
CWEB for ANSI-C/C++ compilers

Silvio Levy and Donald E. Knuth
Packaged on:
02/22/2022 21:11:26
Number of files:
Size on disk:
177.33 kB

A highly portable and extended version of Levy/Knuth CWEB 3.64c for UNIX, Windows, Mac (and possibly other operating systems). TeX macros, CWEB macros, and NLS catalogs are included for German, French (partially), and Italian program documentation on any machine. Major features: Thoroughly updated code base; several bug fixes; clean compilation (with both C and TeX) on at least four different architectures. Added CTWILL program with tools and utilities for brave users; including introductory manpage. Internationalization of CTANGLE, CWEAVE, and CTWILL with "GNU gettext utilities". New code base for CWEB in TeX Live 2019, incorporating all features of the TL 2018 version and adding new features from CWEBbin. As of November 2019 CTAN no longer holds a copy of this material. Please go to the package's github repository for more information.