised BibTeX styles.
- customdice
- Simple commands for drawing customisable dice
- customdice__doc
- Simple commands for drawing customisable dice
- customdice__source
- Simple commands for drawing customisable dice
- customenvs__doc
- Custom environments (MCQ, list with picked items, ...)
- customenvs__source
- Custom environments (MCQ, list with picked items, ...)
- cutwin
- Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it
- cutwin__doc
- Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it
- cutwin__source
- Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it
- cv
- A package for creating a curriculum vitae
- cv4tw
- LaTeX CV class, with extended details.
- cvss
- Compute and display CVSS base scores
- cvss__doc
- Compute and display CVSS base scores
- cvss__source
- Compute and display CVSS base scores
- cvsty
- Yet another style for easy CV pagination.
- cweb
- CWEB for ANSI-C/C++ compilers
- cyber
- Annotate compliance with cybersecurity requirements
- cybercic
- “Controls in Contents” for the cyber package.
- cyklop
- The Cyclop typeface.
- cyrillic
- Support for Cyrillic fonts in LaTeX
- cyrillic__doc
- Support for Cyrillic fonts in LaTeX
- cyrillic__source
- Support for Cyrillic fonts in LaTeX
- cyrillic-modern
- Slightly modified computer modern fonts with Cyrillics
- cyrillic-modern__doc
- Slightly modified computer modern fonts with Cyrillics
- cyrillic-modern__source
- Slightly modified computer modern fonts with Cyrillics
- dad
- Simple typesetting system for mixed Arabic/Latin documents
- dancers
- Font for Conan Doyle’s “The Dancing Men”
- dantelogo
- A font for DANTE's logo
- darkmode
- General Dark Mode Support for LaTeX-Documents
- darkmode__doc
- General Dark Mode Support for LaTeX-Documents
- darkmode__source
- General Dark Mode Support for LaTeX-Documents
- dashbox
- Draw dashed boxes.
- dashrule
- Draw dashed rules.
- dashrulex__doc
- Draw dashed rules
- dashundergaps
- Produce gaps that are underlined, dotted or dashed
- dataref
- Manage references to experimental data
- dataref__doc
- Manage references to experimental data
- dataref__source
- Manage references to experimental data
- datatool
- Tools to load and manipulate data
- datax
- Import individual data from script files
- datax__doc
- Import individual data from script files
- datax__source
- Import individual data from script files
- dateiliste
- Extensions of the \listfiles concept.
- datenumber
- Convert a date into a number and vice versa
- datenumber__doc
- Convert a date into a number and vice versa
- datenumber__source
- Convert a date into a number and vice versa
- datepicker-pro
- Create a popup datepicker using SWF
- datestamp
- Fixed date-stamps with LuaLaTeX
- datestamp__doc
- Fixed date-stamps with LuaLaTeX
- datestamp__source
- Fixed date-stamps with LuaLaTeX
- datetime
- Change format of \today with commands for current time.
- datetime2
- Formats for dates, times and time zones
- datetime2-bahasai
- Bahasai language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-basque
- Basque language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-breton
- Breton language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-bulgarian
- Bulgarian language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-catalan
- Catalan language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-croatian
- croatian language module for the datetime2 package.
- datetime2-czech
- Czech language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-danish
- Danish language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-dutch
- Dutch language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-en-fulltext
- English Full Text styles for the datetime2 package.
- datetime2-english
- English language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-esperanto
- Esperanto language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-estonian
- Estonian language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-finnish
- Finnish language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-french
- French language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-galician
- Galician language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-german
- German language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-greek
- Greek language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-hebrew
- Hebrew language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-icelandic
- Icelandic language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-icelandic__doc
- Icelandic language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-icelandic__source
- Icelandic language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-irish
- Irish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package
- datetime2-it-fulltext
- Italian full text styles for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-italian
- Italian language module for the datetime2 package.
- datetime2-latin
- Latin language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-lsorbian
- Lower Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package.
- datetime2-magyar
- Magyar language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-norsk
- Norsk language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-polish
- Polish language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-portuges
- Portuguese language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-romanian
- Romanian language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-russian
- Russian language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-samin
- Northern Sami language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-scottish
- Scottish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package
- datetime2-serbian
- Serbian language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-slovak
- Slovak language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-slovene
- Slovene language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-spanish
- Spanish language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-swedish
- swedish language module for the datetime2 package.
- datetime2-turkish
- Turkish language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-ukrainian
- Ukrainian language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-usorbian
- Upper Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package
- datetime2-welsh
- Welsh language module for the datetime2 package
- dblfloatfix
- Fixes for twocolumn floats.
- dbshow
- A package to store and display data with custom filters, orders, and styles
- dbshow__doc
- A package to store and display data with custom filters, orders, and styles
- dbshow__source
- A package to store and display data with custom filters, orders, and styles
- dccpaper
- Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
- dccpaper__doc
- Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
- dccpaper__source
- Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
- dcpic
- Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents.
- ddphonism
- Dodecaphonic diagrams: twelve-tone matrices, clock diagrams, etc.
- de-macro
- Expand private macros in a document
- debate
- Debates between reviewers
- debate__doc
- Debates between reviewers
- debate__source
- Debates between reviewers
- decimal
- LaTeX package for the English raised decimal point.
- decimalcomma
- Comma for decimal numbers
- decimalcomma__doc
- Comma for decimal numbers
- decimalcomma__source
- Comma for decimal numbers
- decision-table
- An easy way to create Decision Model and Notation decision tables
- decision-table__doc
- An easy way to create Decision Model and Notation decision tables
- decision-table__source
- An easy way to create Decision Model and Notation decision tables
- decorule
- Decorative swelled rule using font character
- defoldfonts
- Define old font commands
- defoldfonts__doc
- Define old font commands
- defoldfonts__source
- Define old font commands
- dehyph
- German hyphenation patterns for traditional orthography
- dehyph-exptl
- Experimental hyphenation patterns for the German language
- dehyph-exptl__doc
- Experimental hyphenation patterns for the German language
- dehyph-exptl__source
- Experimental hyphenation patterns for the German language
- dejavu
- LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts.
- dejavu-math
- OpenType maths fonts for DejaVu Serif.
- dejavu-otf
- Support for the ttf and otf DejaVu fonts
- dejavu-otf__doc
- Support for the ttf and otf DejaVu fonts
- dejavu-otf__source
- Support for the ttf and otf DejaVu fonts
- delim
- delimseasy
- Delimiter commands that are easy to use and resize
- delimset
- Typeset and declare sets of delimiters with convenient size control
- delimset__doc
- Typeset and declare sets of delimiters with convenient size control
- delimset__source
- Typeset and declare sets of delimiters with convenient size control
- democodetools
- Package for LaTeX code documentation
- democodetools__doc
- Package for LaTeX code documentation
- democodetools__source
- Package for LaTeX code documentation
- denisbdoc
- A personal dirty package for documenting packages
- denisbdoc__doc
- A personal dirty package for documenting packages
- denisbdoc__source
- A personal dirty package for documenting packages
- derivative
- Nice and easy derivatives
- derivative__doc
- Nice and easy derivatives
- derivative__source
- Nice and easy derivatives
- designcon
- Develop DesignCon papers.
- devanagari
- Typeset Devanagari
- devanagari-omega
- Typeset Devanagari with Omega.
- dhua
- German abbreviations using thin space.
- diabetes-logbook
- A logbook for people with type one diabetes
- diadia
- Package to keep a diabetes diary.
- diagbox
- Table heads with diagonal lines
- diagmac
- A diagram drawing package.
- diagmac2
- diagnose
- A diagnostic tool for a TeX installation
- diagxy
- Diagram macros by Michael Barr
- dialogl
- Macros for constructing interactive LaTeX scripts.
- dice
- A font for die faces
- dichokey
- Construct dichotomous identification keys.
- dickimaw
- Books and tutorials from the “Dickimaw LaTeX Series”.
- dictsym
- DictSym font and macro package
- dictsym__doc
- DictSym font and macro package
- dictsym__source
- DictSym font and macro package
- didactic
- Tools for writing teaching material
- didactic__doc
- Tools for writing teaching material
- didactic__source
- Tools for writing teaching material
- didec
- Fixed-point arithmetic with two decimal places
- didec__doc
- Fixed-point arithmetic with two decimal places
- didec__source
- Fixed-point arithmetic with two decimal places
- diffcoeff
- Write differential coefficients easily and consistently
- diffcoeff__doc
- Write differential coefficients easily and consistently
- diffcoeff__source
- Write differential coefficients easily and consistently
- digestif
- Editor plugin for LaTeX, ConTeXt etc.
- digestif__doc
- Editor plugin for LaTeX, ConTeXt etc.
- digestif__source
- Editor plugin for LaTeX, ConTeXt etc.
- digicap-pro
- Creates captions to digital photos
- digiconfigs
- Writing "configurations"
- dijkstra
- Dijkstra algorithm for LaTeX
- dijkstra__doc
- Dijkstra algorithm for LaTeX
- dijkstra__source
- Dijkstra algorithm for LaTeX
- dimnum
- Commands for dimensionless numbers
- din1505
- Bibliography styles for German texts
- dinat
- Bibliography style for German texts
- dinbrief
- German letter DIN style
- dingbat
- Two dingbat symbol fonts
- directory
- Address book.
- dirtree
- Display trees in the style of windows explorer.
- dirtytalk
- A package to typeset quotations easier
- dirtytalk__doc
- A package to typeset quotations easier
- dirtytalk__source
- A package to typeset quotations easier
- disser
- Class and templates for typesetting dissertations in Russian
- ditaa
- Use ditaa diagrams within LaTeX documents
- dithesis
- Thesis class for undergraduate theses at the University of Athens.
- dk-bib
- Danish variants of standard BibTeX styles.
- dlfltxb
- Macros related to "Introdktion til LaTeX".
- dnaseq
- Format DNA base sequences
- docassembly
- Use the Acrobat JavaScript API
- docassembly__doc
- Use the Acrobat JavaScript API
- docassembly__source
- Use the Acrobat JavaScript API
- doclicense
- Support for putting documents under a license
- doclicense__doc
- Support for putting documents under a license
- doclicense__source
- Support for putting documents under a license
- docmfp
- Document non-LaTeX code.
- docmute
- Input files ignoring LaTeX preamble, etc.
- docshots
- TeX samples next to their PDF snapshots
- docshots__doc
- TeX samples next to their PDF snapshots
- docshots__source
- TeX samples next to their PDF snapshots
- docsurvey
- A survey of LaTeX documentation
- docsurvey__source
- A survey of LaTeX documentation
- doctools
- Tools for the documentation of LaTeX code.
- documentation
- Documentation support for C, Java and assembler code.
- docutils
- Helper commands and element definitions for Docutils LaTeX output
- dogma
- Metrics and LaTeX support for Dogma Font From Emigre Graphics.
- doi
- Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers
- doibanner
- Generate DOI banners and links
- doibanner__doc
- Generate DOI banners and links
- doibanner__source
- Generate DOI banners and links
- doipubmed
- Special commands for use in bibliographies.
- domaincoloring
- Draw colored represenations of complex functions
- domaincoloring__doc
- Draw colored represenations of complex functions
- domaincoloring__source
- Draw colored represenations of complex functions
- domitian
- Drop-in replacement for Palatino
- dosepsbin
- Deal with DOS binary EPS files.
- dot2texi
- Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool.
- dotarrow
- Extendable dotted arrows.
- dotlessi
- Provides dotless i’s and j’s for use in any math font
- dotseqn
- Flush left equations with dotted leaders to the numbers
- dottex
- Use dot code in LaTeX.
- doublestroke
- Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols
- doulossil
- A font for typesetting the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
- dowith
- Apply a command to a list of items
- download
- Allow LaTeX to download files using an external process
- dox
- Extend the doc package
- dozenal
- Typeset documents using base twelve numbering (also called "dozenal")
- dpcircling
- Decorated text boxes using TikZ
- dpfloat
- Support for double-page floats.
- dprogress
- LaTeX-relevant log information for debugging.
- dps
- Create a "matching" game with a hidden message
- drac
- Declare active character substitution, robustly.
- draftcopy
- Identify draft copies
- draftfigure
- Replace figures with a white box and additional features.
- draftmark
- Put draft marks on selected pages.
- draftwatermark
- Put a grey textual watermark on document pages
- draftwatermark__doc
- Put a grey textual watermark on document pages
- draftwatermark__source
- Put a grey textual watermark on document pages
- dramatist
- Typeset dramas, both in verse and in prose.
- dratex
- General drawing macros entirely in TeX.
- drawing-with-metapost
- How to draw technical diagrams with MetaPost
- drawing-with-metapost__source
- How to draw technical diagrams with MetaPost
- drawmatrix
- Draw visual representations of matrices in LaTeX
- drawstack
- Draw execution stacks.
- drm
- A complete family of fonts written in Metafont
- droid
- LaTeX support for the Droid font families
- droit-fr
- Document class and bibliographic style for French law
- drs
- Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS).
- drv
- Derivation trees with MetaPost.
- dsptricks
- Macros for Digital Signal Processing plots
- dsptricks__doc
- Macros for Digital Signal Processing plots
- dsptricks__source
- Macros for Digital Signal Processing plots
- dsserif
- A double-struck serifed font for mathematical use
- dsserif__doc
- A double-struck serifed font for mathematical use
- dsserif__source
- A double-struck serifed font for mathematical use
- dtk
- Document class for the journal of DANTE
- dtk__doc
- Document class for the journal of DANTE
- dtk-bibliography
- Bibliography of “Die TeXnische Komödie”
- dtk-bibliography__source
- Bibliography of “Die TeXnische Komödie”
- dtxdescribe
- Describe additional object types in dtx source files
- dtxdescribe__doc
- Describe additional object types in dtx source files
- dtxdescribe__source
- Describe additional object types in dtx source files
- dtxgen
- Creates a template for a self-extracting .dtx file
- dtxtut
- Tutorial on writing .dtx and .ins files
- dtxtut__source
- Tutorial on writing .dtx and .ins files
- ducksay
- Draw ASCII art of animals saying a specified message
- ducksay__doc
- Draw ASCII art of animals saying a specified message
- ducksay__source
- Draw ASCII art of animals saying a specified message
- duckuments
- Create duckified dummy content
- duerer
- Computer Duerer fonts.
- duerer-latex
- LaTeX support for the Duerer fonts.
- duotenzor
- Drawing package for circuit and duotensor diagrams.
- dutchcal
- A reworking of ESSTIX13, adding a bold version.
- dvdcoll
- A class for typesetting DVD archives
- dvgloss
- Facilities for setting interlinear glossed text.
- dviasm
- A utility for editing DVI files
- dviasm__doc
- A utility for editing DVI files
- dviincl
- A tiny package for including a DVI page into the EPS files generated by METAPOST.
- dviinfox
- Perl script to print DVI meta information
- dvipdfmx
- An extended version of dvipdfm
- dvips
- A DVI to PostScript driver
- dynamicnumber
- Dynamically typeset numbers and values in LaTeX through “symbolic links”
- dynblocks
- A simple way to create dynamic blocks for Beamer.
- dynbrackets
- Commands to simplify the syntax of dynamic math brackets
- dynkin-diagrams
- Draw Dynkin, Coxeter, and Satake diagrams using TikZ
- dynkin-diagrams__doc
- Draw Dynkin, Coxeter, and Satake diagrams using TikZ
- dynkin-diagrams__source
- Draw Dynkin, Coxeter, and Satake diagrams using TikZ
- dyntree
- Construct Dynkin tree diagrams
- dyntree__doc
- Construct Dynkin tree diagrams
- dyntree__source
- Construct Dynkin tree diagrams
- e-french
- Comprehensive LaTeX support for French-language typesetting
- ean
- Macros for making EAN barcodes
- ean13isbn
- Print EAN13 for ISBN
- easing
- easing functions for pgfmath
- easing__doc
- easing functions for pgfmath
- easing__source
- easing functions for pgfmath
- easy
- A collection of easy-to-use macros.
- easy-todo
- To-do notes in a document.
- easybook
- Easily typesetting Chinese theses or books
- easybook__doc
- Easily typesetting Chinese theses or books
- easybook__source
- Easily typesetting Chinese theses or books
- easydtx
- A simplified DTX format
- easydtx__doc
- A simplified DTX format
- easyfig
- Simplifying the use of common figures
- easyfloats
- An easier interface to insert figures, tables and other objects in LaTeX
- easyfloats__doc
- An easier interface to insert figures, tables and other objects in LaTeX
- easyfloats__source
- An easier interface to insert figures, tables and other objects in LaTeX
- easyformat
- Easily add boldface, italics and smallcaps
- easylist
- Lists using a single active character.
- easyreview
- Package to provide a way to review (or perform editorial process) in LaTeX
- ebezier
- Device independent picture enhancement
- ebgaramond
- LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts
- ebgaramond__doc
- LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts
- ebgaramond-maths
- LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts in mathematics
- ebook
- ebproof
- Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus
- ebsthesis
- ec
- Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings.
- ecards
- Electronic flash cards
- ecc
- Sources for the European Concrete fonts
- ecclesiastic
- Typesetting Ecclesiastic Latin
- ecgdraw
- draws electrocardiograms (ECG)
- ecltree
- Trees using epic and eepic macros.
- eco
- Oldstyle numerals using EC fonts
- ecobiblatex
- Global Ecology and Biogeography BibLaTeX styles for the Biber backend
- econ-bst
- BibTeX style for economics papers
- econ-bst__doc
- BibTeX style for economics papers
- econ-bst__source
- BibTeX style for economics papers
- econlipsum
- Generate sentences from economic articles
- econometrics
- defines some commands that simplify mathematic notation in economic and econometric writing
- economic
- BibTeX support for submitting to Economics journals
- ecothesis
- LaTeX thesis template for the Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Brazil
- ecv
- A fancy Curriculum Vitae class.
- eczar
- A font family supporting Devanagari and Latin script
- ed
- Editorial Notes for LaTeX documents.
- edfnotes
- Line number the notes of critical editions.
- edichokey
- Typeset dichotomous identification keys
- edmac
- Typeset scholarly edition.
- edmargin
- Multiple series of endnotes for critical editions.
- edmaths
- A report and thesis class file for the University of Edinburgh (UoE)
- edmaths__doc
- A report and thesis class file for the University of Edinburgh (UoE)
- edmaths__source
- A report and thesis class file for the University of Edinburgh (UoE)
- ednotes
- Typeset scholarly editions
- eemeir
- eepic
- Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools.
- efbox
- Extension of \fbox, with controllable frames and colours.
- egameps
- LaTeX style for typesetting extensive games, using PSTricks macros
- egothic
- Early Gothic manuscript book-hand font
- egpeirce__doc
- Draw existential graphs invented by Charles S. Peirce
- egpeirce__source
- Draw existential graphs invented by Charles S. Peirce
- egplot
- Encapsulate Gnuplot sources in LaTeX documents
- ehhline
- Extend the \hhline command
- eiad
- Traditional style Irish fonts.
- eijkhout
- einfart
- Write your articles in a simple and clear way
- einfart__doc
- Write your articles in a simple and clear way
- einfart__source
- Write your articles in a simple and clear way
- ejpecp
- Class for EJP and ECP
- ejpecp__doc
- Class for EJP and ECP
- ejpecp__source
- Class for EJP and ECP
- ekaia
- Article format for publishing the Basque Country Science and Technology Journal "Ekaia"
- ekdosis
- Typesetting TEI-xml compliant Critical Editions
- ekdosis__doc
- Typesetting TEI-xml compliant Critical Editions
- ekdosis__source
- Typesetting TEI-xml compliant Critical Editions
- ektype-tanka
- Devanagari fonts by EkType
- elbioimp
- A LaTeX document class for the Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance.
- electrumadf
- Electrum ADF fonts collection
- electrumadf__doc
- Electrum ADF fonts collection
- electrumadf__source
- Electrum ADF fonts collection
- eledform
- Define textual variants
- eledmac
- Typeset scholarly editions
- elegantbook
- An Elegant LaTeX Template for Books
- elegantbook__doc
- An Elegant LaTeX Template for Books
- elegantbook__source
- An Elegant LaTeX Template for Books
- elegantnote
- Elegant LaTeX Template for Notes
- elegantnote__doc
- Elegant LaTeX Template for Notes
- elegantnote__source
- Elegant LaTeX Template for Notes
- elegantpaper
- An Elegant LaTeX Template for Working Papers
- elegantpaper__doc
- An Elegant LaTeX Template for Working Papers
- elegantpaper__source
- An Elegant LaTeX Template for Working Papers
- elements
- Provides properties of chemical elements
- elements__doc
- Provides properties of chemical elements
- elements__source
- Provides properties of chemical elements
- elhyphen
- Hyphenation for Greek text
- elhyphen__doc
- Hyphenation for Greek text
- elhyphen__source
- Hyphenation for Greek text
- ellipse
- Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e picture environment
- ellipsis
- Fix uneven spacing around ellipses in LaTeX text mode
- elmath
- Mathematics in Greek texts.
- elocalloc
- Local allocation macros for LaTeX 2015
- elpres
- A simple class for electronic presentations
- elpres__doc
- A simple class for electronic presentations
- elpres__source
- A simple class for electronic presentations
- els-cas-templates
- Elsevier updated LaTeX templates
- els-cas-templates__doc
- Elsevier updated LaTeX templates
- els-cas-templates__source
- Elsevier updated LaTeX templates
- elsarticle
- Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals
- elsarticle__doc
- Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals
- elsarticle__source
- Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals
- elsevier
- Classes for Elsevier Science journals.
- elsevier-bib
- BibTeX styles to be used in Elsevier preprints.
- elteiktdk
- TDK-thesis template for Hungarian TDK conferences, Section of Computer Science
- elteiktdk__doc
- TDK-thesis template for Hungarian TDK conferences, Section of Computer Science
- elteiktdk__source
- TDK-thesis template for Hungarian TDK conferences, Section of Computer Science
- elteikthesis
- Thesis template for Eötvös Loránd University (Informatics)
- elteikthesis__doc
- Thesis template for Eötvös Loránd University (Informatics)
- elteikthesis__source
- Thesis template for Eötvös Loránd University (Informatics)
- eltex
- Simple circuit diagrams in LaTeX picture mode.
- elvish
- Fonts for typesetting Tolkien Elvish scripts
- elzcards
- Typeset business cards, index cards and flash cards easily
- emarks
- Named mark registers with e-TeX.
- embedall
- Embed source files into the generated PDF
- embedfile
- Embed files into PDF
- embedfile__doc
- Embed files into PDF
- embedfile__source
- Embed files into PDF
- embrac
- Upright brackets in emphasised text
- emerald
- Support for the free emerald city fontwerks fonts
- emf
- Support for the EMF symbol
- emisa
- A LaTeX package for preparing manuscripts for the journal EMISA
- emisa__doc
- A LaTeX package for preparing manuscripts for the journal EMISA
- emisa__source
- A LaTeX package for preparing manuscripts for the journal EMISA
- emo
- Emoji for all (LaTeX engines)
- emo__doc
- Emoji for all (LaTeX engines)
- emo__source
- Emoji for all (LaTeX engines)
- emoji
- Emoji support in (Lua)LaTeX
- emoji__doc
- Emoji support in (Lua)LaTeX
- emojicite
- Add emojis to citations
- emotion
- Make emojis more easy to use in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- emotion__doc
- Make emojis more easy to use in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- emotion__source
- Make emojis more easy to use in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- emp
- "Encapsulate" MetaPost figures in a document
- emptypage
- Make empty pages really empty.
- emulateapj
- Produce output similar to that of APJ.
- enctex
- A TeX extension that translates input on its way into TeX.
- enctex__doc
- A TeX extension that translates input on its way into TeX.
- encxvlna
- Insert nonbreakable spaces, using encTeX.
- endfloat
- Move floats to the end, leaving markers where they belong
- endheads
- Running headers of the form "Notes to pp.xx-yy"
- endiagram
- Easy creation of potential energy curve diagrams.
- endnotes
- Place footnotes at the end
- endnotes-hy
- Patches the endnotes package to create hypertext links to the correct anchors
- endnotesj
- Japanese-style endnotes
- endofproofwd
- An “end of proof” sign
- engpron
- engrec
- engtlc
- Support for users in Telecommunications Engineering.
- enigma
- Encrypt documents with a three rotor Enigma.
- enotez
- Support for end-notes
- enotez__doc
- Support for end-notes
- enotez__source
- Support for end-notes
- enpassant
- Enpassant chess font support.
- ensps-colorscheme
- Color palette and styling of ENS Paris-Saclay
- ensps-colorscheme__doc
- Color palette and styling of ENS Paris-Saclay
- ensps-colorscheme__source
- Color palette and styling of ENS Paris-Saclay
- enumext
- Enumerate exercise sheets
- enumext__doc
- Enumerate exercise sheets
- enumext__source
- Enumerate exercise sheets
- enumitem__doc
- Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description
- enumitem-zref
- Extended references to items for enumitem package.
- envbig
- Printing addresses on envelopes.
- enverb
- Read an environment verbatim
- enverb__doc
- Read an environment verbatim
- enverb__source
- Read an environment verbatim
- environ
- A new interface for environments in LaTeX
- environ__doc
- A new interface for environments in LaTeX
- environ__source
- A new interface for environments in LaTeX
- envlab
- Facilates addressing envelopes or mailing labels.
- eolang
- Formulas and graphs for the EO programming language
- eolang__doc
- Formulas and graphs for the EO programming language
- eolang__source
- Formulas and graphs for the EO programming language
- epcqrcode
- Generate valid EPC QR codes
- epcqrcode__doc
- Generate valid EPC QR codes
- epcqrcode__source
- Generate valid EPC QR codes
- epic
- Enhance LaTeX picture mode.
- epigrafica
- A Greek and Latin font
- epigraph
- A package for typesetting epigraphs
- epigraph-keys
- Epigraphs using key values
- epiolmec
- Typesetting the Epi-Olmec Language.
- eplain
- Extended plain TeX macros
- eplain__doc
- Extended plain TeX macros
- eplain__source
- Extended plain TeX macros
- epsdice
- epsf
- Simple macros for EPS inclusion.
- epsf-dvipdfmx
- Plain TeX file for using epsf.tex with (x)dvipdfmx.
- epspdf
- Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF
- epspdf__doc
- Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF
- epspdf__source
- Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF
- epspdfconversion
- On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF.
- epstopdf-pkg
- Call epstopdf "on the fly"
- epstopdf-pkg__doc
- Call epstopdf "on the fly"
- epstopdf-pkg__source
- Call epstopdf "on the fly"
- eq-fetchbbl
- Match Biblical passages with verse references in a quiz
- eq-pin2corr
- Add PIN security to the “Correct” button of a quiz created by exerquiz
- eq-pin2corr__doc
- Add PIN security to the “Correct” button of a quiz created by exerquiz
- eq-pin2corr__source
- Add PIN security to the “Correct” button of a quiz created by exerquiz
- eq-save
- Save exerquiz quizzes and resume
- eq2db
- Convert a quiz to one submitted to a server-side script
- eqell
- Sympathetically spaced ellipsis after punctuation.
- eqexam
- A stand-alone exam package
- eqexpl
- Align explanations for formulas
- eqexpl__doc
- Align explanations for formulas
- eqexpl__source
- Align explanations for formulas
- eqlist
- Description lists with equal indentation.
- eqnalign
- Make eqnarray behave like align
- eqname
- Style for different equation numbering.
- eqnarray
- More generalised equation arrays with numbering.
- eqnnumwarn
- modifies the amsmath equation environments to warn for a displaced equation number
- eqparbox
- Create equal-widthed parboxes
- erdc
- Style for Reports by US Army Corps of Engineers.
- erewhon
- Font package derived from Heuristica and Utopia
- erewhon__doc
- Font package derived from Heuristica and Utopia
- erewhon__source
- Font package derived from Heuristica and Utopia
- erewhon-math
- Utopia based OpenType Math font
- erewhon-math__doc
- Utopia based OpenType Math font
- erewhon-math__source
- Utopia based OpenType Math font
- errata
- erw-l3
- Utilities based on LaTeX3
- erw-l3__doc
- Utilities based on LaTeX3
- erw-l3__source
- Utilities based on LaTeX3
- es-tex-faq
- esami
- Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers
- esami__doc
- Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers
- esami__source
- Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers
- esdiff
- Writing derivatives.
- esieecv
- Curriculum vitae for French use
- esindex
- Generate sorting keys for indexes
- esindex__doc
- Generate sorting keys for indexes
- esindex__source
- Generate sorting keys for indexes
- esint
- Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern
- esint-type1
- Font esint10 in Type 1 format
- esk
- Package to encapsulate Sketch files in LaTeX sources.
- eskdx
- Modern Russian typesetting.
- eso-pic
- Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page
- eso-pic__doc
- Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page
- eso-pic__source
- Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page
- esrelation
- Provides a symbol set for describing relations between ordered pairs
- esstix
- PostScript versions of the ESSTIX, with macro support.
- estcpmm
- Style for Munitions Management Project Reports.
- esvect
- Vector arrows.
- etaremune
- The etaremune environment
- etbb
- An expansion of Edward Tufte’s ET-Bembo family
- etbb__doc
- An expansion of Edward Tufte’s ET-Bembo family
- etbb__source
- An expansion of Edward Tufte’s ET-Bembo family
- etex
- An extended version of TeX, from the NTS project
- etex-pkg
- E-TeX support package
- etexcmds
- Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands
- etextools
- e-TeX tools for LaTeX users and package writers.
- etl
- Expandable token list operations
- etl__doc
- Expandable token list operations
- etl__source
- Expandable token list operations
- etoc
- Completely customisable TOCs
- etoc__doc
- Completely customisable TOCs
- etoc__source
- Completely customisable TOCs
- etoolbox
- e-TeX tools for LaTeX
- etoolbox__doc
- e-TeX tools for LaTeX
- etoolbox-generic
- A loader for etoolbox.sty in non-LaTeX formats
- etoolbox-generic__doc
- A loader for etoolbox.sty in non-LaTeX formats
- etoolbox-generic__source
- A loader for etoolbox.sty in non-LaTeX formats
- etsvthor
- Some useful abbreviations for members of e.t.s.v. Thor
- euclideangeometry
- Draw geometrical constructions
- euclideangeometry__doc
- Draw geometrical constructions
- euclideangeometry__source
- Draw geometrical constructions
- euenc
- Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX.
- euflag
- A command to reproduce the flag of the European Union
- eukdate
- euler
- Use AMS Euler fonts for math
- euler-math
- OpenType version of Hermann Zapf’s Euler maths font
- euler-math__doc
- OpenType version of Hermann Zapf’s Euler maths font
- euler-math__source
- OpenType version of Hermann Zapf’s Euler maths font
- eulerpx
- A modern interface for the Euler math fonts
- eulerpx__doc
- A modern interface for the Euler math fonts
- eulerpx__source
- A modern interface for the Euler math fonts
- eulervm
- Euler virtual math fonts.
- euro
- Provide Euro values for national currency amounts
- euro-ce
- Euro and CE sign font
- euro-ce__doc
- Euro and CE sign font
- euro-ce__source
- Euro and CE sign font
- euroitc
- LaTeX interface for the ITC euro font symbols
- euromoney
- Vectorial coins and banknotes in euro, with stacking option
- euromoney__doc
- Vectorial coins and banknotes in euro, with stacking option
- euromoney__source
- Vectorial coins and banknotes in euro, with stacking option
- europasscv
- Unofficial class for the new version of the Europass curriculum vitae
- europecv
- Unofficial class for European curricula vitae
- europecv__doc
- Unofficial class for European curricula vitae
- europecv__source
- Unofficial class for European curricula vitae
- europs
- Access to Adobe’s Euro currency symbol fonts
- eurosym
- Metafont and macros for Euro sign
- eurosym__doc
- Metafont and macros for Euro sign
- eurosym__source
- Metafont and macros for Euro sign
- euxm
- evangelion-jfm
- A Japanese font metric supporting many advanced features
- evangelion-jfm__doc
- A Japanese font metric supporting many advanced features
- evangelion-jfm__source
- A Japanese font metric supporting many advanced features
- evautofl
- everyhook
- Hooks for standard TeX token lists.
- everypage
- Provide hooks to be run on every page of a document
- everysel
- Provides hooks into \selectfont
- everyshi
- Take action at every \shipout
- everyshi__doc
- Take action at every \shipout
- everyshi__source
- Take action at every \shipout
- evweek
- Weekly calendar format.
- exam
- Package for typesetting exam scripts
- exam__doc
- Package for typesetting exam scripts
- exam__source
- Package for typesetting exam scripts
- exam-lite
- Quicker preparation of exams in LaTeX
- exam-lite__doc
- Quicker preparation of exams in LaTeX
- exam-lite__source
- Quicker preparation of exams in LaTeX
- exam-n
- Exam class, focused on collaborative authoring
- exam-n__doc
- Exam class, focused on collaborative authoring
- exam-n__source
- Exam class, focused on collaborative authoring
- exam-randomizechoices
- Randomize mc choices using the exam class
- exam-randomizechoices__doc
- Randomize mc choices using the exam class
- exam-randomizechoices__source
- Randomize mc choices using the exam class
- exam-zh
- LaTeX template for Chinese exams
- exam-zh__doc
- LaTeX template for Chinese exams
- exam-zh__source
- LaTeX template for Chinese exams
- examdesign
- Package for typesetting exams.
- examplep
- Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX.
- examz
- Randomized exams with multiple versions
- examz__doc
- Randomized exams with multiple versions
- examz__source
- Randomized exams with multiple versions
- exceltex
- Get data from Excel files into LaTeX.
- excludeonly
- Prevent files being \include-ed.
- exercise
- Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers
- exercisebank
- Creating and managing exercises, and reusing them as composed sets
- exercisepoints
- A LaTeX package to count exercises and points
- exercises
- Typeset exercises and solutions with automatic addition of points
- exercisesheets
- Typeset exercise sheets for university courses and school classes
- exercisesheets__doc
- Typeset exercise sheets for university courses and school classes
- exercisesheets__source
- Typeset exercise sheets for university courses and school classes
- exesheet
- Typesetting exercise or exam sheets
- exesheet__doc
- Typesetting exercise or exam sheets
- exesheet__source
- Typesetting exercise or exam sheets
- exframe
- Framework for exercise problems
- exframe__doc
- Framework for exercise problems
- exframe__source
- Framework for exercise problems
- exp-testopt
- Expandable \@testopt (and related) macros.
- expdlist
- Expanded description environments.
- expex
- Linguistic examples and glosses, with reference capabilities
- expex-acro
- Wrapper for the expex package
- expex-acro__doc
- Wrapper for the expex package
- expex-acro__source
- Wrapper for the expex package
- expex-glossonly
- Help gb4e, linguex, and covington users use the ExPex glossing macros
- expex-glossonly__doc
- Help gb4e, linguex, and covington users use the ExPex glossing macros
- expex-glossonly__source
- Help gb4e, linguex, and covington users use the ExPex glossing macros
- expkv-bundle
- An expandable key=val implementation and friends
- expkv-bundle__doc
- An expandable key=val implementation and friends
- expkv-bundle__source
- An expandable key=val implementation and friends
- expltools
- Development tools for expl3 programmers
- expltools__doc
- Development tools for expl3 programmers
- expltools__source
- Development tools for expl3 programmers
- export
- Import and export values of LaTeX registers
- expose-expl3-dunkerque-2019
- Using expl3 to implement some numerical algorithms
- expressg
- Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations.
- exsheets
- Create exercise sheets and exams
- exsol
- Exercises and solutions from the same source, into a book
- exsol__doc
- Exercises and solutions from the same source, into a book
- exsol__source
- Exercises and solutions from the same source, into a book
- extarrows
- Extra Arrows beyond those provided in amsmath
- exteps
- Include EPS figures in MetaPost.
- extpfeil
- Extensible arrows in mathematics.
- extract
- Extract parts of a document and write to another document
- extsizes
- Extends article and report with extra sized fonts.
- ezedits
- Commands for tracking document changes and notes
- ezedits__doc
- Commands for tracking document changes and notes
- ezedits__source
- Commands for tracking document changes and notes
- facsimile
- Document class for preparing faxes
- factura
- Typeset and calculate invoices according to Venezuelan law
- factura__doc
- Typeset and calculate invoices according to Venezuelan law
- factura__source
- Typeset and calculate invoices according to Venezuelan law
- facture
- Generate an invoice
- facture__doc
- Generate an invoice
- facture__source
- Generate an invoice
- facture-belge-simple-sans-tva
- Simple Belgian invoice without VAT
- fadingimage
- Add full width fading pictures at the top or bottom of a page
- fadingimage__doc
- Add full width fading pictures at the top or bottom of a page
- fadingimage__source
- Add full width fading pictures at the top or bottom of a page
- fahyph
- Hyphenation patterns for Persian (in Unicode).
- fail-fast
- Turn warnings into errors
- fail-fast__doc
- Turn warnings into errors
- fail-fast__source
- Turn warnings into errors
- faktor
- Typeset quotient structures with LaTeX.
- familytree
- Draw family trees
- familytree__doc
- Draw family trees
- familytree__source
- Draw family trees
- famt
- Project Reports and Notices in FAMT institute.
- fancybox
- fancyhandout
- A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts
- fancyhdr
- Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e
- fancyhdr__doc
- Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e
- fancyhdr__source
- Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e
- fancylabel
- Complex labelling with LaTeX
- fancynum
- Typeset numbers
- fancypar
- Decoration of individual paragraphs
- fancyqr
- Fancy QR-Codes with TikZ
- fancyqr__doc
- Fancy QR-Codes with TikZ
- fancyqr__source
- Fancy QR-Codes with TikZ
- fancyref
- A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing
- fancyslides
- Custom presentation class built upon LaTeX Beamer.
- fancytabs
- Fancy page border tabs
- fancytooltips
- Include a wide range of material in PDF tooltips
- fancytooltips__doc
- Include a wide range of material in PDF tooltips
- fancytooltips__source
- Include a wide range of material in PDF tooltips
- fancyvrb
- Sophisticated verbatim text
- fancyvrb__doc
- Sophisticated verbatim text
- fancyvrb__source
- Sophisticated verbatim text
- fandol
- Four basic fonts for Chinese typesetting.
- faq-fr-gutenberg
- Sources of the GUTenberg French LaTeX FAQ and PDF files
- faq-fr-gutenberg__source
- Sources of the GUTenberg French LaTeX FAQ and PDF files
- fascicules
- Create mathematical manuals for schools
- fast-diagram
- Easy generation of FAST diagrams.
- fbb
- A free Bembo-like font
- fbithesis
- Computer Science thesis class for University of Dortmund.
- fbox
- Extended \fbox macro from standard LaTeX
- fbox__doc
- Extended \fbox macro from standard LaTeX
- fbox__source
- Extended \fbox macro from standard LaTeX
- fbs
- BibTeX style for Frontiers in Bioscience.
- fc
- fc-arith
- Create an arithmetic flash card
- fcavtex
- A thesis class for the FCAV/UNESP (Brazil)
- fcltxdoc
- Macros for use in the author's documentation.
- fcolumn
- Typesetting financial tables
- fcolumn__doc
- Typesetting financial tables
- fcolumn__source
- Typesetting financial tables
- fdsymbol
- A maths symbol font.
- fduthesis
- LaTeX thesis template for Fudan University
- fduthesis__doc
- LaTeX thesis template for Fudan University
- fduthesis__source
- LaTeX thesis template for Fudan University
- featpost
- MetaPost macros for 3D.
- fei
- Class for academic works at FEI University Center — Brazil
- fei__doc
- Class for academic works at FEI University Center — Brazil
- fei__source
- Class for academic works at FEI University Center — Brazil
- fenetrecas
- Commands for CAS-like windows (Xcas or Geogebra) in TikZ
- fenetrecas__doc
- Commands for CAS-like windows (Xcas or Geogebra) in TikZ
- fenetrecas__source
- Commands for CAS-like windows (Xcas or Geogebra) in TikZ
- fenixpar
- One-shot changes to token registers such as \everypar.
- fetamont
- Extended version of Knuth’s logo typeface
- fetchbibpes
- Creates a DB of Bible verses from e-Sword, then fetches them on command
- fetchcls
- Fetch the current class name
- feupphdteses
- Typeset Engineering PhD theses at the University of Porto.
- fewerfloatpages
- Reduce the number of unnecessary float pages
- feyn
- A font for in-text Feynman diagrams
- feyn__doc
- A font for in-text Feynman diagrams
- feyn__source
- A font for in-text Feynman diagrams
- feynmf
- Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams.
- feynmp-auto
- Automatic processing of feynmp graphics.
- ffcode
- Fixed-font code blocks formatted nicely
- ffcode__doc
- Fixed-font code blocks formatted nicely
- ffcode__source
- Fixed-font code blocks formatted nicely
- fge
- A font for Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik.
- fgruler
- Draw rulers on the foreground or in the text
- fgruler__doc
- Draw rulers on the foreground or in the text
- fgruler__source
- Draw rulers on the foreground or in the text
- fibeamer
- Beamer theme for thesis defense presentations at Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)
- fifo-stack
- FIFO and stack implementation for package writers
- fig4latex
- Management of figures for large LaTeX documents.
- figbas
- Mini-fonts for figured-bass notation in music.
- figbib
- organize figure databases with BibTeX
- figchild
- Pictures for creating children’s activities
- figchild__doc
- Pictures for creating children’s activities
- figchild__source
- Pictures for creating children’s activities
- figflow
- Flow text around a figure.
- figput
- Create interactive figures in LaTeX
- figput__doc
- Create interactive figures in LaTeX
- figput__source
- Create interactive figures in LaTeX
- figsize
- Auto-size graphics
- filecontents
- Create an external file from within a LaTeX document
- filecontents__doc
- Create an external file from within a LaTeX document
- filecontents__source
- Create an external file from within a LaTeX document
- filecontentsdef
- filecontents + macro + verbatim
- filedate
- Access and compare info and modification dates.
- filehook
- Hooks for input files
- filehook__doc
- Hooks for input files
- filehook__source
- Hooks for input files
- fileinfo
- Enhanced display of LaTeX File Information.
- filemod
- Provide file modification times, and compare them.
- fillpages
- Fill up the page count to a certain number (e.g. divisible by 4)
- fillpages__doc
- Fill up the page count to a certain number (e.g. divisible by 4)
- fillpages__source
- Fill up the page count to a certain number (e.g. divisible by 4)
- fillwith
- Fill vertical space with solid rules or dotted lines
- fillwith__doc
- Fill vertical space with solid rules or dotted lines
- fillwith__source
- Fill vertical space with solid rules or dotted lines
- finbib
- A Finnish version of plain.bst
- findhyph
- Find hyphenated words in a document
- fink
- The LaTeX2e File Name Keeper.
- finstrut
- Adjust behaviour of the ends of footnotes.
- fira
- Fira fonts with LaTeX support
- fira__doc
- Fira fonts with LaTeX support
- firamath
- Fira sans serif font with Unicode math support
- firamath__doc
- Fira sans serif font with Unicode math support
- firamath-otf
- Use OpenType math font Fira Math
- firamath-otf__doc
- Use OpenType math font Fira Math
- firamath-otf__source
- Use OpenType math font Fira Math
- first-latex-doc
- A document for absolute LaTeX beginners.
- first-packages
- A short list of go-to LaTeX packages, aimed at a beginner
- fistrum
- Access to 150 paragraphs of Lorem Fistrum very dummy text
- fistrum__doc
- Access to 150 paragraphs of Lorem Fistrum very dummy text
- fistrum__source
- Access to 150 paragraphs of Lorem Fistrum very dummy text
- fitbox
- Fit graphics on a page
- fitch
- LaTeX macros for Fitch-style natural deduction
- fitch__doc
- LaTeX macros for Fitch-style natural deduction
- fitch__source
- LaTeX macros for Fitch-style natural deduction
- fithesis
- Thesis class and template for Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)
- fithesis__doc
- Thesis class and template for Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)
- fithesis__source
- Thesis class and template for Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)
- fitr
- Set a rectangular destination and jump to it
- fix2col
- Fix miscellaneous two column mode features
- fixcmex
- Fully scalable version of Computer Modern Math Extension font
- fixdif
- Macros for typesetting differential operators
- fixdif__doc
- Macros for typesetting differential operators
- fixdif__source
- Macros for typesetting differential operators
- fixfoot
- Multiple use of the same footnote text
- fixjfm
- Fix JFM (for *pTeX)
- fixlatvian
- Improve Latvian language support in XeLaTeX.
- fixltxhyph
- Allow hyphenation of partially-emphasised substrings
- fixltxhyph__doc
- Allow hyphenation of partially-emphasised substrings
- fixltxhyph__source
- Allow hyphenation of partially-emphasised substrings
- fixmath
- Make maths comply with ISO 31-0:1992 to ISO 31-13:1992
- fixmath__doc
- Make maths comply with ISO 31-0:1992 to ISO 31-13:1992
- fixmath__source
- Make maths comply with ISO 31-0:1992 to ISO 31-13:1992
- fixme
- Collaborative annotation tool for LaTeX
- fixmetodonotes
- Add notes on document development.
- fixpdfmag
- Fix magnification in PDFTeX.
- fiziko
- A MetaPost library for physics textbook illustrations
- fiziko__doc
- A MetaPost library for physics textbook illustrations
- fiziko__source
- A MetaPost library for physics textbook illustrations
- fjodor
- A selection of layout styles
- flabels
- Labels for files and folders
- flacards
- Generate flashcards for printing.
- flagderiv
- Flag style derivation package
- flashcards
- A class for typesetting flashcards
- flashcards__doc
- A class for typesetting flashcards
- flashcards__source
- A class for typesetting flashcards
- flashmovie
- Directly embed flash movies into PDF files.
- fldigigal
- Create a Flash slide show of digital photos.
- flexipage
- Flexible page geometry with marginalia
- flexipage__doc
- Flexible page geometry with marginalia
- flexipage__source
- Flexible page geometry with marginalia
- flipbook
- Typeset flipbook animations, in the corners of documents.
- flippdf
- Horizontal flipping of pages with pdfLaTeX
- float
- Improved interface for floating objects
- floatbytocbasic
- An enhancement to package float using package tocbasic
- floatbytocbasic__doc
- An enhancement to package float using package tocbasic
- floatbytocbasic__source
- An enhancement to package float using package tocbasic
- floatflt
- Wrap text around floats.
- floatrow
- Extension or addition for float package.
- floatrowbytocbasic
- An enhancement to package floatrow using package tocbasic
- floatrowbytocbasic__doc
- An enhancement to package floatrow using package tocbasic
- floatrowbytocbasic__source
- An enhancement to package floatrow using package tocbasic
- flowchart
- Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ.
- flowfram
- Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines.
- fltpoint
- Simple floating point arithmetic
- fmp
- Include Functional MetaPost in LaTeX
- fmtcount
- Display the value of a LaTeX counter in a variety of formats
- fmtcount__doc
- Display the value of a LaTeX counter in a variety of formats
- fmtcount__source
- Display the value of a LaTeX counter in a variety of formats
- fn2end
- Convert footnotes to endnotes.
- fnbreak
- Warn for split footnotes
- fnbreak__doc
- Warn for split footnotes
- fnbreak__source
- Warn for split footnotes
- fncychap
- This package provides six predefined chapter headings.
- fncylab
- Alter the format of \label references
- fnpara
- Footnotes in paragraphs.
- fnpct
- Manage footnote marks’ interaction with punctuation
- fnpct__doc
- Manage footnote marks’ interaction with punctuation
- fnpct__source
- Manage footnote marks’ interaction with punctuation
- fnspe
- Macros for supporting mainly students of FNSPE CTU in Prague
- fntproof
- A programmable font test pattern generator.
- fnumprint
- Print a number in ‘appropriate’ format.
- foekfont
- foilhtml
- Interface between foiltex and LaTeX2HTML
- foliono
- Use folio numbers to replace page numbers
- fonetika
- font-change
- Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain TeX
- font-change-xetex
- Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain XeTeX
- font-change-xetex__doc
- Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain XeTeX
- font-change-xetex__source
- Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain XeTeX
- fontawesome
- Font containing web-related icons
- fontawesome5
- Font Awesome 5 with LaTeX support
- fontawesome5__doc
- Font Awesome 5 with LaTeX support
- fontawesome5__source
- Font Awesome 5 with LaTeX support
- fontaxes
- Additional font axes for LaTeX
- fontbook
- Generate a font book.
- fontch
- Changing fonts, sizes and encodings in Plain TeX.
- fontconfig
- fontconfig data files
- fontinst
- Help with installing fonts for TeX and LaTeX.
- fontinstallationguide
- Font installation guide.
- fontloader-luaotfload
- Alternative fontloaders for luaotfload
- fontmfizz
- Font Mfizz icons for use in LaTeX
- fontname
- Scheme for naming fonts in TeX
- fontools
- Tools to simplify using fonts (especially TT/OTF ones)
- fontools__doc
- Tools to simplify using fonts (especially TT/OTF ones)
- fonts-arundina
- DejaVu-compatible Thai fonts
- fonts-churchslavonic
- Fonts for typesetting in Church Slavonic language
- fonts-churchslavonic__doc
- Fonts for typesetting in Church Slavonic language
- fonts-churchslavonic__source
- Fonts for typesetting in Church Slavonic language
- fonts-tlwg
- Thai fonts for LaTeX from TLWG
- fontsampler
- fontscale
- A flexible interface for setting font sizes
- fontscale__doc
- A flexible interface for setting font sizes
- fontscale__source
- A flexible interface for setting font sizes
- fontsetup
- A front-end to fontspec, for selected fonts with math support
- fontsetup__doc
- A front-end to fontspec, for selected fonts with math support
- fontsetup__source
- A front-end to fontspec, for selected fonts with math support
- fontsetup-nonfree
- A front-end to fontspec, for selected non-free fonts
- fontsize
- A small package to set arbitrary sizes for the main font of the document
- fontsize__doc
- A small package to set arbitrary sizes for the main font of the document
- fontsize__source
- A small package to set arbitrary sizes for the main font of the document
- fontspec
- Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- fontspec__doc
- Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- fontspec__source
- Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- fonttable
- Print font tables from a LaTeX document
- fontwrap
- Bind fonts to specific unicode blocks.
- footbib
- A package to put bibliographic references as footnotes.
- footmisc
- A range of footnote options
- footmisc__doc
- A range of footnote options
- footmisc__source
- A range of footnote options
- footmisx
- A range of footnote options
- footnotebackref
- footnotehyper
- hyperref aware footnote.sty
- footnotehyper__doc
- hyperref aware footnote.sty
- footnotehyper__source
- hyperref aware footnote.sty
- footnoterange
- References to ranges of footnotes
- footnoterange__doc
- References to ranges of footnotes
- footnoterange__source
- References to ranges of footnotes
- footnpag
- Per-page numbering of footnotes
- forarray
- Using array structures in LaTeX.
- foreign
- Systematic treatment of ‘foreign’ words in documents.
- forest
- Drawing (linguistic) trees
- forest-quickstart
- Quickstart Guide for Linguists package "forest"
- forloop
- Iteration in LaTeX
- forloop__doc
- Iteration in LaTeX
- forloop__source
- Iteration in LaTeX
- formal-grammar
- Typeset formal grammars
- formal-grammar__doc
- Typeset formal grammars
- formal-grammar__source
- Typeset formal grammars
- formation-latex-ul
- Introductory LaTeX course in French
- formation-latex-ul__source
- Introductory LaTeX course in French
- forms16be
- Initialize form properties using big-endian encoding
- formula
- Typesetting physical units
- formular
- forum
- Forum fonts with LaTeX support
- forum__doc
- Forum fonts with LaTeX support
- fouridx
- Left sub- and superscripts in maths mode.
- fourier
- Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents
- fourier__doc
- Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents
- fourier__source
- Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents
- fouriernc
- Use New Century Schoolbook text with Fourier maths fonts.
- fp
- Fixed point arithmetic
- fpl
- SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L
- frame
- Framed boxes for Plain TeX.
- framed
- Framed or shaded regions that can break across pages.
- framedsyntax
- Typeset the syntax of commands and environments within coloured boxes
- framedsyntax__doc
- Typeset the syntax of commands and environments within coloured boxes
- framedsyntax__source
- Typeset the syntax of commands and environments within coloured boxes
- francais-bst
- Bibliographies conforming to French typographic standards
- francais-bst__doc
- Bibliographies conforming to French typographic standards
- francais-bst__source
- Bibliographies conforming to French typographic standards
- frankenstein
- A collection of LaTeX packages
- frcursive
- French cursive hand fonts.
- frederika2016
- An OpenType Greek calligraphy font
- freealign
- Align math formulas in different lines
- freealign__doc
- Align math formulas in different lines
- freealign__source
- Align math formulas in different lines
- frege
- Typeset fregean Begriffsschrift.
- frenchmath
- Typesetting mathematics according to French rules
- frenchmath__doc
- Typesetting mathematics according to French rules
- frenchmath__source
- Typesetting mathematics according to French rules
- frimurer
- Access to the 'frimurer' cipher for use with LaTeX
- frletter
- frontespizio
- Create a frontispiece for Italian theses.
- froufrou
- Fancy section separators
- frpseudocode
- French translation for the algorithmicx package
- ftc-notebook
- Typeset FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) notebooks
- ftcap
- Allows \caption at the beginning of a table-environment.
- ftnxtra
- Extend the applicability of the \footnote command.
- fullblck
- Left-blocking for letter class
- fullminipage
- Minipage spanning a complete page
- fullpict
- Full page pictures
- fullpict__doc
- Full page pictures
- fullwidth
- Adjust margins of text block.
- functan
- macros for functional analysis and PDE theory
- functional
- An intuitive functional programming interface for LaTeX2
- functional__doc
- An intuitive functional programming interface for LaTeX2
- functional__source
- An intuitive functional programming interface for LaTeX2
- fundus-calligra
- Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents.
- fundus-cyr
- Support for Washington University Cyrillic fonts.
- fundus-la
- Support for the la and lla fonts in LaTeX documents.
- fundus-outline
- LaTeX support for CM outline fonts.
- fundus-pvscript
- Support for Vanroose handwriting font.
- fundus-sueterlin
- Sütterlin
- fundus-twcal
- LaTeX support for the twcal handwriting font.
- fundus-va
- Support for the va fonts in LaTeX documents.
- futurans
- fvextra
- Extensions and patches for fancyvrb
- fvextra__doc
- Extensions and patches for fancyvrb
- fvextra__source
- Extensions and patches for fancyvrb
- fwlw
- Get first and last words of a page.
- g-brief
- Letter document class
- gaceta
- A class to typeset La Gaceta de la RSME.
- galois
- Write Galois connections in two-ddimensional style.
- gamebook
- Typeset gamebooks and other interactive novels.
- gamebooklib
- Macros for setting numbered entries in shuffled order
- gamebooklib__doc
- Macros for setting numbered entries in shuffled order
- gamebooklib__source
- Macros for setting numbered entries in shuffled order
- gammas
- Template for the GAMM Archive for Students
- gapfill
- Generate LaTeX picture environments from PostScript output of drawing programs.
- garamond-libre
- The Garamond Libre font face
- garamond-libre__doc
- The Garamond Libre font face
- garamond-libre__source
- The Garamond Libre font face
- garamond-math
- An OTF math font matching EB Garamond
- garamond-math__doc
- An OTF math font matching EB Garamond
- garamond-math__source
- An OTF math font matching EB Garamond
- garrigues
- MetaPost macros for the reproduction of Garrigues' Easter nomogram.
- gastex
- Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX
- gastex__doc
- Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX
- gastex__source
- Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX
- gatech-thesis
- gates
- Support for writing modular and customisable code.
- gatherenum
- A crossover of align* and enumerate
- gauss
- A package for Gaussian operations.
- gb4e
- Government Binding styles.
- gbt7714
- BibTeX implementation of China’s bibliography style standard GB/T 7714-2015
- gbt7714__doc
- BibTeX implementation of China’s bibliography style standard GB/T 7714-2015
- gbt7714__source
- BibTeX implementation of China’s bibliography style standard GB/T 7714-2015
- gcard
- Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card
- gchords
- Typeset guitar chords.
- gckanbun
- Kanbun typesetting for (u)pLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- gelasio
- LaTeX support for the Gelasio family of fonts
- gelasio__doc
- LaTeX support for the Gelasio family of fonts
- gelasiomath
- Math and small cap additions to Gelasio fonts
- gelasiomath__doc
- Math and small cap additions to Gelasio fonts
- gender
- Gender neutrality for languages with grammatical gender.
- gene-logic
- Typeset logic formulae, etc
- genealogy
- A compilation genealogy font
- genealogy-profiles
- Genealogical profiles for LaTeX
- genealogy-profiles__doc
- Genealogical profiles for LaTeX
- genealogy-profiles__source
- Genealogical profiles for LaTeX
- genealogytree
- Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
- genealogytree__doc
- Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
- genmisc
- genmpage
- Generalization of LaTeX's minipages.
- gensymb
- Generic symbols for both text and math mode
- gensymb__doc
- Generic symbols for both text and math mode
- gensymb__source
- Generic symbols for both text and math mode
- gentium-otf
- Support for the TrueType font GentiumPlus
- gentium-otf__doc
- Support for the TrueType font GentiumPlus
- gentium-otf__source
- Support for the TrueType font GentiumPlus
- gentium-sil
- A complete Greek font with Latin and Cyrillic, too
- gentium-sil__doc
- A complete Greek font with Latin and Cyrillic, too
- gentium-sil__source
- A complete Greek font with Latin and Cyrillic, too
- gentium-tug
- Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files
- gentium-tug__doc
- Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files
- gentium-tug__source
- Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files
- gentombow
- Generate Japanese-style crop marks
- gentombow__doc
- Generate Japanese-style crop marks
- gentombow__source
- Generate Japanese-style crop marks
- geometry
- Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions
- georgian
- Support for typesetting in Georgian.
- geradwp
- Document class for the Cahiers du GERAD series
- geradwp__doc
- Document class for the Cahiers du GERAD series
- geradwp__source
- Document class for the Cahiers du GERAD series
- german
- Support for German typography
- germbib
- German variants of standard BibTeX styles.
- germkorr
- Change kerning for german quotation marks.
- geschichtsfrkl
- BibLaTeX style for historians
- getargs
- A flexible list-parsing macro with configurable parsing character
- getfiledate
- Find the date of last modification of a file.
- getitems
- Gathering items from a list-like environment
- getmap
- Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents
- getoptk
- Define macros with sophisticated options.
- gettitlestring
- Clean up title references
- gfdl
- Support for using GFDL in LaTeX
- gfdl__doc
- Support for using GFDL in LaTeX
- gfdl__source
- Support for using GFDL in LaTeX
- gfnotation
- Typeset Gottlob Frege's notation in plain TeX
- gfsartemisia
- A modern Greek font design.
- gfsbaskerville
- A Greek font, from one such by Baskerville.
- gfsbodoni
- A Greek and Latin font based on Bodoni.
- gfscomplutum
- A Greek font with a long history.
- gfsdidot
- A Greek font based on Didot’s work
- gfsdidot__doc
- A Greek font based on Didot’s work
- gfsdidot__source
- A Greek font based on Didot’s work
- gfsdidotclassic
- The classic version of GFSDidot
- gfsneohellenic
- A font in the Neo-Hellenic style
- gfsneohellenic__doc
- A font in the Neo-Hellenic style
- gfsneohellenic__source
- A font in the Neo-Hellenic style
- gfsneohellenicmath
- A math font in the Neo-Hellenic style
- gfsneohellenicmath__doc
- A math font in the Neo-Hellenic style
- gfsporson
- A Greek font, originally from Porson.
- gfssolomos
- A Greek-alphabet font.
- ghab
- Typeset ghab boxes in LaTeX.
- ghostscript
- GPL Ghostscript support files
- ghsystem
- Globally harmonised system of chemical (etc) naming
- gillcm
- Alternative unslanted italic Computer Modern fonts.
- gillius
- Gillius fonts with LaTeX support
- gillius__doc
- Gillius fonts with LaTeX support
- gincltex
- Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for \includegraphics).
- gindex
- Formatting indexes
- ginpenc
- Modification of inputenc for German.
- git-latexdiff
- Call latexdiff on two Git revisions of a file
- gitfile-info
- Get git metadata for a specific file
- gitinfo
- Access metadata from the git distributed version control system.
- gitinfo-lua
- Display git project information in your LaTeX projects
- gitinfo-lua__doc
- Display git project information in your LaTeX projects
- gitinfo-lua__source
- Display git project information in your LaTeX projects
- gitinfo2
- Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
- gitlog
- Typesetting git changelogs
- gitstatus
- Include Git information in the document as watermark or via variables
- gitstatus__doc
- Include Git information in the document as watermark or via variables
- gitstatus__source
- Include Git information in the document as watermark or via variables
- gitver
- Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document
- gitver__doc
- Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document
- gitver__source
- Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document
- glhyph
- Hyphenation patterns for Galician.
- globalvals
- Declare global variables
- glonti
- Virtual fonts for T2A-encoded fonts
- glosmathtools
- Mathematical nomenclature tools based on the glossaries package
- gloss
- Create glossaries using BibTeX.
- glossaries
- Create glossaries and lists of acronyms
- glossaries__doc
- Create glossaries and lists of acronyms
- glossaries__source
- Create glossaries and lists of acronyms
- glossaries-danish
- Danish language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-dutch
- Dutch language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-english
- English language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-estonian
- Estonian language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-extra
- An extension to the glossaries package
- glossaries-extra__doc
- An extension to the glossaries package
- glossaries-extra__source
- An extension to the glossaries package
- glossaries-finnish
- Finnish language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-french
- French language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-german
- German language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-irish
- Irish language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-italian
- Italian language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-magyar
- Magyar language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-nynorsk
- Nynorsk language module for the glossaries package
- glossaries-polish
- Polish language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-portuges
- Portuges language module for glossaries package.
- glossaries-serbian
- Serbian language module for glossaries package.
- glossaries-slovene
- Slovene language module for glossaries package
- glossaries-spanish
- Spanish language module for glossaries package.
- glossaries-swedish
- Swedish language module for glossaries package
- glossary
- Create a glossary
- glyphlist
- Adobe Glyph List and TeX extensions
- gmdoc
- Documentation of LaTeX packages.
- gmdoc-enhance
- Some enhancements to the gmdoc package.
- gmeometric
- Change page size wherever it's safe
- gmiflink
- Simplify usage of \hypertarget and \hyperlink.
- gmp
- Allow integration between MetaPost pictures and LaTeX.
- gmutils
- Support macros for other packages.
- gmverb
- A variant of LaTeX \verb, verbatim and shortvrb.
- gmverse
- A package for typesetting (short) poems.
- gnu-freefont
- A Unicode font, with rather wide coverage.
- gnuplottex
- Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents
- go
- Fonts and macros for typesetting go games
- gobble
- More gobble macros for PlainTeX and LaTeX
- gofonts
- GoSans and GoMono fonts with LaTeX support
- gofonts__doc
- GoSans and GoMono fonts with LaTeX support
- gost
- BibTeX styles to format according to GOST
- gotoh
- An implementation of the Gotoh sequence alignment algorithm
- grabbox
- Read an argument into a box and execute the code afterwards
- gradback
- Gradient backgrounds for dvips output
- gradient-text
- Decorate text with linear gradient colors
- gradient-text__doc
- Decorate text with linear gradient colors
- gradient-text__source
- Decorate text with linear gradient colors
- gradientframe
- Simple gradient frames around objects.
- grading-scheme
- Typeset grading schemes in tabular format
- grading-scheme__doc
- Typeset grading schemes in tabular format
- grading-scheme__source
- Typeset grading schemes in tabular format
- gradstudentresume
- A generic template for graduate student resumes
- grafcet
- Draw Grafcet/SFC with TikZ.
- grant
- Classes for formatting federal grant proposals
- graph35
- Draw keys and screen items of several Casio calculators
- graph35__doc
- Draw keys and screen items of several Casio calculators
- graph35__source
- Draw keys and screen items of several Casio calculators
- graphbox
- Extend graphicx to improve placement of graphics
- graphics
- Standard LaTeX graphics
- graphics__doc
- Standard LaTeX graphics
- graphics__source
- Standard LaTeX graphics
- graphics-cfg
- Sample configuration files for LaTeX color and graphics
- graphics-def
- Colour and graphics option files
- graphics-def__doc
- Colour and graphics option files
- graphics-pln
- LaTeX-style graphics for Plain TeX users
- graphics-pln__doc
- LaTeX-style graphics for Plain TeX users
- graphicscache
- Cache includegraphics calls
- graphicscache__doc
- Cache includegraphics calls
- graphicscache__source
- Cache includegraphics calls
- graphicx-psmin
- Reduce size of PostScript files by not repeating images
- graphicxbox
- Insert a graphical image as a background.
- graphicxpsd
- Adobe Photoshop Data format (PSD) support for graphicx package
- graphicxsp
- An extension of the graphicx package
- graphpaper
- A LaTeX class to generate several types of graph papers
- graphpaper__doc
- A LaTeX class to generate several types of graph papers
- graphpaper__source
- A LaTeX class to generate several types of graph papers
- graphviz
- Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in LaTeX documents.
- gratzer-color-scheme
- Colors definitions, theorems, corollaries, lemmas, and propositions
- gratzer-color-scheme__doc
- Colors definitions, theorems, corollaries, lemmas, and propositions
- gratzer-color-scheme__source
- Colors definitions, theorems, corollaries, lemmas, and propositions
- grayhints
- Produce ‘gray hints’ to a variable text field
- greek-fontenc
- LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek
- greek-fontenc__doc
- LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek
- greek-fontenc__source
- LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek
- greek-inputenc
- Greek encoding support for inputenc
- greek-inputenc__doc
- Greek encoding support for inputenc
- greek-inputenc__source
- Greek encoding support for inputenc
- greek6cbc
- A Greek font from the sixth century BC.
- greekdates
- Provides ancient Greek day and month names, dates, etc.
- greektonoi
- Facilitates writing/editing of multiaccented greek
- greenpoint
- "The Green Point" in METAFONT
- gregoriotex
- Engraving Gregorian Chant scores
- grfext
- Manipulate the graphics package's list of extensions
- grffile
- Extended file name support for graphics (legacy package)
- grfpaste
- Include fragments of a dvi file
- grid
- Grid typesetting in LaTeX.
- grid-system
- Page organisation, modelled on CSS facilities.
- gridpapers
- Graph paper backgrounds and color schemes
- gridset
- Grid, a.k.a. in-register, setting
- gridset__doc
- Grid, a.k.a. in-register, setting
- gridset__source
- Grid, a.k.a. in-register, setting
- gridslides
- Free form slides with blocks placed on a grid
- grotesq
- grundgesetze
- Typeset Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
- gs1
- Typeset EAN barcodes using TeX rules, only
- gs1__doc
- Typeset EAN barcodes using TeX rules, only
- gs1__source
- Typeset EAN barcodes using TeX rules, only
- gsemthesis
- Geneva School of Economics and Management PhD thesis format.
- gsftopk
- Convert "Ghostscript fonts" to PK files
- gtl
- Manipulating generalized token lists
- gtl__doc
- Manipulating generalized token lists
- gtl__source
- Manipulating generalized token lists
- gtrcrd
- Add chords to lyrics.
- gtrlib-largetrees
- Library for genealogytree aiming at large trees
- gu
- gudea
- The Gudea font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- guide-fr
- a french guide on LaTeX – for beginners or advanced users
- guide-latex-fr
- A french guide on LaTeX – for beginners or advanced users
- guide-latex-fr__source
- A french guide on LaTeX – for beginners or advanced users
- guides
- TeX guides
- guitar
- Guitar chords and song texts.
- guitarchordschemes
- Guitar Chord and Scale Tablatures
- guitartabs
- A class for drawing guitar tablatures easily
- guitbeamer
- Beamer-based class for GuIT presentations.
- guitlogo
- Macros for typesetting the GuIT logo
- gurps
- Typeset Generic Universal Role Playing System (GURPS) materials
- gustlib
- Polish oriented macros
- gzt
- Bundle of classes for “La Gazette des Mathématiciens”
- gzt__doc
- Bundle of classes for “La Gazette des Mathématiciens”
- gzt__source
- Bundle of classes for “La Gazette des Mathématiciens”
- h2020proposal
- LaTeX class and template for EU H2020 RIA proposal
- ha-prosper
- Patches and improvements for the prosper presentations package.
- hackthefootline
- Footline selection and configuration for LaTeX beamer’s standard themes
- hacm
- Font support for the Arka language.
- hagenberg-thesis
- Collection of LaTeX classes, style files and example documents for academic manuscripts
- hagenberg-thesis__doc
- Collection of LaTeX classes, style files and example documents for academic manuscripts
- hagenberg-thesis__source
- Collection of LaTeX classes, style files and example documents for academic manuscripts
- halloweenmath
- Scary and creepy math symbols with AMS-LaTeX integration
- hamnosys
- A font for sign languages
- hamnosys__doc
- A font for sign languages
- hamnosys__source
- A font for sign languages
- handin
- Light weight template for creating school submissions using LaTeX
- handout
- Create handout for auditors of a talk
- handoutwithnotes
- Create Handouts with notes from your LaTeX beamer presentation
- handoutwithnotes__doc
- Create Handouts with notes from your LaTeX beamer presentation
- handoutwithnotes__source
- Create Handouts with notes from your LaTeX beamer presentation
- hands
- Pointing hand font
- hang
- Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items
- hanging
- Hanging paragraphs.
- hanzibox
- Boxed Chinese characters with Pinyin above and translation below
- hanzibox__doc
- Boxed Chinese characters with Pinyin above and translation below
- hanzibox__source
- Boxed Chinese characters with Pinyin above and translation below
- happy4th
- A firework display in obfuscated TeX.
- har2nat
- Replace the harvard package with natbib.
- haranoaji
- Harano Aji Fonts
- haranoaji__doc
- Harano Aji Fonts
- haranoaji__source
- Harano Aji Fonts
- haranoaji-extra
- Harano Aji Fonts
- haranoaji-extra__doc
- Harano Aji Fonts
- hardwrap
- Hard wrap text to a certain character length.
- harmony
- Typeset harmony symbols, etc., for musicology
- harmony__doc
- Typeset harmony symbols, etc., for musicology
- harmony__source
- Typeset harmony symbols, etc., for musicology
- harnon-cv
- A CV document class with a vertical timeline for experience.
- harpoon
- Extra harpoons, using the graphics package.
- harvard
- The Harvard bibliography style family.
- harvardkyoto
- harveyballs
- Create Harvey Balls using TikZ.
- harvmac
- Macros for scientific articles
- hatching
- METAPOST macros for hatching interior of closed paths.
- hausarbeit-jura
- Class for writing “juristische Hausarbeiten” at German Universities
- havannah
- Diagrams of board positions in the games of Havannah and Hex.
- hc
- Replacement for the LaTeX classes
- hduthesis
- LaTeX class for bachelor and MPhil theses in Hangzhou Dianzi University
- hduthesis__doc
- LaTeX class for bachelor and MPhil theses in Hangzhou Dianzi University
- hduthesis__source
- LaTeX class for bachelor and MPhil theses in Hangzhou Dianzi University
- he-le-na
- Support for Serbian typesetting.
- he-she
- Alternating pronouns to aid gender-neutral writing
- hebclass
- hebdomon
- A document class for report writing in university settings
- hebdomon__doc
- A document class for report writing in university settings
- hebdomon__source
- A document class for report writing in university settings
- hebrew-fonts
- Input encodings, font encodings and font definition files for Hebrew
- hebrew-fonts__doc
- Input encodings, font encodings and font definition files for Hebrew
- hebrew-fonts__source
- Input encodings, font encodings and font definition files for Hebrew
- hecthese
- A class for dissertations and theses at HEC Montréal
- hecthese__doc
- A class for dissertations and theses at HEC Montréal
- hecthese__source
- A class for dissertations and theses at HEC Montréal
- helmholtz-ellis-ji-notation
- Beautiful in-line microtonal just intonation accidentals
- helvetic
- hep
- A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages.
- hep-acronym
- An acronym extension for glossaries
- hep-acronym__doc
- An acronym extension for glossaries
- hep-acronym__source
- An acronym extension for glossaries
- hep-bibliography
- An acronym extension for glossaries
- hep-bibliography__doc
- An acronym extension for glossaries
- hep-bibliography__source
- An acronym extension for glossaries
- hep-float
- Convenience package for float placement
- hep-float__doc
- Convenience package for float placement
- hep-float__source
- Convenience package for float placement
- hep-font
- Latin modern extended by computer modern
- hep-font__doc
- Latin modern extended by computer modern
- hep-font__source
- Latin modern extended by computer modern
- hep-graphic
- Extensions for graphics, plots and feynman graphs in high energy physics
- hep-graphic__doc
- Extensions for graphics, plots and feynman graphs in high energy physics
- hep-graphic__source
- Extensions for graphics, plots and feynman graphs in high energy physics
- hep-math
- Extended math macros
- hep-math__doc
- Extended math macros
- hep-math__source
- Extended math macros
- hep-math-font
- Extended Greek and sans-serif math
- hep-math-font__doc
- Extended Greek and sans-serif math
- hep-math-font__source
- Extended Greek and sans-serif math
- hep-paper
- Publications in High Energy Physics
- hep-paper__doc
- Publications in High Energy Physics
- hep-paper__source
- Publications in High Energy Physics
- hep-reference
- Adjustments for publications in High Energy Physics
- hep-reference__doc
- Adjustments for publications in High Energy Physics
- hep-reference__source
- Adjustments for publications in High Energy Physics
- hep-text
- List and text extensions
- hep-text__doc
- List and text extensions
- hep-text__source
- List and text extensions
- hep-title
- Extensions for the title page
- hep-title__doc
- Extensions for the title page
- hep-title__source
- Extensions for the title page
- hepnames
- Pre-defined high energy particle names.
- hepparticles
- Macros for typesetting high energy physics particle names.
- hepthesis
- A class for academic reports, especially PhD theses
- hepunits
- A set of units useful in high energy physics applications
- here
- Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats.
- hereapplies
- A LaTeX package for referencing groups of pages that share something in common
- hereapplies__doc
- A LaTeX package for referencing groups of pages that share something in common
- hereapplies__source
- A LaTeX package for referencing groups of pages that share something in common
- heria
- A LaTeX class for Horizon Europe RIA and IA grant proposals
- heria__doc
- A LaTeX class for Horizon Europe RIA and IA grant proposals
- heria__source
- A LaTeX class for Horizon Europe RIA and IA grant proposals
- hershey-mp
- MetaPost support for the Hershey font file format
- hershey-mp__doc
- MetaPost support for the Hershey font file format
- hershey-mp__source
- MetaPost support for the Hershey font file format
- heuristica
- Fonts extending Utopia, with LaTeX support files
- heuristica__doc
- Fonts extending Utopia, with LaTeX support files
- hexboard
- For drawing Hex boards and games
- hexboard__doc
- For drawing Hex boards and games
- hexboard__source
- For drawing Hex boards and games
- hexgame
- Provide an environment to draw a hexgame-board.
- hf-tikz
- A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts.
- hfbright
- The hfbright fonts (Type1 version of the CM Bright fonts).
- hfoldsty
- Old style numerals with EC fonts.
- hfutexam
- Exam class for Hefei University of Technology (China)
- hfutexam__doc
- Exam class for Hefei University of Technology (China)
- hfutexam__source
- Exam class for Hefei University of Technology (China)
- hfutthesis
- LaTeX Thesis Template for Hefei University of Technology
- hfutthesis__doc
- LaTeX Thesis Template for Hefei University of Technology
- hfutthesis__source
- LaTeX Thesis Template for Hefei University of Technology
- hhtensor
- Print vectors, matrices, and tensors.
- hideanswer
- Generate documents with and without answers by toggling a switch
- hideanswer__doc
- Generate documents with and without answers by toggling a switch
- hideanswer__source
- Generate documents with and without answers by toggling a switch
- hieroglf
- The "poor man's" Egyptian Hieroglyphic font.
- highlightlatex
- Syntax highlighting for LaTeX
- highlightx
- Highlight formulas or paragraphs
- highlightx__doc
- Highlight formulas or paragraphs
- highlightx__source
- Highlight formulas or paragraphs
- hindawi-latex-template
- A LaTeX template for authors of the Hindawi journals
- hindmadurai
- The HindMadurai font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- histogr
- Drawing histograms with the LaTeX picture environment.
- historische-zeitschrift
- BibLaTeX style for the journal 'Historische Zeitschrift'
- hitec
- Class for documentation
- hitex-def
- Support files for HiTeX
- hithesis
- Harbin Institute of Technology Thesis Template
- hithesis__doc
- Harbin Institute of Technology Thesis Template
- hithesis__source
- Harbin Institute of Technology Thesis Template
- hitreport
- Harbin Institute of Technology Report LaTeX Template
- hitszbeamer
- A beamer theme for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen
- hitszthesis
- A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen
- hitszthesis__doc
- A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen
- hitszthesis__source
- A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen
- hittype
- Typesetting Hittite cuneiform
- hittype__doc
- Typesetting Hittite cuneiform
- hletter
- Flexible letter typesetting with flexible page headings.
- hlist
- Horizontal and columned lists
- hmtrump
- Describe card games
- hobby
- An implementation of Hobby’s algorithm for PGF/TikZ
- hobby__doc
- An implementation of Hobby’s algorithm for PGF/TikZ
- hobby__source
- An implementation of Hobby’s algorithm for PGF/TikZ
- hobete
- Unofficial beamer theme for the University of Hohenheim
- hobsub
- Construct package bundles
- hologo
- A collection of logos with bookmark support
- hologo__doc
- A collection of logos with bookmark support
- hologo__source
- A collection of logos with bookmark support
- homework
- A LaTeX class for writing your homework
- homework__doc
- A LaTeX class for writing your homework
- hopatch
- Load patches for packages
- hopatch__doc
- Load patches for packages
- hopatch__source
- Load patches for packages
- horoscop
- Generate astrological charts in LaTeX
- hpsdiss
- A dissertation class
- href-ul
- Underscored LaTeX hyperlinks
- href-ul__doc
- Underscored LaTeX hyperlinks
- href-ul__source
- Underscored LaTeX hyperlinks
- hrefhide
- Suppress hyper links when printing
- hrefhide__doc
- Suppress hyper links when printing
- hrefhide__source
- Suppress hyper links when printing
- hrlatex
- LaTeX support for Croatian documents.
- hu-berlin-bundle
- LaTeX classes for the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- hu-berlin-bundle__doc
- LaTeX classes for the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- hu-berlin-bundle__source
- LaTeX classes for the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- huawei
- Template for Huawei documents
- huawei__doc
- Template for Huawei documents
- huawei__source
- Template for Huawei documents
- huaz
- Automatic definite articles for Hungarian
- huaz__doc
- Automatic definite articles for Hungarian
- huaz__source
- Automatic definite articles for Hungarian
- huffman
- Drawing binary Huffman trees with MetaPost and METAOBJ
- huffman__doc
- Drawing binary Huffman trees with MetaPost and METAOBJ
- huffman__source
- Drawing binary Huffman trees with MetaPost and METAOBJ
- hulipsum
- Hungarian dummy text (Lórum ipse)
- hulipsum__doc
- Hungarian dummy text (Lórum ipse)
- hulipsum__source
- Hungarian dummy text (Lórum ipse)
- humanist
- Humanist manuscript book-hand font
- huncial
- Fonts based on the half Uncial manuscript book-hand
- hustthesis
- Unofficial thesis template for Huazhong University
- hvarabic
- Macros for RTL typesetting
- hvextern
- Write and execute external code, and insert the output
- hvextern__doc
- Write and execute external code, and insert the output
- hvextern__source
- Write and execute external code, and insert the output
- hvfloat
- Controlling captions, fullpage and doublepage floats
- hvfloat__doc
- Controlling captions, fullpage and doublepage floats
- hvfloat__source
- Controlling captions, fullpage and doublepage floats
- hvindex
- Support for indexing
- hvindex__doc
- Support for indexing
- hvindex__source
- Support for indexing
- hvlogos
- Print TeX-related names as logo
- hvlogos__doc
- Print TeX-related names as logo
- hvlogos__source
- Print TeX-related names as logo
- hvmath
- Support for using the Micropress HV-Math fonts (Helvetica Maths)
- hvpygmentex
- Syntax-Highlighting of program code
- hvpygmentex__doc
- Syntax-Highlighting of program code
- hvpygmentex__source
- Syntax-Highlighting of program code
- hvqrurl
- Insert a QR code in the margin
- hvqrurl__doc
- Insert a QR code in the margin
- hvqrurl__source
- Insert a QR code in the margin
- hwemoji
- Unicode emoji support for pdfLaTeX with sequences
- hwemoji__doc
- Unicode emoji support for pdfLaTeX with sequences
- hybrid-latex
- Allow active Python code in LaTeX documents
- hycolor
- Implements colour for packages hyperref and bookmark
- hypcap
- Adjusting the anchors of captions
- hypcap__doc
- Adjusting the anchors of captions
- hypcap__source
- Adjusting the anchors of captions
- hypdestopt
- Hyperref destination optimizer
- hypdestopt__doc
- Hyperref destination optimizer
- hypdestopt__source
- Hyperref destination optimizer
- hypdoc
- Hyper extensions for doc.sty
- hypdoc__doc
- Hyper extensions for doc.sty
- hypdoc__source
- Hyper extensions for doc.sty
- hypdvips
- Hyperref extensions for use with dvips
- hyper
- Hypertext cross referencing
- hyperbar
- Add interactive Barcode fields to PDF forms
- hypernat
- Allow hyperref and natbib to work together
- hyperref
- Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX
- hyperref__doc
- Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX
- hyperref__source
- Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX
- hyperxmp
- Embed XMP metadata within a LaTeX document
- hyperxmp__doc
- Embed XMP metadata within a LaTeX document
- hyperxmp__source
- Embed XMP metadata within a LaTeX document
- hyph-utf8
- Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8
- hyph-utf8__doc
- Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8
- hyph-utf8__source
- Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8
- hyphenat
- Disable/enable hypenation.
- hyphenex
- US English hyphenation exceptions file
- hyphenex__source
- US English hyphenation exceptions file
- iaria
- Write documents for the IARIA publications
- iaria__doc
- Write documents for the IARIA publications
- iaria__source
- Write documents for the IARIA publications
- iaria-lite
- Write documents for the IARIA publications
- iaria-lite__doc
- Write documents for the IARIA publications
- iaria-lite__source
- Write documents for the IARIA publications
- ibarra
- LaTeX support for the Ibarra Real Nova family of fonts
- ibarra__doc
- LaTeX support for the Ibarra Real Nova family of fonts
- ibrackets
- Intelligent brackets
- ibrackets__doc
- Intelligent brackets
- ibrackets__source
- Intelligent brackets
- ibycus-babel
- Use the Ibycus 4 Greek font with Babel
- ibycus4
- A collection of fonts and macros to typeset ancient Greek.
- icite
- Indices locorum citatorum
- icon-appr
- Creates icon appearances for form buttons
- icsv
- Class for typesetting articles for the ICSV conference.
- ideavault
- Idea (concept) management package
- ideavault__doc
- Idea (concept) management package
- ideavault__source
- Idea (concept) management package
- identkey
- Typesetting bracketed dichotomous identification keys
- idxcmds
- Semantic commands for adding formatted index entries
- idxlayout
- Configurable index layout, responsive to KOMA-Script and memoir.
- ieeeconf
- Macros for IEEE conference proceedings.
- ieeepes
- IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions
- ieeetran
- Document class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences
- ieeetran__doc
- Document class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences
- ieeetran__source
- Document class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences
- ieeetrantools
- Functionality from IEEEtran for use with other classes
- ieejtran
- Unofficial bibliography style file for the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
- ieejtran__doc
- Unofficial bibliography style file for the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
- ieejtran__source
- Unofficial bibliography style file for the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
- iexec
- Execute shell commands and input their output
- iexec__doc
- Execute shell commands and input their output
- iexec__source
- Execute shell commands and input their output
- ifallfalse
- Compare a string against a set of other strings
- ifallfalse__doc
- Compare a string against a set of other strings
- ifallfalse__source
- Compare a string against a set of other strings
- iffont
- Conditionally load fonts with fontspec
- ifis-macros
- Check if a given input string is a number or dimension for TeX
- ifis-macros__doc
- Check if a given input string is a number or dimension for TeX
- ifis-macros__source
- Check if a given input string is a number or dimension for TeX
- ifmslide
- Presentation slides for screen and printouts.
- ifmtarg
- If-then-else command for processing potentially empty arguments
- ifnextok
- Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces.
- ifoddpage
- Determine if the current page is odd or even
- ifoddpage__doc
- Determine if the current page is odd or even
- ifoddpage__source
- Determine if the current page is odd or even
- ifplatform
- Conditionals to test which platform is being used
- ifptex
- Check if the engine is pTeX or one of its derivatives
- ifptex__doc
- Check if the engine is pTeX or one of its derivatives
- ifsym
- A collection of symbols
- iftex
- Am I running under pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX?
- iftex__doc
- Am I running under pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX?
- ifthenx
- Extra tests for \ifthenelse.
- ifxptex
- Detect pTeX and its derivatives
- igo
- Fonts and macro to typeset Go diagrams.
- iitem
- Multiple level of lists in one list-like environment.
- ijmart
- LaTeX Class for the Israel Journal of Mathematics.
- ijqc
- ijsra
- LaTeX document class for the International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology
- imac
- International Modal Analysis Conference format
- image-gallery
- Create an overview of pictures from a digital camera or from other sources.
- imakeidx
- A package for producing multiple indexes
- imfellenglish
- IM Fell English fonts with LaTeX support
- imfellenglish__doc
- IM Fell English fonts with LaTeX support
- impatient
- Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
- impnattypo
- Support typography of l’Imprimerie Nationale Française
- import
- Establish input relative to a directory
- imprintmtshadow
- Support files for the Monotype Imprint Shadow fonts.
- imsproc
- Typeset IMS conference proceedings.
- imtekda
- IMTEK thesis class.
- incgraph
- Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document
- incgraph__doc
- Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document
- includernw
- Include .Rnw inside .tex
- inconsolata
- A monospaced font, with support files for use with TeX
- inconsolata-nerd-font
- Inconsolata Nerd Font with support for XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
- inconsolata-nerd-font__doc
- Inconsolata Nerd Font with support for XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
- inconsolata-nerd-font__source
- Inconsolata Nerd Font with support for XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
- index__doc
- Extended index for LaTeX including multiple indexes
- index__source
- Extended index for LaTeX including multiple indexes
- indextools
- Producing multiple indices
- indextools__doc
- Producing multiple indices
- indextools__source
- Producing multiple indices
- indic-type1
- Indic Type 1 fonts converted from public MetaFont sources
- indxcite
- Generate author index based on citations.
- infwarerr
- Complete set of information/warning/error message macros
- initials
- Adobe Type 1 decorative initial fonts.
- inkpaper
- A mathematical paper template
- inline-images
- Inline images in base64 encoding
- inlinebib
- Citations in footnotes
- inlinedef
- Inline expansions within definitions.
- inlinelabel
- Assign equation numbers to inline equations
- inlinelabel__doc
- Assign equation numbers to inline equations
- inlinelabel__source
- Assign equation numbers to inline equations
- innerscript
- Small modifications to math formatting
- innerscript__doc
- Small modifications to math formatting
- innerscript__source
- Small modifications to math formatting
- inputenx
- Enhanced input encoding handling
- inputnormalization
- Wrapper for XeTeX's and LuaTeX's input normalization
- inputnormalization__doc
- Wrapper for XeTeX's and LuaTeX's input normalization
- inputnormalization__source
- Wrapper for XeTeX's and LuaTeX's input normalization
- inputtrc
- Trace which file loads which.
- inriafonts
- Inria fonts with LaTeX support
- insbox
- Insert pictures/boxes into paragraphs
- inslrmaj
- Fonts based on the Insular Majuscule manuscript book-hand
- inslrmin
- Fonts based on the Insular Minuscule manuscript book-hand
- intcalc
- Expandable arithmetic operations with integers
- inter
- The inter font face with support for LaTeX, XeLaTeX, and LuaLaTeX
- inter__doc
- The inter font face with support for LaTeX, XeLaTeX, and LuaLaTeX
- interactiveanimation
- Create PDF files with branching animations.
- interactiveplot
- Provides an interface to create interactive 2D/3D functions inside a PDF file.
- interactiveworkbook
- latex-based interactive PDF on the web
- interchar
- Managing character class schemes in XeTeX
- interfaces
- Set parameters for other packages, conveniently.
- interlinear
- A package for creating interlinear glossed texts with customizable formatting
- interlinear__doc
- A package for creating interlinear glossed texts with customizable formatting
- interlinear__source
- A package for creating interlinear glossed texts with customizable formatting
- interpreter
- Translate input files on the fly.
- interval
- Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing
- intopdf
- Embed non-PDF files into PDF with hyperlink
- intopdf__doc
- Embed non-PDF files into PDF with hyperlink
- intopdf__source
- Embed non-PDF files into PDF with hyperlink
- inversepath
- Calculate inverse file paths.
- invoice
- Generate invoices
- invoice-class
- Produces a standard US invoice from a CSV file
- invoice2
- Intelligent invoices with LaTeX3
- iodhbwm
- Unofficial template of the DHBW Mannheim
- ionumbers
- Restyle numbers in maths mode.
- iopart-num
- Numeric citation style for IOP journals.
- ipaex
- IPA (Japanese) fonts
- ipaex-type1
- IPAex fonts converted to Type-1 format Unicode subfonts
- ipsum
- Insert multilingual placeholder text
- ipsum__doc
- Insert multilingual placeholder text
- ipsum__source
- Insert multilingual placeholder text
- iran-bibtex
- Iran Manual of Style Citation Guide for BibTeX
- iran-bibtex__doc
- Iran Manual of Style Citation Guide for BibTeX
- iran-bibtex__source
- Iran Manual of Style Citation Guide for BibTeX
- iscram
- a LaTeX class to publish article to ISCRAM conferences
- isi2bibtex
- Converter for ISI to BibTeX
- iso
- Typesetting ISO International Standard documents
- iso10303
- Typesetting ISO 10303 International Standard documents
- isodate
- Tune the output format of dates language dependent.
- isodoc
- A LaTeX class for typesetting letters and invoices
- isodoc__doc
- A LaTeX class for typesetting letters and invoices
- isodoc__source
- A LaTeX class for typesetting letters and invoices
- isomath
- Mathematics style for science and technology.
- isonums
- Display numbers in maths mode according to ISO 31-0.
- isopt
- writing a TeX length with a space between number and unit
- isorot
- Rotation of document elements
- isosafety
- Provides ISO signs and colors according to the standards 7010 and 3864
- isosafety__doc
- Provides ISO signs and colors according to the standards 7010 and 3864
- isosafety__source
- Provides ISO signs and colors according to the standards 7010 and 3864
- isotope
- A package for typesetting isotopes
- isphysicalmath
- Simple way to write nice formulas
- isphysicalmath__doc
- Simple way to write nice formulas
- isphysicalmath__source
- Simple way to write nice formulas
- issuulinks
- Produce external links instead of internal ones.
- istgame
- Draw Game Trees with TikZ
- istgame__doc
- Draw Game Trees with TikZ
- istgame__source
- Draw Game Trees with TikZ
- italian-doc
- itnumpar
- Spell numbers in words (Italian).
- iwhdp
- Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) Discussion Papers.
- iwona
- A two-element sans-serif font.
- iwonamath
- LaTeX support for scaled Iwona math fonts
- iwonamath__doc
- LaTeX support for scaled Iwona math fonts
- iwonamath__source
- LaTeX support for scaled Iwona math fonts
- jablantile
- Metafont version of tiles in the style of Slavik Jablan.
- jacow
- A class for submissions to the proceedings of conferences on JACoW.org
- jacow__doc
- A class for submissions to the proceedings of conferences on JACoW.org
- jacow__source
- A class for submissions to the proceedings of conferences on JACoW.org
- jadetex
- Macros supporting Jade DSSSL output.
- jamtimes
- Expanded Times Roman fonts.
- japanese-mathformulas
- Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using LuaLaTeX
- japanese-mathformulas__doc
- Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using LuaLaTeX
- japanese-mathformulas__source
- Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using LuaLaTeX
- japanese-otf
- Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
- japanese-otf__doc
- Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
- japanese-otf__source
- Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
- jasthesis
- A 'standard' thesis class
- javascripthttp
- Add buttons to a PDF to easily get and post web content
- javascripthttp__doc
- Add buttons to a PDF to easily get and post web content
- javascripthttp__source
- Add buttons to a PDF to easily get and post web content
- jeopardy
- Build a jeopardy game in LaTeX.
- jetbrainsmono-otf
- Package (or only fontspec config files) support for the OpenType font JetBrains
- jetbrainsmono-otf__doc
- Package (or only fontspec config files) support for the OpenType font JetBrains
- jetbrainsmono-otf__source
- Package (or only fontspec config files) support for the OpenType font JetBrains
- jeuxcartes
- Macros to insert playing cards
- jeuxcartes__doc
- Macros to insert playing cards
- jfmutil
- Utility to process pTeX-extended TFM and VF
- jfmutil__doc
- Utility to process pTeX-extended TFM and VF
- jhep
- JHEP style.
- jigsaw
- Draw jigsaw pieces with TikZ
- jigsaw__doc
- Draw jigsaw pieces with TikZ
- jigsaw__source
- Draw jigsaw pieces with TikZ
- jj-game
- A LaTeX class to construct Jeopardy-like games
- jkmath
- Macros for mathematics that make the code more readable
- jknappen
- Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen
- jlabels
- Make letter-sized pages of labels.
- jlreq
- Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout
- jlreq__doc
- Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout
- jlreq__source
- Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout
- jlreq-deluxe
- Multi-weight Japanese font support for the jlreq class
- jlreq-deluxe__doc
- Multi-weight Japanese font support for the jlreq class
- jlreq-deluxe__source
- Multi-weight Japanese font support for the jlreq class
- jmlr
- Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research
- jmlr__doc
- Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research
- jmlr__source
- Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research
- jneurosci
- BibTeX style for the Journal of Neuroscience.
- jnuexam
- Exam class for Jinan University
- jnuexam__doc
- Exam class for Jinan University
- jnuexam__source
- Exam class for Jinan University
- jobname-suffix
- Compile differently based on the filename
- jobname-suffix__doc
- Compile differently based on the filename
- jobname-suffix__source
- Compile differently based on the filename
- joinbox
- Join boxes vertically or horizontally
- joinbox__doc
- Join boxes vertically or horizontally
- joinbox__source
- Join boxes vertically or horizontally
- josefin
- Josefin fonts with LaTeX support
- josefin__doc
- Josefin fonts with LaTeX support
- jourcl
- Cover letter for journal submissions
- jourcl__doc
- Cover letter for journal submissions
- jourcl__source
- Cover letter for journal submissions
- jourrr
- A LaTeX template for journal rebuttal letters
- jourrr__doc
- A LaTeX template for journal rebuttal letters
- jourrr__source
- A LaTeX template for journal rebuttal letters
- joy-of-tex
- User documentation for the AMS-TeX macro collection
- jphysiol
- BibTeX style for the Journal of Physiology.
- jpneduenumerate
- Enumerative expressions in Japanese education
- jpneduenumerate__doc
- Enumerative expressions in Japanese education
- jpneduenumerate__source
- Enumerative expressions in Japanese education
- jpnedumathsymbols
- Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education
- jpnedumathsymbols__doc
- Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education
- jpnedumathsymbols__source
- Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education
- jpsj
- Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.
- js-misc
- Miscellaneous macros from Joachim Schrod
- jsclasses
- Classes tailored for use with Japanese
- jsclasses__doc
- Classes tailored for use with Japanese
- jsclasses__source
- Classes tailored for use with Japanese
- jslectureplanner
- Creation and management of university course material
- jslectureplanner__doc
- Creation and management of university course material
- jslectureplanner__source
- Creation and management of university course material
- jsonparse__doc
- Parse, store and access JSON data in LaTeX documents
- jsonparse__source
- Parse, store and access JSON data in LaTeX documents
- jumplines
- Articles with teasers and continuation later on.
- junicode
- A TrueType and OpenType font family for mediaevalists
- junicode__doc
- A TrueType and OpenType font family for mediaevalists
- junicodevf
- A TrueType variable font family for mediaevalists
- junicodevf__doc
- A TrueType variable font family for mediaevalists
- jupynotex
- Include whole or partial Jupyter notebooks in LaTeX documents
- jupynotex__doc
- Include whole or partial Jupyter notebooks in LaTeX documents
- jura
- A document class for German legal texts
- juraabbrev
- handle abbreviations for typesetting (german) juridical documents
- jurabib
- Extended BibTeX citation support for the humanities and legal texts.
- juramisc
- Typesetting German juridical documents.
- jurarsp
- citations of judgements and official documents for typesetting (german) juridical documents
- jvlisting
- A replacement for LaTeX's verbatim package.
- jwjournal
- A personal class for writing journals
- jwjournal__doc
- A personal class for writing journals
- jwjournal__source
- A personal class for writing journals
- kalendarium
- Print dates according to the classical Latin calendar
- kalender
- Style file for creating a calendar; in German.
- kanaparser
- Kana parser for LuaTeX
- kanbun
- Typeset kanbun-kundoku with support for kanbun annotation
- kanbun__doc
- Typeset kanbun-kundoku with support for kanbun annotation
- kanbun__source
- Typeset kanbun-kundoku with support for kanbun annotation
- kantlipsum
- Generate sentences in Kant's style
- kantlipsum__doc
- Generate sentences in Kant's style
- kantlipsum__source
- Generate sentences in Kant's style
- karnaugh
- Typeset Karnaugh-Veitch-maps
- karnaugh-map
- LaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
- karnaugh-map__doc
- LaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
- karnaugh-map__source
- LaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
- karnaughmap
- Typeset Karnaugh maps.
- kaytannollista-latexia
- Practical manual for LaTeX (Finnish)
- kaytannollista-latexia__source
- Practical manual for LaTeX (Finnish)
- kblocks
- Easily typeset Control Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs
- kdgdocs
- Document classes for Karel de Grote University College.
- kdgreek
- Greek fonts and macros
- kdpcover
- Covers for books published by Kindle Direct Publishing
- kdpcover__doc
- Covers for books published by Kindle Direct Publishing
- kdpcover__source
- Covers for books published by Kindle Direct Publishing
- kerkis
- Kerkis (Greek) font family
- kerntest
- ketcindy
- Creating graphics for TeX using Cinderella
- keycommand
- Simple creation of commands with key-value arguments.
- keyfloat
- Provides a key/value interface for generating floats
- keyfloat__doc
- Provides a key/value interface for generating floats
- keyfloat__source
- Provides a key/value interface for generating floats
- keyindex
- Index entries by key lookup
- keyparse
- Key based parser
- keyparse__doc
- Key based parser
- keyparse__source
- Key based parser
- keyreader
- A robust interface to xkeyval.
- keystroke
- Graphical representation of keys on keyboard.
- keytheorems
- An l3keys interface to amsthm
- keytheorems__doc
- An l3keys interface to amsthm
- keytheorems__source
- An l3keys interface to amsthm
- keyval2e
- A lightweight and robust key-value parser.
- keyvaltable
- Re-usable table layouts separating content and presentation
- keyvaltable__doc
- Re-usable table layouts separating content and presentation
- keyvaltable__source
- Re-usable table layouts separating content and presentation
- kfupm-math-exam
- A LaTeX document style to produce homework, quiz and exam papers
- kfupm-math-exam__doc
- A LaTeX document style to produce homework, quiz and exam papers
- kfupm-math-exam__source
- A LaTeX document style to produce homework, quiz and exam papers
- khatalmaqala
- Arabic font for university articles
- khatalmaqala__doc
- Arabic font for university articles
- kinematikz
- Design kinematic chains and mechanisms
- kinematikz__doc
- Design kinematic chains and mechanisms
- kix
- Typeset KIX codes.
- kixfont
- kluwer
- knitting
- Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX
- knittingpattern
- Create knitting patterns.
- knot
- A Celtic knotwork font.
- knowledge
- Displaying, hyperlinking, and indexing notions in a document
- knowledge__doc
- Displaying, hyperlinking, and indexing notions in a document
- knowledge__source
- Displaying, hyperlinking, and indexing notions in a document
- knuth-lib
- A small library of Metafont sources
- knuth-local
- Knuth's local information
- koma-moderncvclassic
- Makes the style and command of moderncv (style classic) available for koma-classes and thus compatible with biblatex.
- koma-script
- A bundle of versatile classes and packages
- koma-script__doc
- A bundle of versatile classes and packages
- koma-script__source
- A bundle of versatile classes and packages
- koma-script-examples
- Examples from the KOMA-Script book
- komacv
- Typesetting a beautiful CV with various style options
- komacv-rg
- LaTeX packages that aid in creating CVs based on the komacv class and creating related documents
- korigamik
- Typeset articles using KorigamiK’s document class
- korigamik__doc
- Typeset articles using KorigamiK’s document class
- kotex-oblivoir
- A LaTeX document class for typesetting Korean documents
- kotex-oblivoir__doc
- A LaTeX document class for typesetting Korean documents
- kotex-oblivoir__source
- A LaTeX document class for typesetting Korean documents
- kotex-plain
- Macros for typesetting Korean under Plain TeX
- kotex-plain__doc
- Macros for typesetting Korean under Plain TeX
- kotex-plain__source
- Macros for typesetting Korean under Plain TeX
- kotex-utf
- Typeset Hangul, coded in UTF-8
- kotex-utf__doc
- Typeset Hangul, coded in UTF-8
- kotex-utf__source
- Typeset Hangul, coded in UTF-8
- kotex-utils
- Utility scripts and support files for typesetting Korean
- kpfonts
- A complete set of fonts for text and mathematics
- kpfonts__doc
- A complete set of fonts for text and mathematics
- kpfonts__source
- A complete set of fonts for text and mathematics
- kpfonts-otf
- OTF version of the Kp-fonts
- kpfonts-otf__doc
- OTF version of the Kp-fonts
- kpfonts-otf__source
- OTF version of the Kp-fonts
- ksfh-nat
- BibTeX style for KSFH Munich.
- ksp-thesis
- A LaTeX class for theses published with KIT Scientific Publishing
- ktv-texdata
- ku-template
- Copenhagen University or faculty logo for front page
- kurdishlipsum
- A ‘lipsum’ package for the Kurdish language
- kurier
- A two-element sans-serif typeface.
- kvdefinekeys
- Define keys for use in the kvsetkeys package
- kvmap
- Create Karnaugh maps with LaTeX
- kvoptions
- Key value format for package options
- kvoptions__doc
- Key value format for package options
- kvoptions__source
- Key value format for package options
- kvsetkeys
- Key value parser with default handler support
- kvsetkeys__doc
- Key value parser with default handler support
- kvsetkeys__source
- Key value parser with default handler support
- l2tabu
- Obsolete packages and commands
- l2tabu-english
- English translation of "Obsolete packages and commands".
- l2tabu-french
- French translation of l2tabu.
- l2tabu-italian
- Italian Translation of Obsolete packages and commands
- l3backend
- LaTeX3 backend drivers
- l3backend__doc
- LaTeX3 backend drivers
- l3backend__source
- LaTeX3 backend drivers
- l3backend-dev
- LaTeX3 backend drivers (dev)
- l3backend-dev__doc
- LaTeX3 backend drivers (dev)
- l3backend-dev__source
- LaTeX3 backend drivers (dev)
- l3build
- A testing and building system for (La)TeX
- l3build__doc
- A testing and building system for (La)TeX
- l3build__source
- A testing and building system for (La)TeX
- l3ctr2e
- l3experimental
- Experimental LaTeX3 concepts
- l3experimental__doc
- Experimental LaTeX3 concepts
- l3experimental__source
- Experimental LaTeX3 concepts
- l3kernel
- LaTeX3 programming conventions
- l3kernel__doc
- LaTeX3 programming conventions
- l3kernel__source
- LaTeX3 programming conventions
- l3kernel-dev
- Development pre-release of l3kernel
- l3kernel-dev__doc
- Development pre-release of l3kernel
- l3kernel-dev__source
- Development pre-release of l3kernel
- l3packages
- High-level LaTeX3 concepts
- l3packages__doc
- High-level LaTeX3 concepts
- l3packages__source
- High-level LaTeX3 concepts
- l3sys-query
- System queries for LaTeX using Lua
- l3sys-query__doc
- System queries for LaTeX using Lua
- l3sys-query__source
- System queries for LaTeX using Lua
- labbook
- Typeset laboratory journals.
- labelcas
- Check the existence of labels, and fork accordingly.
- labels
- labels4easylist
- Add reference labels to easylist items
- labelschanged
- Identify labels which cause endless “may have changed” warnings
- labelschanged__doc
- Identify labels which cause endless “may have changed” warnings
- labelschanged__source
- Identify labels which cause endless “may have changed” warnings
- labyrinth
- Draw labyrinths and solution paths.
- lacheck__doc
- LaTeX checker
- lacheck__source
- LaTeX checker
- ladder
- Draw simple ladder diagrams using TikZ
- lambda-lists
- Lists in TeX's mouth.
- lambdax
- Use Lambda expression within LaTeX
- lambdax__doc
- Use Lambda expression within LaTeX
- lambdax__source
- Use Lambda expression within LaTeX
- lamstex
- A merge of the best in AMS-TeX and LaTeX.
- langcode
- Simple language-dependent settings based on language codes.
- langnames
- Name languages and their genetic affiliations consistently
- langnames__doc
- Name languages and their genetic affiliations consistently
- langnames__source
- Name languages and their genetic affiliations consistently
- langsci
- Typeset books for publication with Language Science Press
- langsci__doc
- Typeset books for publication with Language Science Press
- langsci__source
- Typeset books for publication with Language Science Press
- langsci-avm
- Feature structures and attribute-value matrices (AVM)
- langsci-avm__doc
- Feature structures and attribute-value matrices (AVM)
- langsci-avm__source
- Feature structures and attribute-value matrices (AVM)
- lapdf
- PDF drawing directly in TeX documents.
- lastbib
- Record the number of citations in a document
- lastbib__doc
- Record the number of citations in a document
- lastpackage
- Indicates the last loaded package.
- lastpage
- Reference last page for Page N of M type footers
- lastpage__doc
- Reference last page for Page N of M type footers
- lastpage__source
- Reference last page for Page N of M type footers
- latex-amsmath-dev
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX amsmath bundle
- latex-amsmath-dev__doc
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX amsmath bundle
- latex-amsmath-dev__source
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX amsmath bundle
- latex-base-dev
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX kernel
- latex-base-dev__doc
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX kernel
- latex-base-dev__source
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX kernel
- latex-course
- A LaTeX course as a projected presentation.
- latex-doc-ptr
- A direction-finder for LaTeX resources available online
- latex-doc-ptr__source
- A direction-finder for LaTeX resources available online
- latex-firstaid
- First aid for external LaTeX files and packages that need updating
- latex-firstaid__doc
- First aid for external LaTeX files and packages that need updating
- latex-firstaid__source
- First aid for external LaTeX files and packages that need updating
- latex-firstaid-dev
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX firstaid package
- latex-firstaid-dev__doc
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX firstaid package
- latex-firstaid-dev__source
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX firstaid package
- latex-fonts
- A collection of fonts used in LaTeX distributions.
- latex-for-undergraduates
- A tutorial aimed at introducing undergraduate students to LaTeX
- latex-for-undergraduates__source
- A tutorial aimed at introducing undergraduate students to LaTeX
- latex-git-log
- Typeset git log information
- latex-git-log__doc
- Typeset git log information
- latex-git-log__source
- Typeset git log information
- latex-graphics-dev
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX graphics bundle
- latex-graphics-dev__doc
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX graphics bundle
- latex-graphics-dev__source
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX graphics bundle
- latex-lab
- LaTeX laboratory
- latex-lab__doc
- LaTeX laboratory
- latex-lab__source
- LaTeX laboratory
- latex-lab-dev
- LaTeX laboratory: Development pre-release
- latex-lab-dev__doc
- LaTeX laboratory: Development pre-release
- latex-lab-dev__source
- LaTeX laboratory: Development pre-release
- latex-make
- Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents
- latex-make__doc
- Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents
- latex-make__source
- Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents
- latex-mr
- A practical guide to LaTeX and Polyglossia for Marathi and other Indian languages
- latex-papersize
- Calculate LaTeX settings for any font and paper size
- latex-refsheet
- LaTeX Reference Sheet for a thesis with KOMA-Script
- latex-tools
- The LaTeX standard tools bundle
- latex-tools__doc
- The LaTeX standard tools bundle
- latex-tools__source
- The LaTeX standard tools bundle
- latex-tools-dev
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX tools bundle
- latex-tools-dev__doc
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX tools bundle
- latex-tools-dev__source
- Development pre-release of the LaTeX tools bundle
- latex-uni8
- Universal inputenc, fontenc, and babel for pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- latex-veryshortguide
- The Very Short Guide to LaTeX
- latex-via-exemplos
- A LaTeX course written in brazilian portuguese language
- latex2e-help-texinfo
- Unofficial reference manual covering LaTeX2e
- latex2e-help-texinfo__source
- Unofficial reference manual covering LaTeX2e
- latex2e-help-texinfo-fr
- A French translation of “latex2e-help-texinfo”
- latex2e-help-texinfo-fr__source
- A French translation of “latex2e-help-texinfo”
- latex2man
- Translate LaTeX-based manual pages into Unix man format
- latex2nemeth
- Convert LaTeX source to Braille with math in Nemeth
- latex2nemeth__doc
- Convert LaTeX source to Braille with math in Nemeth
- latex2nemeth__source
- Convert LaTeX source to Braille with math in Nemeth
- latex2pydata
- Write data to file in Python literal format
- latex2pydata__doc
- Write data to file in Python literal format
- latex2pydata__source
- Write data to file in Python literal format
- latex4musicians
- A guide for combining LaTeX and music
- latex4wp
- A LaTeX guide specifically designed for word processor users
- latex4wp__source
- A LaTeX guide specifically designed for word processor users
- latexalpha2
- Embed Mathematica code and plots into LaTeX
- latexbangla
- Enhanced LaTeX integration for Bangla
- latexbug
- Bug-classification for LaTeX related bugs
- latexbug__doc
- Bug-classification for LaTeX related bugs
- latexbug__source
- Bug-classification for LaTeX related bugs
- latexcolors
- Use color definitions from latexcolor.com
- latexcourse-rug
- A LaTeX course book
- latexdemo
- Demonstrate LaTeX code with its resulting output
- latexdemo__doc
- Demonstrate LaTeX code with its resulting output
- latexdemo__source
- Demonstrate LaTeX code with its resulting output
- latexdiff
- Determine and mark up significant differences between LaTeX files
- latexdiff__doc
- Determine and mark up significant differences between LaTeX files
- latexdiff__source
- Determine and mark up significant differences between LaTeX files
- latexfileinfo-pkgs
- A comparison of packages showing LaTeX file information.
- latexgit
- A LaTeX git wrapper
- latexindent
- Indent a LaTeX document, highlighting the programming structure
- latexindent__doc
- Indent a LaTeX document, highlighting the programming structure
- latexindent__source
- Indent a LaTeX document, highlighting the programming structure
- latexmk
- Fully automated LaTeX document generation
- latexmk__doc
- Fully automated LaTeX document generation
- latexmk__source
- Fully automated LaTeX document generation
- latexmp
- Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost
- latexpand
- Expand \input and \include in a LaTeX document
- latexpand__doc
- Expand \input and \include in a LaTeX document
- latexscreenshooter
- Capture screenshots within LaTeX documents
- latexscreenshooter__doc
- Capture screenshots within LaTeX documents
- latexscreenshooter__source
- Capture screenshots within LaTeX documents
- latino-sine-flexione
- LaTeX support for documents written in Peano’s Interlingua
- lato
- Lato font family and LaTeX support
- lato-math
- Lato based OpenType Math font for LuaTeX and XeTeX
- lato-math__doc
- Lato based OpenType Math font for LuaTeX and XeTeX
- lato-math__source
- Lato based OpenType Math font for LuaTeX and XeTeX
- layaureo
- A package to improve the A4 page layout.
- layouts
- Display various elements of a document's layout.
- lazylist
- Lists in TeX's "mouth"
- lccaps
- Lowercased (spaced) small capitals
- lcd
- lcg
- Generate random integers.
- lcyw
- This package makes available Classic Cyrillic CM fonts for LaTeX.
- leading
- Define leading with a length.
- leadsheets
- Typesetting leadsheets and songbooks
- leadsheets__doc
- Typesetting leadsheets and songbooks
- leadsheets__source
- Typesetting leadsheets and songbooks
- leaflet
- Create small handouts (flyers)
- leaflet__doc
- Create small handouts (flyers)
- leaflet__source
- Create small handouts (flyers)
- leawood
- Make the ITC Leawood font family available to LaTeX
- lebhart
- Write your articles in a colorful way
- lebhart__doc
- Write your articles in a colorful way
- lebhart__source
- Write your articles in a colorful way
- lecturer
- On-screen presentations for (almost) all formats.
- lectures__doc
- A document class for quickly drafting nice looking lecture notes
- lectureslides
- Combine single PDF files into one file
- lectureslides__doc
- Combine single PDF files into one file
- lectureslides__source
- Combine single PDF files into one file
- ledmac
- Typeset scholarly editions
- leftidx
- Left subscripts and superscripts in math mode.
- leftindex
- Left indices with better spacing
- leftindex__doc
- Left indices with better spacing
- leftindex__source
- Left indices with better spacing
- leiletter
- A letter class for Leiden University
- leipzig
- Typeset and index linguistic gloss abbreviations
- lengthconvert
- Express lengths in arbitrary units.
- lete-sans-math
- Lato-based OpenType Math font for LuaTeX and XeTeX
- lete-sans-math__doc
- Lato-based OpenType Math font for LuaTeX and XeTeX
- lete-sans-math__source
- Lato-based OpenType Math font for LuaTeX and XeTeX
- letgut
- Class for the newsletter “La Lettre GUTenberg” of the French TeX User Group GUTenberg
- letgut__doc
- Class for the newsletter “La Lettre GUTenberg” of the French TeX User Group GUTenberg
- letgut__source
- Class for the newsletter “La Lettre GUTenberg” of the French TeX User Group GUTenberg
- letltxmacro
- Let assignment for LaTeX macros
- letterswitharrows
- Draw arrows over math letters
- letterswitharrows__doc
- Draw arrows over math letters
- letterswitharrows__source
- Draw arrows over math letters
- lettre
- Letters and faxes in French
- lettrine
- Typeset dropped capitals
- lettrine__doc
- Typeset dropped capitals
- lettrine__source
- Typeset dropped capitals
- levy-font
- Fonts for typesetting classical greek.
- lewis
- Draw Lewis structures.
- lexend
- The Lexend fonts for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX through fontspec
- lexikon
- Macros for a two language dictionary
- lexref
- Convenient and uniform references to legal provisions.
- lfb
- Greek font, written in METAFONT, with normal and bold variants.
- lgreek
- LaTeX macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts
- lgrmath
- Use LGR-encoded fonts in math mode
- lgrmath__doc
- Use LGR-encoded fonts in math mode
- lgrmath__source
- Use LGR-encoded fonts in math mode
- lh
- CyrTUG Cyrillic alphabet fonts ("LH").
- lhcyr
- A non-standard Cyrillic input scheme
- lhelp
- Miscelaneous helper pacakges.
- libertine
- Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with LaTeX
- libertine__doc
- Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with LaTeX
- libertinegc
- Libertine add-on to support Greek and Cyrillic
- libertinus
- Wrapper to use the correct libertinus package according to the used TeX engine
- libertinus-fonts
- The Libertinus font family
- libertinus-fonts__doc
- The Libertinus font family
- libertinus-fonts__source
- The Libertinus font family
- libertinus-otf
- Support for Libertinus OpenType
- libertinus-otf__doc
- Support for Libertinus OpenType
- libertinus-otf__source
- Support for Libertinus OpenType
- libertinus-type1
- Support for using Libertinus fonts with LaTeX/pdfLaTeX
- libertinus-type1__doc
- Support for using Libertinus fonts with LaTeX/pdfLaTeX
- libertinust1math
- A Type 1 font and LaTeX support for Libertinus Math
- libertinust1math__doc
- A Type 1 font and LaTeX support for Libertinus Math
- libgreek
- Greek letters in math mode from Libertinus or Linux Libertine/Biolinum
- libgreek__doc
- Greek letters in math mode from Libertinus or Linux Libertine/Biolinum
- libgreek__source
- Greek letters in math mode from Libertinus or Linux Libertine/Biolinum
- librarian
- Tools to create bibliographies in TeX.
- librebaskerville
- The Libre Baskerville family of fonts with LaTeX support
- librebaskerville__doc
- The Libre Baskerville family of fonts with LaTeX support
- librebodoni
- Libre Bodoni fonts with LaTeX support
- librebodoni__doc
- Libre Bodoni fonts with LaTeX support
- librecaslon
- Libre Caslon fonts, with LaTeX support
- librecaslon__doc
- Libre Caslon fonts, with LaTeX support
- librefranklin
- LaTeX support for the Libre-Franklin family of fonts
- librefranklin__doc
- LaTeX support for the Libre-Franklin family of fonts
- libris
- Libris ADF fonts, with LaTeX support
- libris__doc
- Libris ADF fonts, with LaTeX support
- libris__source
- Libris ADF fonts, with LaTeX support
- lie-hasse
- Draw Hasse diagrams
- lie-hasse__doc
- Draw Hasse diagrams
- lie-hasse__source
- Draw Hasse diagrams
- liederbuch
- A LaTeX package for storing songs or other content, and repeated reuse in documents
- liederbuch__doc
- A LaTeX package for storing songs or other content, and repeated reuse in documents
- liederbuch__source
- A LaTeX package for storing songs or other content, and repeated reuse in documents
- liftarm
- Geometric constructions with liftarms using TikZ and LaTeX3
- liftarm__doc
- Geometric constructions with liftarms using TikZ and LaTeX3
- liftarm__source
- Geometric constructions with liftarms using TikZ and LaTeX3
- light-latex-make
- llmk: A build tool for LaTeX documents
- light-latex-make__doc
- llmk: A build tool for LaTeX documents
- light-latex-make__source
- llmk: A build tool for LaTeX documents
- ligtype
- Comprehensive ligature suppression functionalities
- ligtype__doc
- Comprehensive ligature suppression functionalities
- ligtype__source
- Comprehensive ligature suppression functionalities
- lilyglyphs
- Access lilypond fragments and glyphs, in LaTeX
- limap
- Typeset maps and blocks according to the Information Mapping® method
- limecv
- A (Xe/Lua)LaTeX document class for curriculum vitæ
- limecv__doc
- A (Xe/Lua)LaTeX document class for curriculum vitæ
- limecv__source
- A (Xe/Lua)LaTeX document class for curriculum vitæ
- lineara
- Linear A script fonts
- linearregression
- Calculate and display linear regressions
- linearregression__doc
- Calculate and display linear regressions
- linearregression__source
- Calculate and display linear regressions
- linebreaker
- Prevent overflow boxes with LuaLaTeX
- linebreaker__doc
- Prevent overflow boxes with LuaLaTeX
- linebreaker__source
- Prevent overflow boxes with LuaLaTeX
- linegoal
- A "dimen" that returns the space left on the line.
- lineno
- Line numbers on paragraphs
- lineno__doc
- Line numbers on paragraphs
- lineno__source
- Line numbers on paragraphs
- linenoamsmath
- Use the lineno package together with amsmath
- linenoamsmath__doc
- Use the lineno package together with amsmath
- linenoamsmath__source
- Use the lineno package together with amsmath
- ling-macros
- Macros for typesetting formal linguistics
- linguex
- Format linguists' examples.
- linguisticspro
- LinguisticsPro fonts with LaTeX support
- linguisticspro__doc
- LinguisticsPro fonts with LaTeX support
- linop
- Typeset linear operators as they appear in quantum theory or linear algebra
- lion-msc
- LaTeX class for B.Sc. and M.Sc. reports at Leiden Institute of Physics (LION)
- lipsum
- Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum and other dummy texts
- lipsum__doc
- Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum and other dummy texts
- lipsum__source
- Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum and other dummy texts
- lisp-on-tex
- Execute LISP code in a LaTeX document
- lisp-on-tex__doc
- Execute LISP code in a LaTeX document
- listbib
- Lists contents of BibTeX files
- listing
- Produce formatted program listings.
- listings
- Typeset source code listings using LaTeX
- listings__doc
- Typeset source code listings using LaTeX
- listings__source
- Typeset source code listings using LaTeX
- listings-ext
- Automated input of source.
- listingsutf8
- Allow UTF-8 in listings input
- listlbls
- Creates a list of all labels used throughout a document
- listlbls__doc
- Creates a list of all labels used throughout a document
- listlbls__source
- Creates a list of all labels used throughout a document
- listliketab
- Typeset lists as tables.
- listofanswers
- Provide a list of answers to mathematical problems.
- listofitems
- Grab items in lists using user-specified sep char
- listofitems__doc
- Grab items in lists using user-specified sep char
- listofitems__source
- Grab items in lists using user-specified sep char
- listofsymbols
- Create and manipulate lists of symbols
- listparskip
- Adjust vertical space around lists
- listparskip__doc
- Adjust vertical space around lists
- listparskip__source
- Adjust vertical space around lists
- litebook
- A fresh cover and chapter design for books
- litebook__doc
- A fresh cover and chapter design for books
- litebook__source
- A fresh cover and chapter design for books
- litesolution
- A LaTeX class for typesetting solutions of problems in exams, textbooks, etc.
- litesolution__doc
- A LaTeX class for typesetting solutions of problems in exams, textbooks, etc.
- litesolution__source
- A LaTeX class for typesetting solutions of problems in exams, textbooks, etc.
- litetable
- Class schedules with colorful course blocks
- litetable__doc
- Class schedules with colorful course blocks
- litetable__source
- Class schedules with colorful course blocks
- lithuanian
- Lithuanian language support
- lithuanian__doc
- Lithuanian language support
- lithuanian__source
- Lithuanian language support
- liturg
- Support for typesetting Catholic liturgical texts.
- lkproof
- llncs
- Document class and bibliography style for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
- llncs__doc
- Document class and bibliography style for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
- llncs__source
- Document class and bibliography style for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
- llncsconf
- LaTeX package extending Springer's llncs class
- llncsconf__doc
- LaTeX package extending Springer's llncs class
- llncsconf__source
- LaTeX package extending Springer's llncs class
- lm
- Latin modern fonts in outline formats
- lm__doc
- Latin modern fonts in type 1 format.
- lm-math
- OpenType maths fonts for Latin Modern.
- lmacs
- A simple package for including support files.
- lmake
- Process lists to do repetitive actions.
- lni
- Official class for the “Lecture Notes in Informatics”
- lni__doc
- Official class for the “Lecture Notes in Informatics”
- lni__source
- Official class for the “Lecture Notes in Informatics”
- lobster2
- Lobster Two fonts, with support for all LaTeX engines
- lobster2__doc
- Lobster Two fonts, with support for all LaTeX engines
- locality
- Various macros for keeping things local.
- localloc
- Macros for localizing TeX register allocations
- logbox
- e-TeX showbox facilities for exploration purposes.
- logic
- A font for electronic logic design
- logical-markup-utils
- Packages for language-dependent inline quotes and dashes.
- logicproof
- logicpuzzle
- Typeset (grid-based) logic puzzles.
- logix
- Supplement to the Unicode math symbols
- logix__doc
- Supplement to the Unicode math symbols
- logix__source
- Supplement to the Unicode math symbols
- logoetalab
- Insert Licence Etalab 2.0 logo
- logoetalab__doc
- Insert Licence Etalab 2.0 logo
- logoetalab__source
- Insert Licence Etalab 2.0 logo
- logpap
- logreq
- Support for automation of the LaTeX workflow.
- lollipop
- TeX made easy
- longdiv
- Long division arithmetic problems
- longdivision
- Typesets long division
- longdivision__doc
- Typesets long division
- longdivision__source
- Typesets long division
- longfbox
- Draw framed boxes with standard CSS attributes that can break over multiple pages
- longfigure
- Provides a figure-like environment that break over pages.
- longmath
- Nested delimiter groups extending over multiple array cells or lines
- longmath__doc
- Nested delimiter groups extending over multiple array cells or lines
- longmath__source
- Nested delimiter groups extending over multiple array cells or lines
- longnamefilelist
- Tidy \listfiles with long file names.
- loops
- General looping macros for use with LaTeX.
- lparse
- A Lua module for parsing key-value options
- lparse__doc
- A Lua module for parsing key-value options
- lparse__source
- A Lua module for parsing key-value options
- lpform
- Typesetting linear programming formulations and sets of equations
- lpic
- Put LaTeX material over included graphics.
- lplfitch
- Fitch-style natural deduction proofs.
- lps
- Class for "Logic and Philosophy of Science".
- lroundrect
- LaTeX macros for utilizing the roundrect MetaPost routines
- lsabon
- Support files for the Linotype Sabon fonts
- lsc
- Typesetting Live Sequence Charts.
- lscapeenhanced
- An enhancement to the lscape and pdflscape packages
- lscapeenhanced__doc
- An enhancement to the lscape and pdflscape packages
- lscapeenhanced__source
- An enhancement to the lscape and pdflscape packages
- lshort-czech
- Czech translation of the "Short Introduction to LaTeX2e".
- lshort-dutch
- lshort-english
- A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e
- lshort-estonian
- Estonian introduction to LaTeX
- lshort-finnish
- Finnish introduction to LaTeX
- lshort-french
- Short introduction to LaTeX, French translation.
- lshort-german
- German version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e: LaTeX2e-Kurzbeschreibung
- lshort-german__source
- German version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e: LaTeX2e-Kurzbeschreibung
- lshort-italian
- Introduction to LaTeX in Italian
- lshort-japanese
- Japanese version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e
- lshort-korean
- Korean introduction to LaTeX
- lshort-mongolian
- lshort-persian
- Persian (Farsi) introduction to LaTeX.
- lshort-polish
- Introduction to LaTeX in Polish
- lshort-polish__source
- Introduction to LaTeX in Polish
- lshort-portuguese
- Introduction to LaTeX in Portuguese.
- lshort-russian
- lshort-slovak
- Slovak translation of "Not so Short Introduction ..."
- lshort-slovenian
- Slovenian translation of lshort.
- lshort-spanish
- Short introduction to LaTeX, Spanish translation.
- lshort-thai
- lshort-ukrainian
- lshort-zh-cn
- Introduction to LaTeX, in Chinese
- lshort-zh-cn__source
- Introduction to LaTeX, in Chinese
- lstaddons
- Add-on packages for listings: autogobble and line background
- lstaddons__doc
- Add-on packages for listings: autogobble and line background
- lstaddons__source
- Add-on packages for listings: autogobble and line background
- lstbayes
- Listings language driver for Bayesian modeling languages
- lstfiracode
- Use Fira Code font for listings
- lt3graph
- Provide a graph datastructure for experimental LaTeX3
- lt3luabridge
- Execute Lua code in any TeX engine that exposes the shell
- lt3luabridge__doc
- Execute Lua code in any TeX engine that exposes the shell
- lt3luabridge__source
- Execute Lua code in any TeX engine that exposes the shell
- lt3rawobjects
- Objects and proxies in LaTeX3
- lt3rawobjects__doc
- Objects and proxies in LaTeX3
- lt3rawobjects__source
- Objects and proxies in LaTeX3
- ltablex
- Table package extensions.
- ltabptch
- ltb2bib
- converts amsrefs' .ltb bibliographical databases to BibTeX format
- ltx4yt
- Play YouTube videos in the default browser
- ltx4yt__doc
- Play YouTube videos in the default browser
- ltx4yt__source
- Play YouTube videos in the default browser
- ltxbase
- Base sources of LaTeX
- ltxbase__doc
- Base sources of LaTeX
- ltxbase__source
- Base sources of LaTeX
- ltxcmds
- Some LaTeX kernel commands for general use
- ltxcmds__doc
- Some LaTeX kernel commands for general use
- ltxcmds__source
- Some LaTeX kernel commands for general use
- ltxdockit
- Documentation support.
- ltxguidex
- An extended ltxguide class
- ltximg
- Extract LaTeX environments into separate image files
- ltxindex
- A LaTeX package to typeset indices with GNU's Texindex.
- ltxkeys
- A robust key parser for LaTeX.
- ltxmisc
- Miscellaneous LaTeX packages, etc
- ltxnew
- Simple creation of commands with key-value arguments.
- ltxtools
- A collection of LaTeX API macros.
- lua-alt-getopt
- Process application arguments the same way as getopt_long.
- lua-check-hyphen
- Mark hyphenations in a document, for checking
- lua-physical
- Functions and objects for the computation of physical quantities
- lua-placeholders
- Specifying placeholders for demonstration purposes
- lua-placeholders__doc
- Specifying placeholders for demonstration purposes
- lua-placeholders__source
- Specifying placeholders for demonstration purposes
- lua-tinyyaml__doc
- A tiny YAML (subset) parser in pure Lua
- lua-typo
- Highlighting typographical flaws with LuaLaTeX
- lua-typo__doc
- Highlighting typographical flaws with LuaLaTeX
- lua-typo__source
- Highlighting typographical flaws with LuaLaTeX
- lua-uca
- Unicode Collation Algorithm library for Lua
- lua-uca__doc
- Unicode Collation Algorithm library for Lua
- lua-uca__source
- Unicode Collation Algorithm library for Lua
- lua-ul
- Underlining for LuaLaTeX
- lua-ul__doc
- Underlining for LuaLaTeX
- lua-ul__source
- Underlining for LuaLaTeX
- lua-uni-algos
- Unicode algorithms for LuaTeX
- lua-uni-algos__doc
- Unicode algorithms for LuaTeX
- lua-uni-algos__source
- Unicode algorithms for LuaTeX
- lua-visual-debug
- Visual debugging with LuaLaTeX
- lua-visual-debug__doc
- Visual debugging with LuaLaTeX
- lua-visual-debug__source
- Visual debugging with LuaLaTeX
- lua-widow-control
- Automatically remove widows and orphans from any document
- lua-widow-control__doc
- Automatically remove widows and orphans from any document
- lua-widow-control__source
- Automatically remove widows and orphans from any document
- luaaddplot__doc
- An extension to pgfplots’ \addplot macro
- luaaddplot__source
- An extension to pgfplots’ \addplot macro
- luabibentry
- Repeat BibTeX entries in a LuaLaTeX document body.
- luabidi
- Bidi functions for LuaTeX
- luabidi__doc
- Bidi functions for LuaTeX
- luabidi__source
- Bidi functions for LuaTeX
- luacas
- A computer algebra system for users of LuaLaTeX
- luacas__doc
- A computer algebra system for users of LuaLaTeX
- luacensor
- Securely redact sensitive information using Lua
- luacensor__doc
- Securely redact sensitive information using Lua
- luacensor__source
- Securely redact sensitive information using Lua
- luacode
- Helper for executing lua code from within TeX.
- luacolor
- Color support based on LuaTeX’s node attributes
- luacolor__doc
- Color support based on LuaTeX’s node attributes
- luacomplex
- Operations on complex numbers inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luacomplex__doc
- Operations on complex numbers inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luafindfont
- Search fonts in the LuaTeX font database
- luafindfont__doc
- Search fonts in the LuaTeX font database
- luafindfont__source
- Search fonts in the LuaTeX font database
- luagcd
- Computation of gcd of integers inside LaTeX using Lua
- luagcd__doc
- Computation of gcd of integers inside LaTeX using Lua
- luagcd__source
- Computation of gcd of integers inside LaTeX using Lua
- luahttp
- Compile-time internet-interactive PDF-documents using Lua and LuaTeX
- luahttp__doc
- Compile-time internet-interactive PDF-documents using Lua and LuaTeX
- luahttp__source
- Compile-time internet-interactive PDF-documents using Lua and LuaTeX
- luahyphenrules
- Loading patterns in LuaLaTeX with language.dat
- luaimageembed
- Embed images as base64-encoded strings
- luaindex
- Create index using lualatex.
- luainputenc
- Replacing inputenc for use in LuaTeX.
- luakeys
- A Lua module for parsing key-value options
- luakeys__doc
- A Lua module for parsing key-value options
- luakeys__source
- A Lua module for parsing key-value options
- lualatex-doc
- A guide to use of LaTeX with LuaTeX.
- lualatex-doc-de
- Guide to LuaLaTeX (German translation).
- lualatex-math
- Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
- lualatex-math__doc
- Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
- lualatex-math__source
- Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
- lualatex-truncate
- A wrapper for using the truncate package with LuaLaTeX
- lualibs
- Additional Lua functions for LuaTeX macro programmers
- lualibs__doc
- Additional Lua functions for LuaTeX macro programmers
- lualinalg
- A linear algebra package for LuaLaTeX
- lualinalg__doc
- A linear algebra package for LuaLaTeX
- luamathalign
- More flexible alignment in amsmath environments
- luamathalign__doc
- More flexible alignment in amsmath environments
- luamathalign__source
- More flexible alignment in amsmath environments
- luamaths
- Provide standard mathematical operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luamaths__doc
- Provide standard mathematical operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luamaths__source
- Provide standard mathematical operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luamesh
- Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation
- luamesh__doc
- Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation
- luamesh__source
- Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation
- luamml
- Automatically generate MathML from LuaLaTeX math mode material
- luamml__doc
- Automatically generate MathML from LuaLaTeX math mode material
- luamml__source
- Automatically generate MathML from LuaLaTeX math mode material
- luamodulartables
- Generate modular addition and multiplication tables
- luamodulartables__doc
- Generate modular addition and multiplication tables
- luamodulartables__source
- Generate modular addition and multiplication tables
- luamplib
- Use LuaTeX’s built-in MetaPost interpreter
- luamplib__doc
- Use LuaTeX’s built-in MetaPost interpreter
- luamplib__source
- Use LuaTeX’s built-in MetaPost interpreter
- luanumint
- Numerical integration using Lua inside LaTeX documents
- luanumint__doc
- Numerical integration using Lua inside LaTeX documents
- luaoptions
- Option handling for LuaLaTeX packages
- luaoptions__doc
- Option handling for LuaLaTeX packages
- luaoptions__source
- Option handling for LuaLaTeX packages
- luaotfload
- OpenType ‘loader’ for Plain TeX and LaTeX
- luaotfload__doc
- OpenType ‘loader’ for Plain TeX and LaTeX
- luaotfload__source
- OpenType ‘loader’ for Plain TeX and LaTeX
- luapackageloader
- Allow LuaTeX to load external Lua packages
- luapersian
- Persian for LaTeX in LuaTeX.
- luaplot
- Plotting graphs using Lua
- luaplot__doc
- Plotting graphs using Lua
- luaplot__source
- Plotting graphs using Lua
- luaprogtable
- Programmable table interface for LuaLaTeX
- luapstricks
- A PSTricks backend for LuaLaTeX
- luapstricks__source
- A PSTricks backend for LuaLaTeX
- luaquotes
- Smart setting of quotation marks
- luaquotes__doc
- Smart setting of quotation marks
- luaquotes__source
- Smart setting of quotation marks
- luarandom
- Create lists of random numbers
- luarandom__doc
- Create lists of random numbers
- luarandom__source
- Create lists of random numbers
- luaset
- Set Operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luaset__doc
- Set Operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luaset__source
- Set Operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luasseq
- Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX
- luasseq__doc
- Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX
- luasseq__source
- Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX
- luatbls
- Lua tables made accessible in LaTeX
- luatbls__doc
- Lua tables made accessible in LaTeX
- luatbls__source
- Lua tables made accessible in LaTeX
- luatex85
- pdfTeX aliases for LuaTeX
- luatex85__doc
- pdfTeX aliases for LuaTeX
- luatex85__source
- pdfTeX aliases for LuaTeX
- luatexbase
- Basic resource management for LuaTeX code
- luatexja
- Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX
- luatexja__doc
- Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX
- luatexja__source
- Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX
- luatexko
- Typeset Korean with Lua(La)TeX
- luatexko__doc
- Typeset Korean with Lua(La)TeX
- luatexko__source
- Typeset Korean with Lua(La)TeX
- luatextra
- Additional macros for Plain TeX and LaTeX in LuaTeX.
- luatikz
- A 2D graphics library to draw TikZ graphics using the Lua programming language
- luatikz__doc
- A 2D graphics library to draw TikZ graphics using the Lua programming language
- luatikz__source
- A 2D graphics library to draw TikZ graphics using the Lua programming language
- luatodonotes
- Add editing annotations in a LuaLaTeX document
- luatruthtable
- Generate truth tables of boolean values in LuaLaTeX
- luatruthtable__doc
- Generate truth tables of boolean values in LuaLaTeX
- luatruthtable__source
- Generate truth tables of boolean values in LuaLaTeX
- luavlna
- Prevent line breaks after single letter words, units, or academic titles
- luavlna__doc
- Prevent line breaks after single letter words, units, or academic titles
- luavlna__source
- Prevent line breaks after single letter words, units, or academic titles
- luaxml
- Lua library for reading and serialising XML files
- luaxml__doc
- Lua library for reading and serialising XML files
- luaxml__source
- Lua library for reading and serialising XML files
- lublack
- lubright
- lucallig
- lucasual
- luccyr
- lucida
- Metrics, etc., for Lucida Bright and Lucida Math
- lucida-otf
- Support for the Lucida Bright fonts (OpenType)
- lucida-otf__doc
- Support for the Lucida Bright fonts (OpenType)
- lucida-otf__source
- Support for the Lucida Bright fonts (OpenType)
- lucidfax
- lucold
- Use old-style digits with Lucida fonts.
- lucsans
- lucsstt
- luctt
- luhand
- lumath
- lutabulartools
- Some useful LuaLaTeX-based tabular tools
- lutabulartools__doc
- Some useful LuaLaTeX-based tabular tools
- lutabulartools__source
- Some useful LuaLaTeX-based tabular tools
- luwiantype
- Typesetting package for Hieroglyphic Luwian
- luwiantype__doc
- Typesetting package for Hieroglyphic Luwian
- luwiantype__source
- Typesetting package for Hieroglyphic Luwian
- lwarp
- Converts LaTeX to HTML
- lwarp__doc
- Converts LaTeX to HTML
- lwarp__source
- Converts LaTeX to HTML
- lxfonts
- Set of slide fonts based on CM
- lxfonts__doc
- Set of slide fonts based on CM
- lxfonts__source
- Set of slide fonts based on CM
- ly1
- Support for LY1 LaTeX encoding
- ly1__doc
- Support for LY1 LaTeX encoding
- lyluatex
- Commands to include lilypond scores within a (Lua)LaTeX document
- lyluatex__doc
- Commands to include lilypond scores within a (Lua)LaTeX document
- lyluatex__source
- Commands to include lilypond scores within a (Lua)LaTeX document
- m-tx__doc
- A preprocessor for pmx
- m-tx__source
- A preprocessor for pmx
- m3d
- Extension of plain MetaPost for 3D graphics.
- macrolist
- List operations for LaTeX2e
- macrolist__doc
- List operations for LaTeX2e
- macrolist__source
- List operations for LaTeX2e
- macros2e
- A list of internal LaTeX2e macros.
- macroswap
- Swap the definitions of two LaTeX macros.
- mafr
- Mathematics in accord with French usage.
- magaz
- Magazine layout.
- magic
- A font to go with the Magic(TM) game
- magicnum
- Access TeX systems’ “magic numbers”
- magicwatermark
- An easy and flexible way to set watermarks
- magicwatermark__doc
- An easy and flexible way to set watermarks
- magicwatermark__source
- An easy and flexible way to set watermarks
- magra
- The Magra font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- mahjong
- Typeset Mahjong Tiles using MPSZ Notation
- mahjong__doc
- Typeset Mahjong Tiles using MPSZ Notation
- mahjong__source
- Typeset Mahjong Tiles using MPSZ Notation
- mailing
- Macros for mail merging
- mailing__doc
- Macros for mail merging
- mailing__source
- Macros for mail merging
- mailmerge
- Repeating text field substitution.
- make4ht
- A build system for tex4ht
- make4ht__doc
- A build system for tex4ht
- make4ht__source
- A build system for tex4ht
- makebarcode
- Print various kinds 2/5 and Code 39 bar codes.
- makebase
- Typeset counters in a different base
- makebox
- Defines a \makebox* command
- makecell
- Tabular column heads and multilined cells
- makecirc
- A METAPOST library for electrical circuit diagrams drawing.
- makecmds
- The new \makecommand command always (re)defines a command.
- makedtx
- Perl script to help generate dtx and ins files
- makeglos
- Include a glossary into a document.
- makeindex
- Process index output to produce typesettable code
- makelabels
- Add a ‘\makelabels’ feature to KOMA-Script letter classes and package
- makelabels__doc
- Add a ‘\makelabels’ feature to KOMA-Script letter classes and package
- makelabels__source
- Add a ‘\makelabels’ feature to KOMA-Script letter classes and package
- makeplot
- Easy plots from Matlab to LaTeX.
- maker
- Include Arduino or Processing code in LaTeX documents
- makerobust
- Making a macro robust (legacy package)
- makeshape
- Declare new PGF shapes.
- malayalam-latex
- LaTeX for Malayalam
- maltese
- Support input in Maltese.
- malvern
- A sans-serif font family
- mandi
- Macros for introductory physics and astronomy
- mandi__doc
- Macros for introductory physics and astronomy
- mandi__source
- Macros for introductory physics and astronomy
- manfnt
- LaTeX support for the TeX book symbols
- manfnt-type1
- manuscript
- Emulate look of a document typed on a typewriter.
- manyind
- Provides support for many indexes
- maple
- Styles and examples for the MAPLE newsletter
- marathi
- Typeset Marathi language using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
- marathi__doc
- Typeset Marathi language using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
- marathi__source
- Typeset Marathi language using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
- marcellus
- Marcellus fonts with LaTeX support
- marcellus__doc
- Marcellus fonts with LaTeX support
- margbib
- Display bibitem tags in the margins
- marginfit
- Improved margin notes
- marginfix
- Patch \marginpar to avoid overfull margins
- marginnote
- Notes in the margin, even where \marginpar fails
- marginnote__doc
- Notes in the margin, even where \marginpar fails
- marginnote__source
- Notes in the margin, even where \marginpar fails
- markdown
- Converting and rendering markdown documents inside TeX
- markdown__doc
- Converting and rendering markdown documents inside TeX
- markdown__source
- Converting and rendering markdown documents inside TeX
- marvosym
- Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font.
- matapli
- Class for the french journal “MATAPLI”
- matapli__doc
- Class for the french journal “MATAPLI”
- matapli__source
- Class for the french journal “MATAPLI”
- matc3
- Commands for MatematicaC3 textbooks.
- matc3mem
- Class for MatematicaC3 textbooks.
- mathabx
- Three series of mathematical symbols.
- mathabx-type1
- Outline version of the mathabx fonts.
- mathalpha
- General package for loading maths alphabets in LaTeX
- mathalpha__doc
- General package for loading maths alphabets in LaTeX
- mathalpha__source
- General package for loading maths alphabets in LaTeX
- mathastext
- Use the text font in maths mode
- mathastext__doc
- Use the text font in maths mode
- mathastext__source
- Use the text font in maths mode
- mathcommand
- \newcommand-like commands for defining math macros
- mathcommand__doc
- \newcommand-like commands for defining math macros
- mathcommand__source
- \newcommand-like commands for defining math macros
- mathcomp
- mathdesign
- Mathematical fonts to fit with particular text fonts.
- mathdots
- Commands to produce dots in math that respect font size.
- mathematica
- Support for fonts distributed with Mathematica
- mathexam
- mathfam256
- Extend math family up to 256 for pLaTeX/upLaTeX/Lamed
- mathfixs
- Fix various layout issues in math mode
- mathfixs__doc
- Fix various layout issues in math mode
- mathfixs__source
- Fix various layout issues in math mode
- mathfont
- Use TrueType and OpenType fonts in math mode
- mathfont__doc
- Use TrueType and OpenType fonts in math mode
- mathfont__source
- Use TrueType and OpenType fonts in math mode
- mathgreeks
- Use different Greek letter fonts in math mode
- mathgreeks__doc
- Use different Greek letter fonts in math mode
- mathgreeks__source
- Use different Greek letter fonts in math mode
- mathpartir
- Typesetting sequences of math formulas, e.g. type inference rules
- mathpazo
- Pazo Math fonts and LaTeX package to typeset Palatino.
- mathpunctspace
- Control the space after punctuation in math expressions
- mathsemantics
- Semantic math commands in LaTeX
- mathsemantics__doc
- Semantic math commands in LaTeX
- mathsemantics__source
- Semantic math commands in LaTeX
- mathspec
- Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX
- mathspic
- A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX.
- mathstone
- Use Adobe Stone Serif and Stone Sans for typesetting maths.
- mathtime
- mathtools
- Mathematical tools to use with amsmath
- mathtools__doc
- Mathematical tools to use with amsmath
- mathtools__source
- Mathematical tools to use with amsmath
- matlab-prettifier
- Pretty-print Matlab source code.
- matrix-skeleton
- A PGF/TikZ library that simplifies working with multiple matrix nodes
- matrix-skeleton__doc
- A PGF/TikZ library that simplifies working with multiple matrix nodes
- matrix-skeleton__source
- A PGF/TikZ library that simplifies working with multiple matrix nodes
- mattens
- Matrices/tensor typesetting
- mattens__doc
- Matrices/tensor typesetting
- mattens__source
- Matrices/tensor typesetting
- mattex
- Import Matlab values to LaTeX documents.
- maybemath
- Make math bold or italic according to context.
- maze
- Generate random mazes
- maze__doc
- Generate random mazes
- maze__source
- Generate random mazes
- mbenotes
- Notes in tables or images.
- mcaption
- Put captions in the margin.
- mceinleger
- Creating covers for music cassettes
- mcexam
- Create randomized Multiple Choice questions
- mcexam__doc
- Create randomized Multiple Choice questions
- mcexam__source
- Create randomized Multiple Choice questions
- mcf2graph
- Draw chemical structure diagrams with MetaPost
- mcf2graph__doc
- Draw chemical structure diagrams with MetaPost
- mcf2graph__source
- Draw chemical structure diagrams with MetaPost
- mcite
- Multiple items in a single citation
- mciteplus
- Enhanced multiple citations.
- mcmthesis
- Template designed for MCM/ICM
- mcmthesis__doc
- Template designed for MCM/ICM
- mcmthesis__source
- Template designed for MCM/ICM
- mdframed
- Framed environments that can split at page boundaries.
- mdputu
- Upright digits in Adobe Utopia Italic.
- mdsymbol
- Symbol fonts to match Adobe Myriad Pro.
- mdwtools
- Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding.
- mecaso
- Formulas frequently used in rigid body mechanics
- mecaso__doc
- Formulas frequently used in rigid body mechanics
- mecaso__source
- Formulas frequently used in rigid body mechanics
- media4svg
- Multimedia inclusion for the dvisvgm backend
- media4svg__doc
- Multimedia inclusion for the dvisvgm backend
- media9
- Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility
- media9__doc
- Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility
- media9__source
- Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility
- medmath
- Better medium-size math commands
- medmath__doc
- Better medium-size math commands
- medmath__source
- Better medium-size math commands
- medstarbeamer
- Beamer document class for MedStar Health Research Institute
- meetingmins
- Format written minutes of meetings.
- membranecomputing
- Membrane Computing notation
- membranecomputing__doc
- Membrane Computing notation
- membranecomputing__source
- Membrane Computing notation
- memdesign
- Notes on book design
- memexsupp
- The memexsupp package for experimental memoir support
- memoir
- Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books
- memoir__doc
- Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books
- memoir__source
- Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books
- memoirchapterstyles
- Chapter styles in memoir class.
- memoize
- Externalization of graphics and memoization of compilation results in general
- memoize__doc
- Externalization of graphics and memoization of compilation results in general
- memoize__source
- Externalization of graphics and memoization of compilation results in general
- memory
- Containers for data in LaTeX.
- memorygraphs
- TikZ styles to typeset graphs of program memory
- mendex-doc
- Documentation for Mendex index processor
- mendex-doc__source
- Documentation for Mendex index processor
- mensa-tex
- Typeset simple school cafeteria menus
- mentis
- Adjustments Mentis publishers in Paderborn, Germany.
- menu
- menucard
- Typesetting menu cards with LaTeX
- menukeys
- Format menu sequences, paths and keystrokes from lists
- menukeys__doc
- Format menu sequences, paths and keystrokes from lists
- menukeys__source
- Format menu sequences, paths and keystrokes from lists
- mercatormap
- Spherical Mercator coordinate systems and Web Mercator tile integration
- mercatormap__doc
- Spherical Mercator coordinate systems and Web Mercator tile integration
- merriweather
- Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with LaTeX support
- merriweather__doc
- Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with LaTeX support
- messagebubbles
- Display message bubbles as a conversation.
- messagepassing
- Draw diagrams to represent communication protocols
- messagepassing__doc
- Draw diagrams to represent communication protocols
- messagepassing__source
- Draw diagrams to represent communication protocols
- metafont
- A system for specifying fonts
- metago
- MetaPost output of Go positions.
- metalogo
- Extended TeX logo macros.
- metalogox
- Adjust TeX logos, with font detection
- metalogox__doc
- Adjust TeX logos, with font detection
- metalogox__source
- Adjust TeX logos, with font detection
- metaobj
- MetaPost package providing high-level objects.
- metaplot
- metapost
- A development of Metafont for creating graphics
- metapost-colorbrewer
- An implementation of the colorbrewer2.org colours for MetaPost
- metapost-examples
- Example drawings using MetaPost
- metastr
- Store and compose strings
- metatex
- METATeX communicates TeX and METAFONT
- metauml
- MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams
- method
- Typeset method and variable declarations.
- metrix
- Typeset metric marks for Latin text
- metsymb
- The package provides dedicated TeX commands to generate (vectorial) meteorological symbols
- metsymb__doc
- The package provides dedicated TeX commands to generate (vectorial) meteorological symbols
- metsymb__source
- The package provides dedicated TeX commands to generate (vectorial) meteorological symbols
- mf2pt1
- Convert stylized Metafont to PostScript Type 1
- mf2pt1__doc
- Convert stylized Metafont to PostScript Type 1
- mf2pt1__source
- Convert stylized Metafont to PostScript Type 1
- mfb-oldstyle
- MFB Oldstyle serif fonts
- mfb-oldstyle__doc
- MFB Oldstyle serif fonts
- mfb-oldstyle__source
- MFB Oldstyle serif fonts
- mff
- Multiple font formats
- mff__doc
- Multiple font formats
- mff__source
- Multiple font formats
- mfirstuc
- Uppercase the first letter of a word
- mfirstuc__doc
- Uppercase the first letter of a word
- mfirstuc__source
- Uppercase the first letter of a word
- mflogo
- LaTeX support for Metafont logo fonts.
- mflogo-font
- Metafont logo font
- mfnfss
- Packages to typeset oldgerman and pandora fonts in LaTeX
- mfpic
- Draw Metafont/post pictures from (La)TeX commands.
- mfpic4ode
- Macros to draw direction fields and solutions of ODEs.
- mftinc
- Pretty-print Metafont source.
- mfware
- Supporting tools for use with Metafont
- mhchem
- Typeset chemical formulae/equations and H and P statements
- mhchem__doc
- Typeset chemical formulae/equations and H and P statements
- mhchem__source
- Typeset chemical formulae/equations and H and P statements
- mhequ
- Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering
- mhequ__doc
- Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering
- mhequ__source
- Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering
- mi-solns
- Extract solutions from exercises and quizzes
- miama
- The Miama Nueva handwriting font with LaTeX support
- miama__doc
- The Miama Nueva handwriting font with LaTeX support
- miama__source
- The Miama Nueva handwriting font with LaTeX support
- microtype
- Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection
- microtype__doc
- Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection
- microtype__source
- Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection
- midnight
- A set of useful macro tools
- midpage
- Environment for vertical centring.
- miktex-arctrl-bin-2.9
- MiKTeX AR Controller, Windows x86
- miktex-arctrl-bin-x64-2.9
- MiKTeX AR Controller, Windows x64
- miktex-asymptote-bin-2.9
- asymptote, Windows x86
- miktex-asymptote-bin-x64-2.9
- asymptote, Windows x64
- miktex-autosp-bin-2.9
- autosp and rebar, Windows x86
- miktex-autosp-bin-x64-2.9
- autosp and rebar, Windows x64
- miktex-axohelp-bin-2.9
- axohelp, Windows x86
- miktex-axohelp-bin-x64-2.9
- axohelp, Windows x64
- miktex-bibarts-bin-2.9
- bibarts, Windows x86
- miktex-bibarts-bin-x64-2.9
- bibarts, Windows x64
- miktex-bibtex-bin-2.9
- BibTeX, Windows x86
- miktex-bibtex-bin-x64-2.9
- BibTeX, Windows x64
- miktex-bibtex8bit-bin-2.9
- BibTeX8bit, Windows x86
- miktex-bibtex8bit-bin-x64-2.9
- BibTeX8bit, Windows x64
- miktex-bzip2-bin-2.9
- Bzip2 runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-bzip2-bin-x64-2.9
- Bzip2 runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-cairo-bin-2.9
- Cairo Graphics Library, Windows x86
- miktex-cairo-bin-x64-2.9
- Cairo Graphics Library, Windows x64
- miktex-chktex-bin-2.9
- ChkTeX, Windows x86
- miktex-chktex-bin-x64-2.9
- ChkTeX, Windows x64
- miktex-cjkutils-bin-2.9
- CJK Font Utilities, Windows x86
- miktex-cjkutils-bin-x64-2.9
- CJK Font Utilities, Windows x64
- miktex-config-2.9
- MiKTeX configuration files
- miktex-console-bin-2.9
- MiKTeX Console, Windows x86
- miktex-console-bin-x64-2.9
- MiKTeX Console, Windows x64
- miktex-curl-bin-2.9
- libcurl, Windows x86
- miktex-curl-bin-x64-2.9
- libcurl, Windows x64
- miktex-cweb-bin-2.9
- CWEB, Windows x86
- miktex-cweb-bin-x64-2.9
- CWEB, Windows x64
- miktex-devnag-bin-2.9
- devnag, Windows x86
- miktex-devnag-bin-x64-2.9
- devnag, Windows x64
- miktex-dict-british
- Hunspell en_GB dictionary
- miktex-dict-english
- Hunspell en_US dictionary
- miktex-dict-french
- Hunspell fr_FR dictionary
- miktex-dict-german
- Hunspell de_DE dictionary
- miktex-doc
- MiKTeX documentation
- miktex-dvicopy-bin-2.9
- DVIcopy, Windows x86
- miktex-dvicopy-bin-x64-2.9
- DVIcopy, Windows x64
- miktex-dvipdfmx
- MiKTeX-specific dvipdfmx files
- miktex-dvipdfmx-bin-2.9
- Dvipdfmx, Windows x86
- miktex-dvipdfmx-bin-x64-2.9
- Dvipdfmx, Windows x64
- miktex-dvipng-bin-2.9
- DVI-to-PNG Converter, Windows x86
- miktex-dvipng-bin-x64-2.9
- DVI-to-PNG Converter, Windows x64
- miktex-dvips
- MiKTeX-specific dvips files
- miktex-dvips-bin-2.9
- Dvips, Windows x86
- miktex-dvips-bin-x64-2.9
- Dvips, Windows x64
- miktex-dvisvgm-bin-2.9
- Dvisvgm, Windows x86
- miktex-dvisvgm-bin-x64-2.9
- Dvisvgm, Windows x64
- miktex-epstopdf-bin-2.9
- epstopdf, Windows x86
- miktex-epstopdf-bin-x64-2.9
- epstopdf, Windows x64
- miktex-etex
- MiKTeX-specific e-TeX files
- miktex-expat-bin-2.9
- Expat runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-expat-bin-x64-2.9
- Expat runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-findtexmf-bin-2.9
- FindTexMF, Windows x86
- miktex-findtexmf-bin-x64-2.9
- FindTexMF, Windows x64
- miktex-fmt-bin-2.9
- {fmt}, Windows x86
- miktex-fmt-bin-x64-2.9
- {fmt}, Windows x64
- miktex-fontconfig
- MiKTeX-specific fontconfig files
- miktex-fontconfig-bin-2.9
- FontConfig, Windows x86
- miktex-fontconfig-bin-x64-2.9
- FontConfig, Windows x64
- miktex-fonts-bin-2.9
- VFtoVP and VPtoVF, Windows x86
- miktex-fonts-bin-x64-2.9
- VFtoVP and VPtoVF, Windows x64
- miktex-freeglut-bin-2.9
- Free GLUT library, Windows x86
- miktex-freeglut-bin-x64-2.9
- Free GLUT library, Windows x64
- miktex-freetype2-bin-2.9
- FreeType2 library, Windows x86
- miktex-freetype2-bin-x64-2.9
- FreeType2 library, Windows x64
- miktex-fribidixetex-bin-2.9
- fribidixetex, Windows x86
- miktex-fribidixetex-bin-x64-2.9
- fribidixetex, Windows x64
- miktex-gd-bin-2.9
- GD runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-gd-bin-x64-2.9
- GD runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-ghostscript-bin
- GPL Ghostscript for Windows (x86)
- miktex-ghostscript-bin-x64
- GPL Ghostscript for Windows (x64)
- miktex-graphite2-bin-2.9
- Graphite2 runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-graphite2-bin-x64-2.9
- Graphite2 runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-gregorio-bin-2.9
- gregorio, Windows x86
- miktex-gregorio-bin-x64-2.9
- gregorio, Windows x64
- miktex-gsf2pk-bin-2.9
- GSF2PK, Windows x86
- miktex-gsf2pk-bin-x64-2.9
- GSF2PK, Windows x64
- miktex-harfbuzz-bin-2.9
- OpenType text shaping engine, Windows x86
- miktex-harfbuzz-bin-x64-2.9
- OpenType text shaping engine, Windows x64
- miktex-hitex-bin
- HiTeX, Windows x86
- miktex-hitex-bin-x64
- HiTeX, Windows x64
- miktex-hunspell-bin-2.9
- Hunspell runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-hunspell-bin-x64-2.9
- Hunspell runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-icu-bin
- ICU runtime libraries for Windows (x86)
- miktex-icu-bin-x64
- ICU runtime libraries for Windows (x64)
- miktex-jpeg-bin-2.9
- JPEG runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-jpeg-bin-x64-2.9
- JPEG runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-kpathsea-bin-2.9
- kpsewhich, Windows x86
- miktex-kpathsea-bin-x64-2.9
- kpsewhich, Windows x64
- miktex-lacheck-bin-2.9
- lacheck, Windows x86
- miktex-lacheck-bin-x64-2.9
- lacheck, Windows x64
- miktex-latex
- MiKTeX-specific LaTeX files
- miktex-lcdf-typetools-bin-2.9
- LCDF Typetools, Windows x86
- miktex-lcdf-typetools-bin-x64-2.9
- LCDF Typetools, Windows x64
- miktex-libressl-bin-2.9
- LibreSSL runtime libraries, Windows x86
- miktex-libressl-bin-x64-2.9
- LibreSSL runtime libraries, Windows x64
- miktex-log4cxx-bin-2.9
- log4cxx runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-log4cxx-bin-x64-2.9
- log4cxx runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-lua53-bin-2.9
- Lua 5.3 runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-lua53-bin-x64-2.9
- Lua 5.3 runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-luatex
- MiKTeX-specific LuaTeX files
- miktex-luatex-bin-2.9
- LuaTeX and LuaHBTeX, Windows x86
- miktex-luatex-bin-x64-2.9
- LuaTeX and LuaHBTeX, Windows x64
- miktex-lzma-bin-2.9
- LZMA runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-lzma-bin-x64-2.9
- LZMA runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-m-tx-bin-2.9
- M-Tx, Windows x86
- miktex-m-tx-bin-x64-2.9
- M-Tx, Windows x64
- miktex-makeindex-bin-2.9
- MakeIndex. Windows x86
- miktex-makeindex-bin-x64-2.9
- MakeIndex. Windows x64
- miktex-md5-bin-2.9
- MD5 runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-md5-bin-x64-2.9
- MD5 runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-metafont
- MiKTeX-specific METAFONT files
- miktex-metafont-bin-2.9
- METAFFONT, Windows x86
- miktex-metafont-bin-x64-2.9
- METAFFONT, Windows x64
- miktex-metapost
- MiKTeX-specific MetaPostFiles
- miktex-metapost-bin-2.9
- MetaPost, Windows x86
- miktex-metapost-bin-x64-2.9
- MetaPost, Windows x64
- miktex-mfware-bin-2.9
- MFware, Windows x86
- miktex-mfware-bin-x64-2.9
- MFware, Windows x64
- miktex-misc
- Various MiKTeX-specific configuration files
- miktex-mktex-bin-2.9
- MakeFMT and friends, Windows x86
- miktex-mktex-bin-x64-2.9
- MakeFMT and friends, Windows x64
- miktex-mo-bin-2.9
- MiKTeX Options, Windows x86
- miktex-mo-bin-x64-2.9
- MiKTeX Options, Windows x64
- miktex-mpfr-bin-2.9
- Multiple-precision floating-point computations library, Windows x86
- miktex-mpmcli-bin-2.9
- MiKTeX Package Manager (CLI), Windows x86
- miktex-mpmcli-bin-x64-2.9
- MiKTeX Package Manager (CLI), Windows x64
- miktex-mspack-bin-2.9
- libmspack runtime libraries, Windows x86
- miktex-mspack-bin-x64-2.9
- libmspack runtime libraries, Windows x64
- miktex-mthelp-bin-2.9
- mthelp, Windows x86
- miktex-mthelp-bin-x64-2.9
- mthelp, Windows x64
- miktex-mtprint-bin-2.9
- mtprint, Windows x86
- miktex-mtprint-bin-x64-2.9
- mtprint, Windows x64
- miktex-omega
- MiKTeX-specific Omega files
- miktex-omegaware-bin-2.9
- Omegaware, Windows x86
- miktex-omegaware-bin-x64-2.9
- Omegaware, Windows x64
- miktex-patgen-bin
- PATGEN, Windows x86
- miktex-patgen-bin-x64
- PATGEN, Windows x64
- miktex-pdftex
- MiKTeX-specific pdfTeX files
- miktex-pdftex-bin-2.9
- pdfTeX, Windows x86
- miktex-pdftex-bin-x64-2.9
- pdfTeX, Windows x64
- miktex-pixman-bin-2.9
- Pixel manipulation library, Windows x86
- miktex-pixman-bin-x64-2.9
- Pixel manipulation library, Windows x64
- miktex-pmx-bin-2.9
- pmxab and scor2prt, Windows x86
- miktex-pmx-bin-x64-2.9
- pmxab and scor2prt, Windows x64
- miktex-png-bin-2.9
- PNG runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-png-bin-x64-2.9
- PNG runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-poppler-bin-2.9
- Poppler runtine library, Windows x86
- miktex-poppler-bin-x64-2.9
- Poppler runtine library, Windows x64
- miktex-popt-bin-2.9
- libpopt runtime libraries, Windows x86
- miktex-popt-bin-x64-2.9
- libpopt runtime libraries, Windows x64
- miktex-posix-bin-2.9
- Poxix runtime libraries, Windows x86
- miktex-posix-bin-x64-2.9
- Poxix runtime libraries, Windows x64
- miktex-ps2pk-bin-2.9
- PS2PK Windows x86
- miktex-ps2pk-bin-x64-2.9
- PS2PK Windows xx64
- miktex-psutils-bin-2.9
- PSutils, Windows x86
- miktex-psutils-bin-x64-2.9
- PSutils, Windows x64
- miktex-ptex-bin
- pTeX, Windows x86
- miktex-ptex-bin-x64
- pTeX, Windows x64
- miktex-qt5-bin
- Qt5 runtime libraries for Windows (x86)
- miktex-qt6-bin-x64
- Qt6 runtime libraries for Windows (x64)
- miktex-runtime-bin-2.9
- MiKTeX run-time libraries, Windows x86
- miktex-runtime-bin-x64-2.9
- MiKTeX run-time libraries, Windows x64
- miktex-synctex-bin-2.9
- SyncTeX parser, Windows x86
- miktex-synctex-bin-x64-2.9
- SyncTeX parser, Windows x64
- miktex-tdsutil-bin
- MiKTeX TDS Utility, Windows x86
- miktex-tdsutil-bin-x64
- MiKTeX TDS Utility, Windows x64
- miktex-teckit-bin-2.9
- TECkit runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-teckit-bin-x64-2.9
- TECkit runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-tex
- MiKTeX-specific TeX files
- miktex-tex-bin-2.9
- TeX, Windows x86
- miktex-tex-bin-x64-2.9
- TeX, Windows x64
- miktex-tex2xindy-bin-2.9
- tex2xindy, Windows x86
- miktex-tex2xindy-bin-x64-2.9
- tex2xindy, Windows x64
- miktex-tex4ht
- MiKTeX-specific TeX4ht files
- miktex-tex4ht-bin-2.9
- TeX4HT, Windows x86
- miktex-tex4ht-bin-x64-2.9
- TeX4HT, Windows x64
- miktex-texify-bin-2.9
- TeXify, Windows x86
- miktex-texify-bin-x64-2.9
- TeXify, Windows x64
- miktex-texinfo
- MiKTeX-specific Texinfo files
- miktex-texware-bin-2.9
- TeXware, Windows x86
- miktex-texware-bin-x64-2.9
- TeXware, Windows x64
- miktex-texworks-bin-2.9
- TeXworks, Windows x86
- miktex-texworks-bin-x64-2.9
- TeXworks, Windows x64
- miktex-ttf2pk2-bin-2.9
- ttf2pk2, Windows x86
- miktex-ttf2pk2-bin-x64-2.9
- ttf2pk2, Windows x64
- miktex-ucrt-bin
- Universal C runtime library for Windows (x86)
- miktex-ucrt-bin-x64
- Universal C runtime library for Windows (x64)
- miktex-upmendex-bin
- upmendex, Windows x86
- miktex-upmendex-bin-x64
- upmendex, Windows x64
- miktex-uriparser-bin-2.9
- Uriparser runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-uriparser-bin-x64-2.9
- Uriparser runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-vc140-bin
- Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libraryfor Windows (x86)
- miktex-vc140-bin-x64
- Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library for Windows (x64)
- miktex-web-bin-2.9
- Tangle/Weave, Windows x86
- miktex-web-bin-x64-2.9
- Tangle/Weave, Windows x64
- miktex-xetex
- MiKTeX-specific XeTeX files
- miktex-xetex-bin-2.9
- XeTeX, Windows x86
- miktex-xetex-bin-x64-2.9
- XeTeX, Windows x64
- miktex-xindy-bin
- Xindy binaries for Windows (x86)
- miktex-xindy-bin-x64
- Xindy binaries for Windows (x86)
- miktex-xml2pmx-bin
- xml2pmx, Windows x86
- miktex-xml2pmx-bin-x64
- xml2pmx, Windows x64
- miktex-yap-bin-2.9
- Yap, Windows x86
- miktex-yap-bin-x64-2.9
- Yap, Windows x64
- miktex-zip-bin
- Zip binary for Windows (x86)
- miktex-zip-bin-x64
- Zip binary for Windows (x64)
- miktex-zlib-bin-2.9
- zlib runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-zlib-bin-x64-2.9
- zlib runtime library, Windows x64
- miktex-zzip-bin-2.9
- Zzip runtime library, Windows x86
- miktex-zzip-bin-x64-2.9
- Zzip runtime library, Windows x64
- mil3
- Samples from Math into LaTeX, third edition
- miller
- Typesetting Miller indices.
- milog
- A LaTeX class for fulfilling the documentation duties according to the German minimum wage law MiLoG
- milsymb
- LaTeX package for TikZ based drawing of military symbols as per NATO APP-6(C)
- milsymb__doc
- LaTeX package for TikZ based drawing of military symbols as per NATO APP-6(C)
- milsymb__source
- LaTeX package for TikZ based drawing of military symbols as per NATO APP-6(C)
- mindflow
- Write your ideas in a clear way
- mindflow__doc
- Write your ideas in a clear way
- mindflow__source
- Write your ideas in a clear way
- minibox
- A simple type of box for LaTeX.
- minidocument
- creates miniature documents inside other LaTeX documents
- minifp
- Fixed-point real computations to 8 decimals.
- minim
- A modern plain format for the LuaTeX engine
- minim__doc
- A modern plain format for the LuaTeX engine
- minim__source
- A modern plain format for the LuaTeX engine
- minim-hatching
- Create tiling patterns with the minim-mp MetaPost processor
- minim-hatching__doc
- Create tiling patterns with the minim-mp MetaPost processor
- minim-hatching__source
- Create tiling patterns with the minim-mp MetaPost processor
- minim-math
- Extensive maths for LuaTeX
- minim-math__doc
- Extensive maths for LuaTeX
- minim-math__source
- Extensive maths for LuaTeX
- minim-mp
- Low-level mplib integration for LuaTeX
- minim-mp__doc
- Low-level mplib integration for LuaTeX
- minim-mp__source
- Low-level mplib integration for LuaTeX
- minim-pdf
- Low-level PDF integration for LuaTeX
- minim-pdf__doc
- Low-level PDF integration for LuaTeX
- minim-pdf__source
- Low-level PDF integration for LuaTeX
- minim-xmp
- Embed XMP metadata in PDF with LuaTeX
- minim-xmp__doc
- Embed XMP metadata in PDF with LuaTeX
- minim-xmp__source
- Embed XMP metadata in PDF with LuaTeX
- minimalist
- Write your articles or books in a simple and clear way
- minimalist__doc
- Write your articles or books in a simple and clear way
- minimalist__source
- Write your articles or books in a simple and clear way
- minion2newtx
- Enable use of Minion Pro with newtx
- minion2newtx__doc
- Enable use of Minion Pro with newtx
- minion2newtx__source
- Enable use of Minion Pro with newtx
- minipage-marginpar
- Minipages with marginal notes.
- miniplot
- A Package For Easy Figure Arrangements.
- minitoc
- Produce a table of contents for each chapter, part or section
- minted
- Highlighted source code for LaTeX
- minted__doc
- Highlighted source code for LaTeX
- minted__source
- Highlighted source code for LaTeX
- mintspirit
- LaTeX support for MintSpirit font families
- mintspirit__doc
- LaTeX support for MintSpirit font families
- minutes
- Typeset the minutes of meetings
- mismath
- Miscellaneous mathematical macros
- mismath__doc
- Miscellaneous mathematical macros
- mismath__source
- Miscellaneous mathematical macros
- missaali
- A late medieval OpenType textura font
- mitthesis
- A LaTeX template for an MIT thesis
- mitthesis__doc
- A LaTeX template for an MIT thesis
- mitthesis__source
- A LaTeX template for an MIT thesis
- mk
- A TeX and LaTeX maker
- mkjobtexmf
- Generate a texmf tree for a particular job.
- mkpattern
- mkstmp_pro
- mkstmp
- mla-paper
- This package allows for proper MLA formatting.
- mlacls
- LaTeX class for MLA papers
- mlacls__doc
- LaTeX class for MLA papers
- mlacls__source
- LaTeX class for MLA papers
- mlawriter
- Write MLA style documents in Plain TeX
- mlawriter__doc
- Write MLA style documents in Plain TeX
- mlawriter__source
- Write MLA style documents in Plain TeX
- mleftright
- Variants of delimiters that act as maths open/close
- mlist
- Logical markup for lists.
- mlmath
- Mathematical notation for Machine Learning
- mlmodern
- A blacker Type 1 version of Computer Modern, with multilingual support
- mltex
- The MLTeX system
- mluexercise
- Exercises/homework at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- mmap
- Include CMap resources in PDF files from PDFTeX.
- mnotes
- Margin annotation for collaborative writing
- mnotes__doc
- Margin annotation for collaborative writing
- mnotes__source
- Margin annotation for collaborative writing
- mnras
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- mnras__doc
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- mnras__source
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- mnsymbol
- Math symbol font for Adobe MinionPro
- modeles-factures-belges-assocs
- Generate invoices for Belgian non-profit organizations
- moderncv
- A modern curriculum vitae class
- moderncv__doc
- A modern curriculum vitae class
- moderncv__source
- A modern curriculum vitae class
- modernposter
- A modern LaTeX poster theme
- moderntimeline
- Timelines for use with moderncv
- modes
- A collection of Metafont mode_def’s
- modes__doc
- A collection of Metafont mode_def’s
- modes__source
- A collection of Metafont mode_def’s
- modiagram
- Drawing molecular orbital diagrams
- modref
- Customisation of cross-references in LaTeX.
- modroman
- modular
- Relative section headings for modular documents
- modulus
- A non-destructive modulus and integer quotient operator for TeX
- mol2chemfig
- Convert chemical structures from MDL molfile format to chemfig source code
- moloch
- Beamer theme based on Metropolis
- moloch__doc
- Beamer theme based on Metropolis
- moloch__source
- Beamer theme based on Metropolis
- mongolian-babel
- A language definition file for Mongolian in Babel.
- monofill
- Alignment of plain text.
- montex
- Mongolian LaTeX.
- montserrat
- Montserrat sans serif, otf and pfb, with LaTeX support files
- moodle
- Generating Moodle quizzes via LaTeX
- moodle__doc
- Generating Moodle quizzes via LaTeX
- moodle__source
- Generating Moodle quizzes via LaTeX
- moonphase
- Font for representing the phases of the moon
- moreenum
- More enumeration options.
- morefloats
- Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats
- morefloats__doc
- Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats
- morefloats__source
- Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats
- morehype
- Hypertext tools for use with LaTeX
- moremath
- Additional commands for typesetting maths
- moremath__doc
- Additional commands for typesetting maths
- moremath__source
- Additional commands for typesetting maths
- moresize
- Allows font sizes up to 35.83pt.
- moreverb
- Extended verbatim.
- morewrites
- Always room for a new write stream
- morewrites__doc
- Always room for a new write stream
- morewrites__source
- Always room for a new write stream
- morisawa
- Enables selection of 5 standard Japanese fonts for pLaTeX + dvips
- morisawa__doc
- Enables selection of 5 standard Japanese fonts for pLaTeX + dvips
- morisawa__source
- Enables selection of 5 standard Japanese fonts for pLaTeX + dvips
- movement-arrows
- Drawing movement arrows on linguistic example sentences
- movement-arrows__doc
- Drawing movement arrows on linguistic example sentences
- movement-arrows__source
- Drawing movement arrows on linguistic example sentences
- movie15
- Multimedia inclusion package.
- mp-geom2d
- Flat geometry with MetaPost
- mp-geom2d__doc
- Flat geometry with MetaPost
- mp-geom2d__source
- Flat geometry with MetaPost
- mp-neuralnetwork
- Drawing artificial neural networks with MetaPost and METAOBJ
- mp-neuralnetwork__doc
- Drawing artificial neural networks with MetaPost and METAOBJ
- mp-neuralnetwork__source
- Drawing artificial neural networks with MetaPost and METAOBJ
- mparhack
- Work around a LaTeX bug in marginpars
- mparrows
- MetaPost module with different types of arrow heads
- mpattern
- Patterns in MetaPost.
- mpchess
- Drawing chess boards and positions with MetaPost
- mpchess__doc
- Drawing chess boards and positions with MetaPost
- mpchess__source
- Drawing chess boards and positions with MetaPost
- mpcolornames
- mpfonts
- Computer Modern Type 3 fonts converted using MetaPost
- mpgraphics
- Process and display MetaPost figures inline.
- mpkiviat
- MetaPost package to draw Kiviat diagrams
- mpkiviat__doc
- MetaPost package to draw Kiviat diagrams
- mpkiviat__source
- MetaPost package to draw Kiviat diagrams
- mpman-ru
- A Russian translation of the MetaPost manual.
- mpostinl
- Embed MetaPost figures within LaTeX documents
- mptopdf
- mptrees
- Probability trees with MetaPost
- mptrees__doc
- Probability trees with MetaPost
- mptrees__source
- Probability trees with MetaPost
- msc
- Draw MSC diagrams
- msc__doc
- Draw MSC diagrams
- msc__source
- Draw MSC diagrams
- msg
- A package for LaTeX localisation
- mslapa
- msu-thesis
- Class for Michigan State University Master’s and PhD theses
- msu-thesis__doc
- Class for Michigan State University Master’s and PhD theses
- msu-thesis__source
- Class for Michigan State University Master’s and PhD theses
- msuthesis
- mtbe
- Macros for "Mathematical TeX by Example"
- mtgreek
- mucproc
- Conference proceedings for the German MuC-conference
- mugsthesis
- Thesis class complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements
- mugsthesis__doc
- Thesis class complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements
- mugsthesis__source
- Thesis class complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements
- muling
- MA Thesis class for the Department of Linguistics, University of Mumbai
- muling__doc
- MA Thesis class for the Department of Linguistics, University of Mumbai
- muling__source
- MA Thesis class for the Department of Linguistics, University of Mumbai
- multenum
- Multi-column enumerated lists
- multiaudience
- Several versions of output from the same source
- multiaudience__doc
- Several versions of output from the same source
- multiaudience__source
- Several versions of output from the same source
- multibbl
- Multiple bibliographies.
- multibib
- Multiple bibliographies within one document.
- multibibliography
- Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders.
- multibox
- Multiple boxes and frames for the picture environment.
- multicap
- Format captions inside multicols
- multicolrule
- Decorative rules between columns
- multidef
- Quickly define several similar macros
- multido
- A loop facility for Generic TeX.
- multienv
- Multiple environments using a "key=value" syntax.
- multiexpand
- Variations on the primitive command \expandafter
- multifootnote
- Multiple numbers for the same footnote
- multifootnote__doc
- Multiple numbers for the same footnote
- multifootnote__source
- Multiple numbers for the same footnote
- multilang
- A LaTeX package for maintaining multiple translations of a document
- multiobjective
- Symbols for multibojective optimisation etc.
- multiple-choice
- LaTeX package for multiple-choice questions
- multiple-choice__doc
- LaTeX package for multiple-choice questions
- multiple-choice__source
- LaTeX package for multiple-choice questions
- multirow
- Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows
- multirow__doc
- Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows
- multirow__source
- Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows
- multitoc
- Set table of contents in multiple columns
- multitoc__doc
- Set table of contents in multiple columns
- multitoc__source
- Set table of contents in multiple columns
- munich
- An alternative authordate bibliography style.
- musical
- Typeset (musical) theatre scripts
- musicography
- Accessing symbols for music writing with pdfLaTeX
- musicography__doc
- Accessing symbols for music writing with pdfLaTeX
- musicography__source
- Accessing symbols for music writing with pdfLaTeX
- musikui
- Easy creation of “arithmetical restoration” puzzles
- musixguit
- Easy notation for guitar music, in MusixTeX.
- musixtex
- Sophisticated music typesetting
- musixtex__doc
- Sophisticated music typesetting
- musixtex__source
- Sophisticated music typesetting
- musixtex-fonts
- Fonts used by MusixTeX
- musixtex-fonts__doc
- Fonts used by MusixTeX
- musuos
- Typeset papers for the department of music, Osnabrück.
- muthesis
- Classes for University of Manchester Dept of Computer Science.
- mversion
- Keeping track of document versions.
- mwcls
- Polish-oriented document classes
- mwe
- Packages and image files for MWEs
- mweights
- Support for multiple-weight font packages
- mwrite
- Write information to files
- mxedruli
- A pair of fonts for different Georgian alphabets.
- mychemistry
- Create reaction schemes with LaTeX and ChemFig.
- mycv
- A list-driven CV class, allowing TikZ decorations.
- mylatex
- Make a format containing a document’s preamble
- mylatexformat
- Build a format based on the preamble of a LaTeX file.
- mynsfc
- XeLaTeX template for writing the main body of NSFC proposals
- mynsfc__doc
- XeLaTeX template for writing the main body of NSFC proposals
- mynsfc__source
- XeLaTeX template for writing the main body of NSFC proposals
- na-border
- Decorative borders for texts in Arabic and French
- na-box
- Arabic-aware version of pas-cours package
- na-position
- Tables of relative positions of curves and asymptotes or tangents in Arabic documents
- nag
- Detecting and warning about obsolete LaTeX commands
- nahuatl
- Render nahuatl glyphs
- nahuatl__doc
- Render nahuatl glyphs
- nahuatl__source
- Render nahuatl glyphs
- naive-ebnf
- EBNF in plain text
- naive-ebnf__doc
- EBNF in plain text
- naive-ebnf__source
- EBNF in plain text
- nameauth__doc
- Name authority mechanism for consistency in body text and index
- nameauth__source
- Name authority mechanism for consistency in body text and index
- namedef
- TeX definitions with named parameters
- namedtensor
- Macros for named tensor notation
- namedtensor__doc
- Macros for named tensor notation
- namedtensor__source
- Macros for named tensor notation
- namespc
- nanicolle
- Typesetting herbarium specimen labels
- nanumtype1
- Type1 subfonts of Nanum Korean fonts.
- natbib
- Bibliography style with author-year and numbered references.
- natded
- Typeset natural deduction proofs.
- nath
- Natural mathematics notation
- nature
- navigator
- PDF features across formats and engines
- navydocs
- Support for Technical Reports by US Navy Organizations
- nbaskerv
- ncclatex
- ncctools
- A collection of general packages for LaTeX
- nchairx
- Maths macros from chair X of Würzburg University
- nchairx__doc
- Maths macros from chair X of Würzburg University
- nchairx__source
- Maths macros from chair X of Würzburg University
- ncntrsbk
- nddiss
- Notre Dame Dissertation format class
- ndsu-thesis
- North Dakota State University disquisition class
- ndsu-thesis-2022
- North Dakota State University disquisition class 2022
- ndsu-thesis-2022__doc
- North Dakota State University disquisition class 2022
- ndsu-thesis-2022__source
- North Dakota State University disquisition class 2022
- needspace
- Insert pagebreak if not enough space.
- neoschool
- LaTeX class for teachers
- neoschool__doc
- LaTeX class for teachers
- neoschool__source
- LaTeX class for teachers
- neuralnetwork
- Graph-drawing for neural networks.
- nevelok
- LaTeX package for automatic definite articles for Hungarian
- newalg
- Format algorithms like Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest
- newcastle-bst
- This package provides a BibTeX style to format reference lists in the Harvard at Newcastle style
- newcastle-bst__doc
- This package provides a BibTeX style to format reference lists in the Harvard at Newcastle style
- newcastle-bst__source
- This package provides a BibTeX style to format reference lists in the Harvard at Newcastle style
- newcomputermodern
- Computer Modern fonts including matching non-latin alphabets
- newcomputermodern__doc
- Computer Modern fonts including matching non-latin alphabets
- newcomputermodern__source
- Computer Modern fonts including matching non-latin alphabets
- newenviron
- Processing an environment’s body.
- newfile
- newfloat
- Define new floating environments
- newfloat__doc
- Define new floating environments
- newfloat__source
- Define new floating environments
- newlfm
- Write letters, facsimilies, and memos.
- newpax
- Experimental package to extract and reinsert PDF annotations
- newpax__doc
- Experimental package to extract and reinsert PDF annotations
- newpax__source
- Experimental package to extract and reinsert PDF annotations
- newpx
- Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics
- newpx__doc
- Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics
- newpx__source
- Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics
- newsletr
- Macros for making newsletters.
- newspaper
- Typeset newsletters to resemble newspapers.
- newtx
- Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics
- newtx__doc
- Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics
- newtx__source
- Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics
- newtxsf
- Sans-math fonts for use with newtx
- newtxsf__doc
- Sans-math fonts for use with newtx
- newtxtt
- Enhancement of typewriter fonts from newtx
- newtxtt__doc
- Enhancement of typewriter fonts from newtx
- newunicodechar
- Definitions of the meaning of Unicode characters
- newvbtm
- Define your own verbatim-like environment.
- newverbs
- Define new versions of \verb, including short verb versions
- newverbs__doc
- Define new versions of \verb, including short verb versions
- newverbs__source
- Define new versions of \verb, including short verb versions
- nextpage
- Generalisations of the page advance commands
- nexus-otf
- Supporting for the Nexus OpenType or True Type Fonts
- nfssext-cfr
- Extensions to the LaTeX NFSS
- nfssext-cfr__doc
- Extensions to the LaTeX NFSS
- nfssext-cfr__source
- Extensions to the LaTeX NFSS
- nicefilelist
- Provide \listfiles alignment
- nicefilelist__doc
- Provide \listfiles alignment
- nicefilelist__source
- Provide \listfiles alignment
- niceframe
- Support for fancy frames
- niceframe__source
- Support for fancy frames
- niceframe-type1
- Type 1 versions of the fonts recommended in niceframe
- nicematrix__doc
- Improve the typesetting of mathematical matrices with PGF
- nicematrix__source
- Improve the typesetting of mathematical matrices with PGF
- nicetext
- Minimal markup for simple text (Wikipedia style) and documentation
- nidanfloat
- Bottom placement option for double float in two column mode (nidan-kumi)
- nih
- nihbiosketch
- A class for NIH biosketches based on the 2015 updated format
- nimbus15
- Support files for Nimbus 2015 Core fonts
- nimbus15__doc
- Support files for Nimbus 2015 Core fonts
- nimbus15__source
- Support files for Nimbus 2015 Core fonts
- nimsticks
- Draws sticks for games of multi-pile Nim
- nimsticks__doc
- Draws sticks for games of multi-pile Nim
- nimsticks__source
- Draws sticks for games of multi-pile Nim
- ninecolors
- Select colors with proper WCAG color contrast
- ninecolors__doc
- Select colors with proper WCAG color contrast
- ninecolors__source
- Select colors with proper WCAG color contrast
- njurepo
- Reports for Nanjing University
- njustthesis
- Thesis template for the Nanjing University of Science and Technology
- njustthesis__doc
- Thesis template for the Nanjing University of Science and Technology
- njustthesis__source
- Thesis template for the Nanjing University of Science and Technology
- njuthesis
- LaTeX thesis template for Nanjing University
- njuthesis__doc
- LaTeX thesis template for Nanjing University
- njuthesis__source
- LaTeX thesis template for Nanjing University
- njuvisual
- Display logos related to Nanjing University
- njuvisual__doc
- Display logos related to Nanjing University
- njuvisual__source
- Display logos related to Nanjing University
- nkarta
- nl-interval
- Represent intervals on the number line
- nlctdoc
- Package documentation class
- nlctdoc__doc
- Package documentation class
- nmbib
- Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders
- nmbib__doc
- Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders
- nmbib__source
- Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders
- nndraw
- Draw neural networks
- nndraw__doc
- Draw neural networks
- nndraw__source
- Draw neural networks
- nnext
- Extension for the gb4e package
- nodepthtext
- Change small texts to remove the depth of the letters
- nodepthtext__doc
- Change small texts to remove the depth of the letters
- nodepthtext__source
- Change small texts to remove the depth of the letters
- nodetree
- Visualize node lists in a tree view
- nodetree__doc
- Visualize node lists in a tree view
- nodetree__source
- Visualize node lists in a tree view
- noindentafter
- Prevent paragraph indentation after environments or macros
- noitcrul
- nolbreaks
- No line breaks in text.
- nomencl
- Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature
- nomencl__doc
- Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature
- nomencl__source
- Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature
- nomentbl
- Nomenclature typeset in a longtable
- non-decimal-units
- Display and manipulate historical non-decimal units
- non-decimal-units__doc
- Display and manipulate historical non-decimal units
- non-decimal-units__source
- Display and manipulate historical non-decimal units
- nonfloat
- Non-floating table and figure captions.
- nonumonpart
- Prevent page numbers on part pages.
- nopageno
- No page numbers in LaTeX documents.
- normalcolor
- Changing \normalcolor
- nostarch
- LaTeX class for No Starch Press
- nostarch__doc
- LaTeX class for No Starch Press
- nostarch__source
- LaTeX class for No Starch Press
- notebeamer
- A template for printing presentations on notepaper
- notebeamer__doc
- A template for printing presentations on notepaper
- notebeamer__source
- A template for printing presentations on notepaper
- notes
- Mark sections of a document
- notes2bib
- Integrating notes into the bibliography
- notespages
- Filling documents with notes pages and notes areas
- notestex
- An all-in-one LaTeX notes package for students
- noto
- Support for Noto fonts
- noto__doc
- Support for Noto fonts
- noto-emoji
- Noto Emoji fonts
- noto-emoji__doc
- Noto Emoji fonts
- notoccite
- Prevent trouble from citations in table of contents, etc.
- notocjksc
- This package provides Noto CJK fonts
- notocondensed
- Support for the condensed variants of the Noto fonts
- notocondensed__doc
- Support for the condensed variants of the Noto fonts
- notomath
- Math support for Noto fonts
- notomath__doc
- Math support for Noto fonts
- notomath__source
- Math support for Noto fonts
- novel
- Class for printing fiction, such as novels
- novel__doc
- Class for printing fiction, such as novels
- novel__source
- Class for printing fiction, such as novels
- nowidow
- Avoid widows.
- nox
- Adaptable tables.
- nrc
- Class for the NRC technical journals.
- nstc-proposal
- LaTeX classes for preparing grant proposals to National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
- nstc-proposal__doc
- LaTeX classes for preparing grant proposals to National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
- nstc-proposal__source
- LaTeX classes for preparing grant proposals to National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
- ntabbing
- Simple tabbing extension for automatic line numbering
- ntgclass
- "European" versions of standard classes
- ntgclass__doc
- "European" versions of standard classes
- ntgclass__source
- "European" versions of standard classes
- ntheorem
- Enhanced theorem environment.
- nuc
- Notation for nuclear isotopes.
- nucleardata
- Provides data about atomic nuclides for documents
- numberedblock
- Print a block of code, with unique index number.
- numberpt
- Counters spelled out in Portuguese
- numbersets
- Display number sets with customizable typefaces
- numbersets__doc
- Display number sets with customizable typefaces
- numbersets__source
- Display number sets with customizable typefaces
- numending
- Generates morphological end of units
- numerica
- Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in LaTeX form
- numerica__doc
- Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in LaTeX form
- numerica__source
- Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in LaTeX form
- numerica-plus
- Iteration and recurrence relations: finding fixed points, zeros and extrema of functions
- numerica-plus__doc
- Iteration and recurrence relations: finding fixed points, zeros and extrema of functions
- numerica-plus__source
- Iteration and recurrence relations: finding fixed points, zeros and extrema of functions
- numerica-tables
- Create multi-column tables of mathematical functions
- numerica-tables__doc
- Create multi-column tables of mathematical functions
- numerica-tables__source
- Create multi-column tables of mathematical functions
- numericplots
- Plot numeric data (including Matlab export) using PSTricks.
- numname
- Converts a numerical number to the english spelled-out name of the number
- numnameru
- converts a number to the russian spelled out name
- numprint
- Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary.
- numspell
- Spelling cardinal and ordinal numbers
- numspell__doc
- Spelling cardinal and ordinal numbers
- numspell__source
- Spelling cardinal and ordinal numbers
- nunito
- The Nunito font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- nwafuthesis
- A thesis template package for Northwest A&F University, China
- nwafuthesis__doc
- A thesis template package for Northwest A&F University, China
- nwafuthesis__source
- A thesis template package for Northwest A&F University, China
- nwejm
- Support for the journal “North-Western European Journal of Mathematics”
- nwejm__doc
- Support for the journal “North-Western European Journal of Mathematics”
- nwejm__source
- Support for the journal “North-Western European Journal of Mathematics”
- nxuthesis
- Thesis template for Ningxia University
- nxuthesis__doc
- Thesis template for Ningxia University
- nxuthesis__source
- Thesis template for Ningxia University
- oands
- Glyphs used when transliterating ancient scripts.
- oberdiek
- A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek
- oberdiek__doc
- A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek
- oberdiek__source
- A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek
- objectz
- Macros for typesetting Object Z
- obnov
- Obyknovennaya Novaya fonts.
- ocg-p
- PDF OCG support in LaTeX.
- ocgtools
- Manipulate OCG layers in PDF presentations.
- ocgx
- Use OCGs within a PDF document without JavaScript.
- ocgx2
- Drop-in replacement for ‘ocgx’ and ‘ocg-p’
- ocgx2__doc
- Drop-in replacement for ‘ocgx’ and ‘ocg-p’
- ocr-b
- Fonts for OCR-B.
- ocr-b-outline
- ocr-latex
- LaTeX support for ocr fonts.
- octave
- Typeset musical pitches with octave designations
- octavo
- odesandpdes
- Optimizing workflow involving odes and pdes
- odesandpdes__doc
- Optimizing workflow involving odes and pdes
- odesandpdes__source
- Optimizing workflow involving odes and pdes
- odsfile
- Read OpenDocument Spreadsheet documents as LaTeX tables
- odsfile__doc
- Read OpenDocument Spreadsheet documents as LaTeX tables
- odsfile__source
- Read OpenDocument Spreadsheet documents as LaTeX tables
- ofs
- plainTeX and LaTeX macro for managing large font collections.
- ogham
- Fonts for typesetting Ogham script.
- oinuit
- LaTeX Support for the Inuktitut Language.
- old-arrows
- Computer Modern old-style arrows with smaller arrowheads
- oldlatin
- Compute Modern-like font with long s
- oldstandard
- OldStandard fonts with LaTeX support
- oldstandard__doc
- OldStandard fonts with LaTeX support
- oldstyle
- Old style numbers in OT1 encoding
- olsak-misc
- Collection of plain TeX macros written by Petr Olšák
- olsak-misc__doc
- Collection of plain TeX macros written by Petr Olšák
- omega
- A wide-character-set extension of TeX
- onedown
- Typeset Bridge Diagrams
- onedown__doc
- Typeset Bridge Diagrams
- onedown__source
- Typeset Bridge Diagrams
- onlyamsmath
- Inhibit use of non-amsmath mathematics markup when using amsmath
- onrannual
- Class for Office of Naval Research Ocean Battlespace Sensing annual report.
- oops
- A framework for making definitions, typically mathematical, inline
- opacity-pro
- Set transparency and blend mode
- opbible
- Creating a study Bible with OpTeX
- opbible__doc
- Creating a study Bible with OpTeX
- opbible__source
- Creating a study Bible with OpTeX
- opcit
- opencolor
- Definitions from the Open Color library
- opencolor__doc
- Definitions from the Open Color library
- opensans
- The Open Sans font family, and LaTeX support
- oplotsymbl
- Some symbols which are not easily available
- opteng
- SPIE Optical Engineering and OE Letters manuscript template.
- optex
- LuaTeX format based on Plain TeX and OPmac
- optex__doc
- LuaTeX format based on Plain TeX and OPmac
- optex__source
- LuaTeX format based on Plain TeX and OPmac
- optexcount
- Python script for counting words in OpTeX documents
- optexcount__doc
- Python script for counting words in OpTeX documents
- optexcount__source
- Python script for counting words in OpTeX documents
- optidef
- Environments for writing optimization problems
- optional
- Facilitate optional printing of parts of a document.
- options
- Provides convenient key-value options for LaTeX package writers
- orcidlink
- Insert hyperlinked ORCiD logo
- orcidlink__doc
- Insert hyperlinked ORCiD logo
- orcidlink__source
- Insert hyperlinked ORCiD logo
- orderrefs
- ordinalpt
- Counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese.
- orientation
- Set page orientation with dvips/Ghostscript (ps2pdf)
- orkhun
- A font for orkhun script.
- osa
- oscola
- BibLaTeX style for the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities
- osda
- Commands for Proceedings of the Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation
- osda__doc
- Commands for Proceedings of the Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation
- osda__source
- Commands for Proceedings of the Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation
- osmanian
- Osmanian font for writing Somali
- oststud
- Templates for the student organization at OST FH, Switzerland
- oststud__doc
- Templates for the student organization at OST FH, Switzerland
- oststud__source
- Templates for the student organization at OST FH, Switzerland
- oswald
- The Oswald family of fonts with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- oswald__doc
- The Oswald family of fonts with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- ot-tableau
- Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX
- ot-tableau__doc
- Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX
- ot-tableau__source
- Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX
- ot2cyr
- Macros, metrics, etc., to use the OT2 Cyrillic encoding.
- othello
- Modification of a Go package to create othello boards
- othelloboard
- Typeset Othello (Reversi) diagrams of any size, with annotations.
- oubraces
- Braces over and under a formula.
- oup-authoring-template
- A general template for journals published by Oxford University Press (OUP)
- oup-authoring-template__doc
- A general template for journals published by Oxford University Press (OUP)
- oup-authoring-template__source
- A general template for journals published by Oxford University Press (OUP)
- outilsgeomtikz
- Some geometric tools, with TikZ
- outilsgeomtikz__doc
- Some geometric tools, with TikZ
- outilsgeomtikz__source
- Some geometric tools, with TikZ
- outline
- List environment for making outlines.
- outliner
- Change section levels easily
- outlines
- Produce "outline" lists.
- outlining
- Create outlines for scientific documents
- overarrows
- Custom extensible arrows over math expressions
- overarrows__doc
- Custom extensible arrows over math expressions
- overarrows__source
- Custom extensible arrows over math expressions
- overlays
- Incremental slides
- overlock
- Overlock sans fonts with LaTeX support
- overlock__doc
- Overlock sans fonts with LaTeX support
- overpic
- Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics
- overpic__doc
- Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics
- overpic__source
- Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics
- pacioli
- Fonts designed by Fra Luca de Pacioli in 1497.
- packdoc
- Document LaTeX packages in a consistent way
- packdoc__doc
- Document LaTeX packages in a consistent way
- packdoc__source
- Document LaTeX packages in a consistent way
- padauk
- a high-quality TrueType font that supports the many diverse languages that use the Myanmar script
- padcount
- Pad numbers with arbitrary characters
- pagecolor
- Interrogate page color
- pagecolor__doc
- Interrogate page color
- pagecolor__source
- Interrogate page color
- pagecont
- Page numbering that continues between documents.
- pagegrid
- Print page grid in background
- pagegrid__doc
- Print page grid in background
- pagegrid__source
- Print page grid in background
- pagelayout
- Layout graphic rich documents
- pagelayout__doc
- Layout graphic rich documents
- pagella-otf
- Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre Pagella
- pagella-otf__doc
- Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre Pagella
- pagella-otf__source
- Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre Pagella
- pagenote
- Notes at end of document.
- pagerange
- Flexible and configurable page range typesetting.
- pagesel
- Select pages of a document for output
- pageslts
- Variants of last page labels
- pageslts__doc
- Variants of last page labels
- pageslts__source
- Variants of last page labels
- palatino
- Select Adobe Palatino as default text font.
- palette
- Create palettes for colors and symbols that can be swapped in
- palette__doc
- Create palettes for colors and symbols that can be swapped in
- palette__source
- Create palettes for colors and symbols that can be swapped in
- pandora-latex
- LaTeX support for the Pandora fonts.
- pangram
- A LaTeX package for testing fonts
- pangram__doc
- A LaTeX package for testing fonts
- pangram__source
- A LaTeX package for testing fonts
- panneauxroute
- Commands to display French road signs (vector graphics)
- panneauxroute__doc
- Commands to display French road signs (vector graphics)
- panneauxroute__source
- Commands to display French road signs (vector graphics)
- paper
- papercdcase
- Origami-style folding paper CD case.
- papermas
- Compute the mass of a printed version of a document
- papermas__doc
- Compute the mass of a printed version of a document
- papermas__source
- Compute the mass of a printed version of a document
- papertex
- Class for newspapers, etc
- papiergurvan
- Commands to work with Gurvan Paper
- papiergurvan__doc
- Commands to work with Gurvan Paper
- papiergurvan__source
- Commands to work with Gurvan Paper
- paracol
- Multiple columns with texts “in parallel”
- paracol__doc
- Multiple columns with texts “in parallel”
- paracol__source
- Multiple columns with texts “in parallel”
- parades
- Tabulators and space between paragraphs in galley approach
- paralist
- Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
- parallel
- Typeset parallel texts
- paratype
- LaTeX support for free fonts by ParaType.
- paresse
- Define simple macros for greek letters
- parisa
- Parisa family of fonts.
- parnotes
- Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere)
- parnotes__doc
- Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere)
- parnotes__source
- Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere)
- parrun
- parsa
- A XeLaTeX package for theses and dissertations at Iranian Universities
- parselines
- Apply a macro to each line of an environment.
- parsianfonts
- High Quality Persian Fonts
- parsianfonts__doc
- High Quality Persian Fonts
- parsianfonts__source
- High Quality Persian Fonts
- parsimatn
- Contemporary Persian font for scientific and formal writings
- parsimatn__doc
- Contemporary Persian font for scientific and formal writings
- parsimatn__source
- Contemporary Persian font for scientific and formal writings
- parsinevis
- “Scheherazade New” adapted for Persian typesetting and scientific writings
- parsinevis__doc
- “Scheherazade New” adapted for Persian typesetting and scientific writings
- parsinevis__source
- “Scheherazade New” adapted for Persian typesetting and scientific writings
- parskip
- Layout with zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip
- pas-cours
- Macros useful in preparing teaching material
- pas-crosswords
- Creating crossword grids, using TikZ.
- pas-cv
- Flexible typesetting of Curricula Vitae.
- pas-tableur
- Create a spreadsheet layout
- pas-tableur__doc
- Create a spreadsheet layout
- pas-tableur__source
- Create a spreadsheet layout
- pascaltriangle
- Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles
- pascaltriangle__doc
- Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles
- pascaltriangle__source
- Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles
- passivetex
- Support package for XML/SGML typesetting
- passopt
- Passing options to packages or classes
- passopt__doc
- Passing options to packages or classes
- passopt__source
- Passing options to packages or classes
- patchcmd
- Change the definition of an existing command
- path
- Typeset paths, making them breakable.
- pauldoc
- German LaTeX package documentation.
- pawpict
- Using graphics from PAW
- pax
- Extract and reinsert PDF annotations with pdfTeX
- pax__doc
- Extract and reinsert PDF annotations with pdfTeX
- pax__source
- Extract and reinsert PDF annotations with pdfTeX
- pb-diagram
- A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts
- pbalance
- Balance last page in two-column mode
- pbalance__doc
- Balance last page in two-column mode
- pbalance__source
- Balance last page in two-column mode
- pbibtex-base
- Bibliography styles and miscellaneous files for pBibTeX
- pbibtex-base__doc
- Bibliography styles and miscellaneous files for pBibTeX
- pbibtex-base__source
- Bibliography styles and miscellaneous files for pBibTeX
- pbibtex-manual
- Documentation files for (u)pBibTeX
- pbibtex-manual__doc
- Documentation files for (u)pBibTeX
- pbibtex-manual__source
- Documentation files for (u)pBibTeX
- pbox
- A variable-width \parbox command.
- pbsheet
- pcarl
- LaTeX Support for Adobe Caslon Open Face.
- pclnfss
- Font support for current PCL printers.
- pdf-trans
- A set of macros for various transformations of TeX boxes.
- pdf14
- Restore PDF 1.4 to a TeX live 2010 format.
- pdfannotations
- Annotate PDF slides
- pdfannotations__doc
- Annotate PDF slides
- pdfannotations__source
- Annotate PDF slides
- pdfarticle
- Class for pdf publications
- pdfbook2
- Create booklets from PDF files
- pdfcol
- Macros for maintaining colour stacks under pdfTeX
- pdfcol__doc
- Macros for maintaining colour stacks under pdfTeX
- pdfcol__source
- Macros for maintaining colour stacks under pdfTeX
- pdfcolfoot
- Separate color stack for footnotes with pdfTeX
- pdfcolfoot__doc
- Separate color stack for footnotes with pdfTeX
- pdfcolfoot__source
- Separate color stack for footnotes with pdfTeX
- pdfcolmk
- Improved colour support under pdfTeX (legacy stub)
- pdfcomment
- A user-friendly interface to pdf annotations
- pdfcprot
- pdfcrop
- Crop PDF graphics
- pdfcrop__doc
- Crop PDF graphics
- pdfescape
- Implements pdfTeX's escape features using TeX or e-TeX
- pdfextra
- Extra PDF features for (Op)TeX
- pdfextra__doc
- Extra PDF features for (Op)TeX
- pdfextra__source
- Extra PDF features for (Op)TeX
- pdfjam__doc
- Shell scripts interfacing to pdfpages
- pdfjam__source
- Shell scripts interfacing to pdfpages
- pdflatexpicscale
- Support software for downscaling graphics to be included by pdfLaTeX
- pdflatexpicscale__doc
- Support software for downscaling graphics to be included by pdfLaTeX
- pdflatexpicscale__source
- Support software for downscaling graphics to be included by pdfLaTeX
- pdflscape
- Make landscape pages display as landscape
- pdflscape__doc
- Make landscape pages display as landscape
- pdfmanagement-testphase
- LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle
- pdfmanagement-testphase__doc
- LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle
- pdfmanagement-testphase__source
- LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle
- pdfmarginpar
- Generate marginpar-equivalent PDF annotations.
- pdfmsym
- PDF Math Symbols — various drawn mathematical symbols
- pdfmsym__doc
- PDF Math Symbols — various drawn mathematical symbols
- pdfmsym__source
- PDF Math Symbols — various drawn mathematical symbols
- pdfoverlay
- A LaTeX style for overlaying text on a PDF
- pdfoverlay__doc
- A LaTeX style for overlaying text on a PDF
- pdfoverlay__source
- A LaTeX style for overlaying text on a PDF
- pdfpagediff
- Find difference between two PDF's
- pdfpages
- Include PDF documents in LaTeX
- pdfpages__doc
- Include PDF documents in LaTeX
- pdfpages__source
- Include PDF documents in LaTeX
- pdfpc
- Define data for the pdfpc presentation viewer
- pdfpc__doc
- Define data for the pdfpc presentation viewer
- pdfpc__source
- Define data for the pdfpc presentation viewer
- pdfpc-movie
- Pdfpc viewer-compatible hyperlinks to movies
- pdfprivacy
- A LaTeX package to remove or suppress pdf meta-data
- pdfrender
- Control rendering parameters
- pdfrender__doc
- Control rendering parameters
- pdfrender__source
- Control rendering parameters
- pdfreview
- Annotate PDF files with margin notes
- pdfscreen
- Support screen-based document design
- pdfslide
- Presentation slides using pdftex.
- pdfsync
- Provide links between source and PDF
- pdftex
- A TeX extension for direct creation of PDF
- pdftex-quiet
- A bash wrapper for pdfTeX limiting its output to relevant errors
- pdftexcmds
- LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions
- pdftexcmds__doc
- LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions
- pdftexcmds__source
- LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions
- pdftricks
- Support for pstricks in pdftex.
- pdftricks2
- Use pstricks in pdfTeX.
- pdfx
- PDF/X and PDF/A support for pdfTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX
- pdfx__doc
- PDF/X and PDF/A support for pdfTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX
- pdfx__source
- PDF/X and PDF/A support for pdfTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX
- pdfxup
- Create n-up PDF pages with minimal margins
- pdfxup__doc
- Create n-up PDF pages with minimal margins
- pdfxup__source
- Create n-up PDF pages with minimal margins
- pecha
- Print Tibetan text in the classic pecha layout style.
- pedigree-perl
- Generate TeX pedigree files from CSV files
- pedigree-perl__doc
- Generate TeX pedigree files from CSV files
- pedigree-perl__source
- Generate TeX pedigree files from CSV files
- penlight
- Penlight Lua libraries made available to LuaLaTeX users
- penlight__doc
- Penlight Lua libraries made available to LuaLaTeX users
- penlight__source
- Penlight Lua libraries made available to LuaLaTeX users
- penlightplus
- Additions to the Penlight Lua libraries
- penlightplus__doc
- Additions to the Penlight Lua libraries
- penlightplus__source
- Additions to the Penlight Lua libraries
- penrose
- A TikZ library for producing Penrose tilings
- perception
- BibTeX style for the journal Perception.
- perfectcut
- Nested delimiters that consistently grow regardless of the contents
- perltex
- Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
- perltex__doc
- Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
- perltex__source
- Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
- permute
- Support for symmetric groups
- persian-bib
- Persian translations of classic BibTeX styles.
- persian-hm-ftx
- Persian fonts derived from farsitex distribution.
- persian-hm-xbs
- Persian fonts derived from X series 2.
- persian-modern
- The “Persian Modern” family of fonts.
- petiteannonce
- A class for small advertisements.
- petri-nets
- A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets.
- pfarrei
- LaTeX support of pastors’ and priests’ work
- pfarrei__doc
- LaTeX support of pastors’ and priests’ work
- pfarrei__source
- LaTeX support of pastors’ and priests’ work
- pfdicons
- Draw process flow diagrams in chemical engineering
- pfdicons__doc
- Draw process flow diagrams in chemical engineering
- pfdicons__source
- Draw process flow diagrams in chemical engineering
- pgf
- Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX
- pgf__doc
- Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX
- pgf__source
- Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX
- pgf-blur
- PGF/TikZ package for "blurred" shadows
- pgf-cmykshadings
- Support for CMYK and grayscale shadings in PGF/TikZ
- pgf-interference
- Drawing interference patterns with PGF/TikZ
- pgf-interference__doc
- Drawing interference patterns with PGF/TikZ
- pgf-interference__source
- Drawing interference patterns with PGF/TikZ
- pgf-periodictable
- Create custom periodic tables of elements
- pgf-periodictable__doc
- Create custom periodic tables of elements
- pgf-periodictable__source
- Create custom periodic tables of elements
- pgf-pie
- Draw pie charts, using PGF
- pgf-pie__doc
- Draw pie charts, using PGF
- pgf-pie__source
- Draw pie charts, using PGF
- pgf-soroban
- Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF.
- pgf-spectra
- Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ
- pgf-spectra__doc
- Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ
- pgf-spectra__source
- Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ
- pgf-umlcd
- Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams
- pgf-umlcd__doc
- Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams
- pgf-umlcd__source
- Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams
- pgf-umlsd
- Draw UML Sequence Diagrams.
- pgfgantt
- Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
- pgfgantt__doc
- Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
- pgfgantt__source
- Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
- pgfkeysearch
- This package offers a way to find keys in a given path 'recursively', unlike pgfkeysvalueof
- pgfkeysearch__doc
- This package offers a way to find keys in a given path 'recursively', unlike pgfkeysvalueof
- pgfkeysearch__source
- This package offers a way to find keys in a given path 'recursively', unlike pgfkeysvalueof
- pgfkeyx
- Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys.
- pgfmath-xfp
- Define pgfmath functions using xfp
- pgfmath-xfp__doc
- Define pgfmath functions using xfp
- pgfmath-xfp__source
- Define pgfmath functions using xfp
- pgfmolbio
- Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts
- pgfmolbio__doc
- Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts
- pgfmolbio__source
- Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts
- pgfmorepages
- Assemble multiple logical pages onto a physical page
- pgfopts
- LaTeX package options with pgfkeys.
- pgfornament
- Drawing of Vectorian ornaments with PGF/TikZ
- pgfornament__doc
- Drawing of Vectorian ornaments with PGF/TikZ
- pgfornament__source
- Drawing of Vectorian ornaments with PGF/TikZ
- pgfornament-han
- pgfornament library for Chinese traditional motifs and patterns
- pgfornament-han__doc
- pgfornament library for Chinese traditional motifs and patterns
- pgfornament-han__source
- pgfornament library for Chinese traditional motifs and patterns
- pgfplots
- Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions
- pgfplots__doc
- Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions
- pgfplots__source
- Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions
- pgfplotsthemebeamer
- Use colours from the current beamer theme in pgfplots
- pgfplotsthemebeamer__doc
- Use colours from the current beamer theme in pgfplots
- pgfplotsthemebeamer__source
- Use colours from the current beamer theme in pgfplots
- pgothic
- Fonts based on the Gothic Textura Prescisus manuscript book-hand
- phaistos
- Disk of Phaistos font.
- phfcc
- Convenient inline commenting in collaborative documents
- phfcc__doc
- Convenient inline commenting in collaborative documents
- phfcc__source
- Convenient inline commenting in collaborative documents
- phfextendedabstract
- Typeset extended abstracts for conferences, such as often encountered in quantum information theory
- phfextendedabstract__doc
- Typeset extended abstracts for conferences, such as often encountered in quantum information theory
- phfextendedabstract__source
- Typeset extended abstracts for conferences, such as often encountered in quantum information theory
- phffullpagefigure
- Figures which fill up a whole page
- phfnote
- Basic formatting for short documents
- phfnote__doc
- Basic formatting for short documents
- phfnote__source
- Basic formatting for short documents
- phfparen
- Parenthetic math expressions made simpler and less redundant
- phfqit
- Macros for typesetting Quantum Information Theory
- phfqit__doc
- Macros for typesetting Quantum Information Theory
- phfqit__source
- Macros for typesetting Quantum Information Theory
- phfquotetext
- Quote verbatim text without white space formatting
- phfsvnwatermark
- Watermarks with version control information from SVN
- phfthm
- Goodies for theorems and proofs
- phfthm__doc
- Goodies for theorems and proofs
- phfthm__source
- Goodies for theorems and proofs
- philex
- Cross references for named and numbered environments.
- philokalia
- A font to typeset the Philokalia Books
- philosophersimprint
- Typesetting articles for "Philosophers' Imprint"
- phoenician
- Fonts for the Phoenician script in use from about 1600 BC.
- phonenumbers
- Typesetting telephone numbers with LaTeX
- phonenumbers__doc
- Typesetting telephone numbers with LaTeX
- phonenumbers__source
- Typesetting telephone numbers with LaTeX
- phonetic
- Metafont Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern
- phonrule
- Typeset linear phonological rules
- photo
- A float environment for photographs.
- photobook
- A document class for typesetting photo books
- photobook__doc
- A document class for typesetting photo books
- photobook__source
- A document class for typesetting photo books
- physconst
- Macros for commonly used physical constants
- physe
- The PHYSE format
- physics
- Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics.
- physics2
- Macros for typesetting maths faster and more simply
- physics2__doc
- Macros for typesetting maths faster and more simply
- physics2__source
- Macros for typesetting maths faster and more simply
- physunits
- Macros for commonly used physical units
- physymb
- Assorted macros for Physicists.
- phyzzx
- A TeX format for physicists
- piano
- Typeset a basic 2-octave piano diagram.
- picinpar
- Insert pictures into paragraphs
- pict2e
- New implementation of picture commands
- pictex
- Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX
- pictex__doc
- Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX
- pictex__source
- Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX
- pictex-autoarea
- Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX.
- pictex2
- Adds relative coords and rules for dots in plots.
- pictochrono
- Insert “chronometer pictograms” with a duration
- pictochrono__doc
- Insert “chronometer pictograms” with a duration
- pictochrono__source
- Insert “chronometer pictograms” with a duration
- picture
- Dimens for picture macros
- piechartmp
- Draw pie-charts using MetaPost
- piff
- Macro tools by Mike Piff.
- pigpen
- A font for the pigpen (or masonic) cipher
- pigpen__doc
- A font for the pigpen (or masonic) cipher
- pigpen__source
- A font for the pigpen (or masonic) cipher
- pinlabel
- A TeX labelling package.
- pinoutikz
- Draw chip pinouts with TikZ
- pitex
- Documentation macros.
- piton
- Typeset informatic listings with LPEG of LuaLaTeX
- piton__doc
- Typeset informatic listings with LPEG of LuaLaTeX
- piton__source
- Typeset informatic listings with LPEG of LuaLaTeX
- pittetd
- pitthesis
- Document class for University of Pittsburgh theses
- pixelart
- Draw pixel-art pictures
- pixelart__doc
- Draw pixel-art pictures
- pixelart__source
- Draw pixel-art pictures
- pixelarttikz
- Work with PixelArts, with TikZ
- pixelarttikz__doc
- Work with PixelArts, with TikZ
- pixelarttikz__source
- Work with PixelArts, with TikZ
- pkfix
- Replace pk fonts in PostScript with Type 1 fonts.
- pkfix-helper
- Make PostScript files accessible to pkfix
- pkgloader
- Manage the options and loading order of other packages
- pkuthss
- LaTeX template for dissertations in Peking University
- pkuthss__doc
- LaTeX template for dissertations in Peking University
- pl
- Literate Programming for Prolog with LaTeX
- placeat
- Absolute content positioning
- placeins
- Control float placement.
- plain
- The Plain TeX format
- plainpkg
- A minimal method for making generic packages.
- plantslabels
- Write labels for plants.
- plantuml
- Support for rendering UML diagrams using PlantUML
- plantuml__doc
- Support for rendering UML diagrams using PlantUML
- plantuml__source
- Support for rendering UML diagrams using PlantUML
- plari
- Typesetting stageplay scripts
- plates
- Arrange for "plates" sections of documents
- platex
- pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for pTeX
- platex__doc
- pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for pTeX
- platex__source
- pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for pTeX
- platex-tools
- pLaTeX standard tools bundle
- platex-tools__doc
- pLaTeX standard tools bundle
- platex-tools__source
- pLaTeX standard tools bundle
- platexcheat
- A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Japanese
- plautopatch
- Automated patches for pLaTeX/upLaTeX
- plautopatch__doc
- Automated patches for pLaTeX/upLaTeX
- plautopatch__source
- Automated patches for pLaTeX/upLaTeX
- play
- Typeset drama using LaTeX
- play-font
- The Play font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- playcards
- A simple template for drawing playcards
- playcards__doc
- A simple template for drawing playcards
- playcards__source
- A simple template for drawing playcards
- playfair
- Playfair Display fonts with LaTeX support
- playfair__doc
- Playfair Display fonts with LaTeX support
- plcalendar
- Plain macros for making nice calendars
- plex
- Support for IBM Plex fonts
- plex__doc
- Support for IBM Plex fonts
- plex-otf
- Support for the OpenType font IBM Plex
- plex-otf__doc
- Support for the OpenType font IBM Plex
- plex-otf__source
- Support for the OpenType font IBM Plex
- plimsoll
- Fonts with the Plimsoll symbol and LaTeX support
- plipsum
- 'Lorem ipsum' for Plain TeX developers.
- plnfss
- Font selection for Plain TeX.
- plpsfont
- Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts in Type1 format.
- plstmary
- St. Mary’s Road font support for plain TeX.
- pm-isomath
- Poor man ISO math for pdfLaTeX users
- pm-isomath__doc
- Poor man ISO math for pdfLaTeX users
- pm-isomath__source
- Poor man ISO math for pdfLaTeX users
- pmboxdraw
- Poor man’s box drawing characters
- pmdb
- Create a DB (PDF) document for selecting content for inclusion in another documents
- pmdb__doc
- Create a DB (PDF) document for selecting content for inclusion in another documents
- pmdb__source
- Create a DB (PDF) document for selecting content for inclusion in another documents
- pmdraw
- Draw elements of the diagram monoids
- pmdraw__doc
- Draw elements of the diagram monoids
- pmdraw__source
- Draw elements of the diagram monoids
- pmgraph
- pmhanguljamo
- Poor man’s Hangul Jamo input method
- pmhanguljamo__doc
- Poor man’s Hangul Jamo input method
- pmhanguljamo__source
- Poor man’s Hangul Jamo input method
- pmx
- Preprocessor for MusiXTeX
- pmx__doc
- Preprocessor for MusiXTeX
- pmx__source
- Preprocessor for MusiXTeX
- pmxchords
- Produce chord information to go with pmx output
- poemscol
- Typesetting Critical Editions of Poetry
- poetry
- Facilities for typesetting poetry and poetical structure
- poetrytex
- Typeset anthologies of poetry
- poiretone
- PoiretOne family of fonts with LaTeX support
- poiretone__doc
- PoiretOne family of fonts with LaTeX support
- polexpr
- A parser for polynomial expressions
- polexpr__doc
- A parser for polynomial expressions
- polish-doc
- General TeX and LaTeX documentation in Polish.
- polski
- Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts
- polski__doc
- Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts
- polski__source
- Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts
- poltawski
- Antykwa Półtawskiego Family of Fonts.
- polyglossia
- An alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- polyglossia__doc
- An alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- polyglossia__source
- An alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- polyhedra
- A TikZ package for drawing polyhedra
- polyhedra__doc
- A TikZ package for drawing polyhedra
- polyhedra__source
- A TikZ package for drawing polyhedra
- polynom
- Macros for manipulating polynomials
- polynomial
- Typeset (univariate) polynomials.
- polyomino
- Polyominoes using TikZ and LaTeX3
- polyomino__doc
- Polyominoes using TikZ and LaTeX3
- polyomino__source
- Polyominoes using TikZ and LaTeX3
- polytable
- Tabular-like environments with named columns
- poormanlog
- Logarithms and powers with (almost) 9 digits
- poormanlog__doc
- Logarithms and powers with (almost) 9 digits
- poppler
- Poppler encoding data
- popupmenu
- Create popup menus in PDF files
- postage
- stamp letters with »Deutsche Post«'s service »Internetmarke«
- postcards
- Facilitates mass-mailing of postcards (junkmail)
- poster
- Scale PostScript images for larger media or tiling.
- postit
- A LaTeX package for displaying Post-it notes
- postit__doc
- A LaTeX package for displaying Post-it notes
- postit__source
- A LaTeX package for displaying Post-it notes
- postnotes
- Endnotes for LaTeX
- postnotes__doc
- Endnotes for LaTeX
- postnotes__source
- Endnotes for LaTeX
- powerdot
- A presentation class
- powerdot-fuberlin
- Powerdot, using the style of FU Berlin
- powerdot-tuliplab
- A style package for Powerdot to provide the design of TULIP Lab
- ppmcheckpdf
- Convert PDF to PNG and compare PNG files after l3build
- ppmcheckpdf__doc
- Convert PDF to PNG and compare PNG files after l3build
- ppmcheckpdf__source
- Convert PDF to PNG and compare PNG files after l3build
- ppower4
- A post processor for PDF presentations created by pdf(La)TeX.
- ppr-prv
- Prosper preview
- ppt-slides
- Good-looking slide decks à la PowerPoint (PPT)
- ppt-slides__doc
- Good-looking slide decks à la PowerPoint (PPT)
- ppt-slides__source
- Good-looking slide decks à la PowerPoint (PPT)
- pracjourn
- Typeset articles for PracTeX.
- practicalreports
- Some macros for writing practical reports
- precattl
- Prepare special catcodes from token list
- precattl__doc
- Prepare special catcodes from token list
- precattl__source
- Prepare special catcodes from token list
- prelim2e
- Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a document
- prepr
- Preprint macros.
- preprint
- A bundle of packages provided "as is".
- prerex
- Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts
- present
- Presentations with Plain TeX
- pressrelease
- A class for typesetting press releases.
- prettyref
- prettytok
- Pretty-print token lists
- prettytok__doc
- Pretty-print token lists
- prettytok__source
- Pretty-print token lists
- preview
- Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output
- preview__doc
- Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output
- preview__source
- Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output
- prftree
- Macros for building proof trees
- principia
- Notations for typesetting the “Principia Mathematica”
- principia__doc
- Notations for typesetting the “Principia Mathematica”
- principia__source
- Notations for typesetting the “Principia Mathematica”
- printlen
- Print lengths using specified units.
- prisma-flow-diagram
- This package provides an abstraction for creating PRISMA 2009 flow diagrams in LaTeX
- prisma-flow-diagram__doc
- This package provides an abstraction for creating PRISMA 2009 flow diagrams in LaTeX
- prisma-flow-diagram__source
- This package provides an abstraction for creating PRISMA 2009 flow diagrams in LaTeX
- proba
- Shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts.
- probsoln
- Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets
- prociagssymp
- Macros for IAG symposium papers
- prociagssymp__doc
- Macros for IAG symposium papers
- prociagssymp__source
- Macros for IAG symposium papers
- prodint
- A font that provides the product integral symbol.
- productbox
- Typeset a three-dimensional product box.
- profcollege
- A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in college
- profcollege__doc
- A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in college
- profcollege__source
- A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in college
- proflabo
- Draw laboratory equipment
- proflabo__doc
- Draw laboratory equipment
- proflabo__source
- Draw laboratory equipment
- proflycee
- A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school
- proflycee__doc
- A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school
- proflycee__source
- A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school
- profmaquette__doc
- Use exercises in different types of documents
- profsio__doc
- Commands (with TikZ) to work with French “BTS SIO” maths themes
- profsio__source
- Commands (with TikZ) to work with French “BTS SIO” maths themes
- progkeys
- Typeset programs, recognising keywords
- program
- Typesetting programs and algorithms
- progress
- progressbar
- Visualize shares of total amounts in the form of a (progress-)bar.
- projlib
- A collection of facilitative tools
- projlib__doc
- A collection of facilitative tools
- projlib__source
- A collection of facilitative tools
- pronunciation__doc
- American English Pronunciation
- pronunciation__source
- American English Pronunciation
- proof-at-the-end
- A package to move proofs to appendix
- proof-at-the-end__doc
- A package to move proofs to appendix
- proof-at-the-end__source
- A package to move proofs to appendix
- proofread
- Commands for inserting annotations
- prooftrees
- Forest-based proof trees (symbolic logic)
- prooftrees__doc
- Forest-based proof trees (symbolic logic)
- prooftrees__source
- Forest-based proof trees (symbolic logic)
- properties
- Load properties from a file.
- proposal
- A set of LaTeX classes for preparing proposals for collaborative projects
- prosper
- LaTeX class for high quality slides
- protex
- Literate programming package.
- protocol
- A class for minutes of meetings.
- protosem
- Fonts for proto-Semitic cuneiform script.
- prtec
- A template for PRTEC conference papers
- prtec__doc
- A template for PRTEC conference papers
- ps4pdf
- Use Postscript commands inside a pdfLaTeX document.
- psafm
- Postscript fonts AFM files
- psbao
- Draw Bao diagrams
- pseudo
- Straightforward pseudocode
- pseudo__doc
- Straightforward pseudocode
- pseudo__source
- Straightforward pseudocode
- pseudocode
- A LaTeX enviromnet for specifying algorithms in a natural way.
- psfrag
- Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
- psfrag__doc
- Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
- psfrag__source
- Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
- psfragx
- A psfrag eXtension.
- psgo
- Typeset go diagrams with PSTricks.
- psizzl
- A TeX format for physics papers
- pslatex
- Use PostScript fonts by default
- pslatex__doc
- Use PostScript fonts by default
- pslatex__source
- Use PostScript fonts by default
- psnfss
- Font support for common PostScript fonts
- psnfssx
- Extra styles and encodings for PostScript fonts.
- pspicture
- PostScript picture support
- pst-2dplot
- A PSTricks package for drawing 2D curves.
- pst-3d
- A PSTricks package for tilting and other pseudo-3D tricks.
- pst-3dplot
- Draw 3D objects in parallel projection, using PSTricks
- pst-3dplot__doc
- Draw 3D objects in parallel projection, using PSTricks
- pst-3dplot__source
- Draw 3D objects in parallel projection, using PSTricks
- pst-abspos
- Put objects at an absolute position.
- pst-am
- Simulation of modulation and demodulation.
- pst-antiprism
- A PSTricks related package which draws an antiprism
- pst-arrow
- Special arrows for PSTricks
- pst-arrow__doc
- Special arrows for PSTricks
- pst-arrow__source
- Special arrows for PSTricks
- pst-asr
- Typeset autosegmental representations for linguists.
- pst-bar
- Produces bar charts using PSTricks
- pst-bar__doc
- Produces bar charts using PSTricks
- pst-bar__source
- Produces bar charts using PSTricks
- pst-barcode
- Print barcodes using PostScript
- pst-barcode__doc
- Print barcodes using PostScript
- pst-barcode__source
- Print barcodes using PostScript
- pst-bezier
- Draw Bezier curves
- pst-blur
- PSTricks package for "blurred" shadows.
- pst-bspline
- Draw cubic Bspline curves and interpolations
- pst-calculate
- Support for floating point operations at LaTeX level
- pst-calendar
- Plot calendars in "fancy" ways.
- pst-cie
- CIE color space
- pst-cie__doc
- CIE color space
- pst-cie__source
- CIE color space
- pst-circ__doc
- PSTricks package for drawing electric circuits
- pst-circ__source
- PSTricks package for drawing electric circuits
- pst-coil
- A PSTricks package for coils, etc
- pst-coil__doc
- A PSTricks package for coils, etc
- pst-coil__source
- A PSTricks package for coils, etc
- pst-contourplot
- Draw implicit functions using the “marching squares” algorithm
- pst-cox
- pst-dart
- Plotting dart boards
- pst-dbicons
- pst-diffraction
- Print diffraction patterns from various apertures
- pst-diffraction__doc
- Print diffraction patterns from various apertures
- pst-diffraction__source
- Print diffraction patterns from various apertures
- pst-electricfield
- Draw electric field and equipotential lines with PStricks.
- pst-eps
- pst-eucl
- Euclidian geometry with PSTricks
- pst-eucl__doc
- Euclidian geometry with PSTricks
- pst-eucl__source
- Euclidian geometry with PSTricks
- pst-exa
- Typeset PSTricks examples, with code
- pst-feyn
- Draw graphical elements for Feynman diagrams
- pst-fill
- Fill or tile areas with PSTricks
- pst-fill__doc
- Fill or tile areas with PSTricks
- pst-fill__source
- Fill or tile areas with PSTricks
- pst-fit
- Macros for curve fitting
- pst-flags
- Draw flags of countries using PSTricks
- pst-flags__doc
- Draw flags of countries using PSTricks
- pst-flags__source
- Draw flags of countries using PSTricks
- pst-fr3d
- Draw 3-dimensional framed boxes using PSTricks.
- pst-fractal
- Draw fractal sets using PSTricks
- pst-fractal__doc
- Draw fractal sets using PSTricks
- pst-fractal__source
- Draw fractal sets using PSTricks
- pst-fun
- Draw "funny" objects with PSTricks.
- pst-func
- PSTricks package for plotting mathematical functions
- pst-func__doc
- PSTricks package for plotting mathematical functions
- pst-func__source
- PSTricks package for plotting mathematical functions
- pst-gantt
- Draw GANTT charts with pstricks.
- pst-geo
- Geographical Projections
- pst-geo__doc
- Geographical Projections
- pst-geo__source
- Geographical Projections
- pst-geometrictools
- A PSTricks package to draw geometric tools
- pst-geometrictools__doc
- A PSTricks package to draw geometric tools
- pst-geometrictools__source
- A PSTricks package to draw geometric tools
- pst-ghsb
- pst-gr3d
- pst-grad
- pst-graphicx
- A pstricks-compatible graphicx for use with Plain TeX.
- pst-hsb
- Curves with continuous colours
- pst-hsb__doc
- Curves with continuous colours
- pst-hsb__source
- Curves with continuous colours
- pst-infixplot
- Using pstricks plotting capacities with infix expressions rather than RPN
- pst-intersect
- Compute intersections of arbitrary curves
- pst-jftree
- pst-jtree
- Typeset complex trees for linguists
- pst-jtree__doc
- Typeset complex trees for linguists
- pst-jtree__source
- Typeset complex trees for linguists
- pst-knot
- PSTricks package for displaying knots.
- pst-labo
- Draw objects for Chemistry laboratories
- pst-labo__doc
- Draw objects for Chemistry laboratories
- pst-labo__source
- Draw objects for Chemistry laboratories
- pst-layout
- Page layout macros based on PStricks packages.
- pst-lens
- Lenses with PSTricks.
- pst-light3d
- 3D lighting effects for pstricks.
- pst-lsystem
- Create images based on a L-system
- pst-magneticfield
- Plotting a magnetic field with PSTricks
- pst-magneticfield__doc
- Plotting a magnetic field with PSTricks
- pst-magneticfield__source
- Plotting a magnetic field with PSTricks
- pst-marble
- A PSTricks package to draw marble-like patterns
- pst-math
- Enhancement of PostScript math operators to use with PSTricks
- pst-math__doc
- Enhancement of PostScript math operators to use with PSTricks
- pst-math__source
- Enhancement of PostScript math operators to use with PSTricks
- pst-mirror
- Images on a spherical mirror
- pst-mirror__doc
- Images on a spherical mirror
- pst-mirror__source
- Images on a spherical mirror
- pst-moire
- A PSTricks package to draw moiré patterns
- pst-moire__doc
- A PSTricks package to draw moiré patterns
- pst-moire__source
- A PSTricks package to draw moiré patterns
- pst-node
- Nodes and node connections in PSTricks
- pst-node__doc
- Nodes and node connections in PSTricks
- pst-node__source
- Nodes and node connections in PSTricks
- pst-ob3d
- Three dimensional objects using PSTricks
- pst-ode
- Solving initial value problems for sets of Ordinary Differential Equations
- pst-ode__doc
- Solving initial value problems for sets of Ordinary Differential Equations
- pst-optexp
- Drawing optical experimental setups
- pst-optexp__doc
- Drawing optical experimental setups
- pst-optexp__source
- Drawing optical experimental setups
- pst-optic
- Drawing optics diagrams
- pst-optic__doc
- Drawing optics diagrams
- pst-optic__source
- Drawing optics diagrams
- pst-osci
- Oscgons with PSTricks
- pst-osci__doc
- Oscgons with PSTricks
- pst-osci__source
- Oscgons with PSTricks
- pst-ovl
- Create and manage graphical overlays
- pst-pad
- Draw simple attachment systems with PSTricks.
- pst-pdf
- Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs
- pst-pdgr
- Draw medical pedigrees using PSTricks
- pst-perspective
- Draw perspective views using PSTricks
- pst-platon
- Platonic solids in PSTricks.
- pst-plot
- Plot data using PSTricks
- pst-plot__doc
- Plot data using PSTricks
- pst-plot__source
- Plot data using PSTricks
- pst-poker
- Drawing poker cards
- pst-poker__doc
- Drawing poker cards
- pst-poker__source
- Drawing poker cards
- pst-poly
- Polygons with PSTricks.
- pst-pulley
- Plot pulleys, using PSTricks
- pst-qtree
- Simple syntax for trees.
- pst-rputover
- Place text over objects without obscuring background colors
- pst-rubans
- Draw three-dimensional ribbons.
- pst-shell
- pst-shell: plotting sea shells
- pst-sigsys
- Support of signal processing-related disciplines.
- pst-slpe
- Sophisticated colour gradients.
- pst-solarsystem
- Plot the solar system for a specific date
- pst-solides3d
- Draw perspective views of 3D solids
- pst-solides3d__doc
- Draw perspective views of 3D solids
- pst-solides3d__source
- Draw perspective views of 3D solids
- pst-soroban
- Draw a Soroban using PSTricks.
- pst-spinner
- Drawing a fidget spinner
- pst-stru
- Civil engineering diagrams, using PSTricks
- pst-text
- Text and character manipulation in PSTricks
- pst-thick
- Drawing very thick lines and curves.
- pst-tools
- PSTricks support functions
- pst-tools__doc
- PSTricks support functions
- pst-tools__source
- PSTricks support functions
- pst-tree
- Trees, using PSTricks
- pst-tree__doc
- Trees, using PSTricks
- pst-tree__source
- Trees, using PSTricks
- pst-turtle
- Commands for “turtle operations”
- pst-tvz
- Draw trees with more than on root node, using PSTricks.
- pst-uml
- UML diagrams with PSTricks.
- pst-vectorian
- Printing ornaments.
- pst-vehicle
- A PSTricks package for rolling vehicles on graphs of mathematical functions
- pst-venn
- A PSTricks package for drawing Venn sets
- pst-vowel
- Enable arrows showing diphthongs on vowel charts.
- pst-vue3d
- Draw perspective views of three dimensional objects.
- pst2pdf
- A script to compile PSTricks documents via pdfTeX
- pstool
- Support for psfrag within pdfLaTeX
- pstricks
- PostScript macros for TeX
- pstricks__doc
- PostScript macros for TeX
- pstricks__source
- PostScript macros for TeX
- pstricks-add
- A collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks
- pstricks-add__doc
- A collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks
- pstricks-add__source
- A collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks
- pstring
- typeset sequences with justification pointers
- psu-thesis
- Package for writing a thesis at Penn State University.
- psutils
- PostScript utilities
- ptex-base
- Plain TeX format for pTeX and e-pTeX
- ptex-base__doc
- Plain TeX format for pTeX and e-pTeX
- ptex-fontmaps
- Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese/Chinese/Korean fonts with (u)ptex
- ptex-fontmaps__doc
- Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese/Chinese/Korean fonts with (u)ptex
- ptex-fontmaps__source
- Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese/Chinese/Korean fonts with (u)ptex
- ptex-fonts
- Fonts for use with pTeX
- ptex-fonts__doc
- Fonts for use with pTeX
- ptex-manual
- Japanese pTeX manual
- ptex-manual__source
- Japanese pTeX manual
- ptex2pdf
- Convert Japanese TeX documents to PDF
- ptex2pdf__doc
- Convert Japanese TeX documents to PDF
- ptext
- A ‘lipsum’ for Persian.
- ptlatexcommands
- LaTeX to commands in Portuguese
- ptlatexcommands__doc
- LaTeX to commands in Portuguese
- ptlatexcommands__source
- LaTeX to commands in Portuguese
- ptmsc
- Addon to the newtx package
- ptolemaicastronomy
- Diagrams of sphere models for variably strict conditionals (Lewis counterfactuals)
- ptptex
- punk
- Donald Knuth's punk font
- punk-latex
- LaTeX support for punk fonts.
- punknova
- OpenType version of Knuth's Punk font.
- puyotikz
- Quickly typeset board states of Puyo Puyo games
- pxbase
- Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
- pxbase__doc
- Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
- pxbase__source
- Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
- pxchfon
- Japanese font setup for pLaTeX and upLaTeX
- pxchfon__doc
- Japanese font setup for pLaTeX and upLaTeX
- pxchfon__source
- Japanese font setup for pLaTeX and upLaTeX
- pxcjkcat
- LaTeX interface for the CJK category codes of upTeX
- pxcjkcat__doc
- LaTeX interface for the CJK category codes of upTeX
- pxcjkcat__source
- LaTeX interface for the CJK category codes of upTeX
- pxfonts
- pxgreeks
- Shape selection for PX fonts Greek letters.
- pxjahyper
- Hyperref support for pLaTeX
- pxjahyper__doc
- Hyperref support for pLaTeX
- pxjahyper__source
- Hyperref support for pLaTeX
- pxjodel
- Help change metrics of fonts from japanese-otf
- pxpgfmark
- e-pTeX driver for PGF inter-picture connections.
- pxpic
- Draw pixel pictures
- pxpic__doc
- Draw pixel pictures
- pxpic__source
- Draw pixel pictures
- pxrubrica
- Ruby annotations according to JIS X 4051
- pxrubrica__doc
- Ruby annotations according to JIS X 4051
- pxrubrica__source
- Ruby annotations according to JIS X 4051
- pxtatescale
- Patch to graphics driver for scaling in vertical direction of pTeX
- pxtxalfa
- Virtual maths alphabets based on pxfonts and txfonts
- pxtxalfa__doc
- Virtual maths alphabets based on pxfonts and txfonts
- pxtxalfa__source
- Virtual maths alphabets based on pxfonts and txfonts
- pxufont
- Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts
- pxufont__doc
- Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts
- pygmentex
- Use Pygments to format code listings in documents
- pygmentex__doc
- Use Pygments to format code listings in documents
- pygmentex__source
- Use Pygments to format code listings in documents
- pyluatex
- Execute Python code on the fly in your LaTeX documents
- pyluatex__doc
- Execute Python code on the fly in your LaTeX documents
- pyluatex__source
- Execute Python code on the fly in your LaTeX documents
- pynotebook
- pynotebook presents (raw, Markdown or Python) codes (and execution with LuaLaTeX) as in a Jupyter Notebook
- pynotebook__doc
- pynotebook presents (raw, Markdown or Python) codes (and execution with LuaLaTeX) as in a Jupyter Notebook
- pynotebook__source
- pynotebook presents (raw, Markdown or Python) codes (and execution with LuaLaTeX) as in a Jupyter Notebook
- python
- Embed Python code in LaTeX
- python__doc
- Embed Python code in LaTeX
- pythonhighlight
- Highlighting of Python code, based on the listings package
- pythonhighlight__doc
- Highlighting of Python code, based on the listings package
- pythonhighlight__source
- Highlighting of Python code, based on the listings package
- pythonimmediate
- Library to run Python code
- pythonimmediate__doc
- Library to run Python code
- pythonimmediate__source
- Library to run Python code
- pythontex
- Run Python from within a document, typesetting the results
- pythontex__doc
- Run Python from within a document, typesetting the results
- pythontex__source
- Run Python from within a document, typesetting the results
- pzccal
- Zapf Chancery as calligraphic math alphabet.
- q-and-a
- Typesetting Q&A-style conversation made easier
- q-and-a__doc
- Typesetting Q&A-style conversation made easier
- q-and-a__source
- Typesetting Q&A-style conversation made easier
- qcircuit
- Macros to generate quantum ciruits
- qcm
- A LaTeX2e class for making multiple choices questionnaires
- qobitree
- LaTeX macros for typesetting trees.
- qpxqtx
- qrbill
- Create QR bills using LaTeX
- qrbill__doc
- Create QR bills using LaTeX
- qrbill__source
- Create QR bills using LaTeX
- qrcode
- Generate QR codes in LaTeX.
- qrcstamps
- Create QR codes using stamps
- qsharp
- Syntax highlighting for the Q# language
- qstest
- Bundle for unit tests and pattern matching.
- qsymbols
- Maths symbol abbreviations
- qtree
- Draw tree structures.
- qualitype
- The QualiType font collection
- quantikz
- Draw quantum circuit diagrams
- quantikz__doc
- Draw quantum circuit diagrams
- quantikz__source
- Draw quantum circuit diagrams
- quantumarticle
- Document class for submissions to the Quantum journal
- quantumarticle__doc
- Document class for submissions to the Quantum journal
- quantumarticle__source
- Document class for submissions to the Quantum journal
- quattrocento
- Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts with LaTeX support
- quattrocento__doc
- Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts with LaTeX support
- quickreaction
- A simple and fast way to typeset chemical reactions
- quickreaction__doc
- A simple and fast way to typeset chemical reactions
- quickreaction__source
- A simple and fast way to typeset chemical reactions
- quicktype
- LaTeX package for quick typesetting
- quiz2socrative
- Prepare questions for socrative quizzes
- quizztex
- Create quizzes like in TV shows
- quizztex__doc
- Create quizzes like in TV shows
- quizztex__source
- Create quizzes like in TV shows
- quotchap
- Decorative chapter headings
- quoting
- Consolidated environment for displayed text.
- quotmark
- Consistent quote marks.
- quran
- An easy way to typeset any part of The Holy Quran
- quran__doc
- An easy way to typeset any part of The Holy Quran
- quran__source
- An easy way to typeset any part of The Holy Quran
- quran-bn
- Bengali translations to the quran package
- quran-bn__doc
- Bengali translations to the quran package
- quran-bn__source
- Bengali translations to the quran package
- quran-de
- German translations to the quran package
- quran-en
- English translation extension to the quran package
- quran-en__doc
- English translation extension to the quran package
- quran-en__source
- English translation extension to the quran package
- quran-es
- Spanish Translations for the quran package
- quran-es__doc
- Spanish Translations for the quran package
- quran-es__source
- Spanish Translations for the quran package
- quran-id
- Indonesian translation extension to the quran package
- quran-id__doc
- Indonesian translation extension to the quran package
- quran-id__source
- Indonesian translation extension to the quran package
- quran-ur
- Urdu translations to the quran package
- quran-ur__doc
- Urdu translations to the quran package
- quran-ur__source
- Urdu translations to the quran package
- qyxf-book
- Book Template for Qian Yuan Xue Fu
- r_und_s
- ragged2e
- Alternative versions of “ragged”-type commands
- ragged2e__doc
- Alternative versions of “ragged”-type commands
- ragged2e__source
- Alternative versions of “ragged”-type commands
- raleway
- Use Raleway with TeX(-alike) systems
- ran_toks
- Randomise token strings
- ran_toks__doc
- Randomise token strings
- ran_toks__source
- Randomise token strings
- randbild
- Marginal pictures.
- randexam
- Make an exam paper and its randomized variants
- randexam__doc
- Make an exam paper and its randomized variants
- randexam__source
- Make an exam paper and its randomized variants
- randintlist
- Creating random integer number lists, with repeating and sorting options
- randintlist__doc
- Creating random integer number lists, with repeating and sorting options
- randintlist__source
- Creating random integer number lists, with repeating and sorting options
- random
- Generating “random” numbers in TeX
- randomlist
- Deal with database, loop, and random in order to build personalized exercises
- randomwalk
- Random walks using TikZ
- randtext
- Randomise the order of characters in strings.
- rangen
- Generate random integers, rational and decimal numbers
- rank-2-roots
- Draw (mathematical) rank 2 root systems
- rank-2-roots__doc
- Draw (mathematical) rank 2 root systems
- rank-2-roots__source
- Draw (mathematical) rank 2 root systems
- rbt-mathnotes
- Rebecca Turner’s personal macros and styles for typesetting mathematics notes
- rbt-mathnotes__doc
- Rebecca Turner’s personal macros and styles for typesetting mathematics notes
- rbt-mathnotes__source
- Rebecca Turner’s personal macros and styles for typesetting mathematics notes
- rccol
- Right-centered optionally rounded numbers in tabular.
- rcs
- Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents.
- rcs-multi
- Typeset RCS version control in multiple-file documents.
- rcsinfo
- Support for the revision control system.
- readablecv
- A highly readable and good looking CV and letter class
- readablecv__doc
- A highly readable and good looking CV and letter class
- readablecv__source
- A highly readable and good looking CV and letter class
- readarray
- Read, store and recall array-formatted data
- readarray__doc
- Read, store and recall array-formatted data
- readarray__source
- Read, store and recall array-formatted data
- realboxes
- Variants of common box-commands that read their content as real box and not as macro argument.
- realhats
- Put real hats on symbols instead of ^
- realhats__doc
- Put real hats on symbols instead of ^
- realhats__source
- Put real hats on symbols instead of ^
- realscripts
- Access OpenType subscript and superscript glyphs
- realtranspose
- The “real” way to transpose a Matrix
- rebuttal
- Markup for structured journal and conference paper rebuttals
- rebuttal__doc
- Markup for structured journal and conference paper rebuttals
- rebuttal__source
- Markup for structured journal and conference paper rebuttals
- rec-thy
- Commands to typeset recursion theory papers
- rec-thy__doc
- Commands to typeset recursion theory papers
- rec-thy__source
- Commands to typeset recursion theory papers
- recipebook
- Typeset 5.5" x 8" recipes for browsing or printing.
- recipecard
- recorder-fingering__doc
- Package to display recorder fingering diagrams
- recorder-fingering__source
- Package to display recorder fingering diagrams
- rectopma
- Recycle top matter
- rectopma__doc
- Recycle top matter
- rectopma__source
- Recycle top matter
- recycle
- A font providing the "recyclable" logo.
- refcheck
- Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc).
- refcount
- Counter operations with label references
- refenums
- Define named items and provide back-references with that name
- refenums__doc
- Define named items and provide back-references with that name
- refenums__source
- Define named items and provide back-references with that name
- reflectgraphics
- Techniques for reflecting graphics.
- refman
- Format technical reference manuals.
- refstyle
- Advanced formatting of cross references
- refstyle__doc
- Advanced formatting of cross references
- refstyle__source
- Advanced formatting of cross references
- regcount
- Display the allocation status of the TeX registers.
- regexpatch
- High level patching of commands
- register
- Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers)
- regstats
- Information about register use
- regstats__doc
- Information about register use
- regstats__source
- Information about register use
- regulatory
- Flexible drafting of legal documents, especially in Dutch
- regulatory__doc
- Flexible drafting of legal documents, especially in Dutch
- regulatory__source
- Flexible drafting of legal documents, especially in Dutch
- reledmac
- Typeset scholarly editions
- reledmac__doc
- Typeset scholarly editions
- reledmac__source
- Typeset scholarly editions
- relenc
- A "relaxed" font encoding
- relsize
- Set the font size relative to the current font size.
- renditions
- Multiple versions from the same content.
- reotex
- Draw Reo Channels and Circuits.
- repeatindex
- Repeat items in an index after a page or column break
- repere
- MetaPost macros for secondary school mathematics teachers
- repere__doc
- MetaPost macros for secondary school mathematics teachers
- repere__source
- MetaPost macros for secondary school mathematics teachers
- repltext
- Control how text gets copied from a PDF file
- reptheorem
- Repetition of theorem environments
- reptheorem__doc
- Repetition of theorem environments
- reptheorem__source
- Repetition of theorem environments
- rerunfilecheck
- Checksum based rerun checks on auxiliary files
- rerunfilecheck__doc
- Checksum based rerun checks on auxiliary files
- rerunfilecheck__source
- Checksum based rerun checks on auxiliary files
- rescansync
- Re-scan tokens with synctex information
- rescansync__doc
- Re-scan tokens with synctex information
- rescansync__source
- Re-scan tokens with synctex information
- resmes
- Measure restriction symbol in LaTeX
- resmes__doc
- Measure restriction symbol in LaTeX
- resmes__source
- Measure restriction symbol in LaTeX
- resolsysteme
- Work on linear systems using xint or pyluatex
- resolsysteme__doc
- Work on linear systems using xint or pyluatex
- resolsysteme__source
- Work on linear systems using xint or pyluatex
- resphilosophica
- Typeset articles for the journal Res Philosophica
- responsive
- Responsive design methods for LaTeX
- responsive__doc