
A collection of libraries for PGF/TikZ

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03/23/2025 12:04:22
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200.56 kB

This is not a LaTeX package but a collection of libraries for PGF and TikZ; ext.arrows provides additional arrow tips. Many of the standard arrows.meta library's tips get “Centered” and “Untipped” alternatives. Furthermore, the arrow tips ext_Hug Cap for connecting circles neatly and ext_Loop are provided. ext.arrows-plus allows to place arrow tips along a path. These can either be placed via pics along a path operation (ext/arrow, ext/softpath arrows and ext/softpath arrow) or via keys (ext/arc arrows and ext/softpath arrows) along a previous arc or any path segment. All except the ext/arrow key support the bending of arrow tips. The \arrow command of the decorations.markings library has alternatives \arrow* and \arrow** for shifting and shifting/bending. ext.calendar-plus extends the calendar library with more tests, week numbers and a few goodies. The already defined keys day xshift, day yshift, month xshift and month yshift are now proper value-keys and can be accessed wtithout having to use an @-riddled macro name. The if key is nestable. Via the pgfcalendar-ext package more conditionals are available, also week numbering according to ISO 8601 is supported. ext.layers allows to put nodes etc on a separate layer without having to use pgfonlayer. ext.nodes extends the functionalities around nodes. ext.node-families uses the AUX file to sync the sizes of nodes. ext.node-families.shapes.geometric ext.paths.arcto uses \pgfpatharcto to construct an arc to a point. ext.paths.ortho provides orthogonal path operations -|-, |-|, r-rl, r-lr, r-du and r-ud. ext.paths.timer adds timers to rectangle, parabola, sin and cos. ext.patterns.images allows images to be used as a path‘s pattern. ext.positioning-plus adds more ways to position nodes in reference to each other. ext.scalepicture scales a TikZ picture to the desired dimensions. ext.topaths.arcthrough installs a to path that expects a third point that defines an arc. ext.transformations.mirror adds transformations that reflect on arbitrary lines. ext.misc which includes the PGFKeys library ext.pgfkeys-plus and the PGFFor extension pgffor-ext. Shapes: ext.shapes.circlearrow ext.shapes.circlecrosssplit ext.shapes.heatmark ext.shapes.rectangleroundedcorners ext.shapes.superellipse ext.shapes.uncenteredrectangle