
Turkish bylaws and regulations document class

Özcan Oğuz
Packaged on:
03/23/2025 12:04:22
Number of files:
Size on disk:
195.43 kB

The tuzuk class provides a standardized format for writing bylaws and regulations in Turkish-governmental style. It includes features for creating numbered articles, subsections, and signature areas commonly found in legal documents. Features: Easy creation of numbered articles with the \madde command, Section titles with \bolumadi, Automatic lettered lists with the fikra environment, Built-in signature area formatting with \imzalar, Full Turkish language support. Built originally for creating the regulation for Özgür Yazılım Derneği (The Free Software Association in Turkey), https://oyd.org.tr/. Explanation of the package name: “tüzük” in Turkish means “regulations”, as a document. For example, GDPR, which stands for “General Data Protection Regulation”, translates as “Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğü”. In Turkish law, the non-profit associations have a “tüzük” as their constitution-like governing document.