
Patches for the physics package, and integration of physics and siunitx packages

Packaged on:
03/23/2025 12:04:22
Number of files:
Size on disk:
71.08 kB

This package requires the amsmath, etoolbox, xcolor, xparse, and xstring packages. Commands that have different definitions come with PT in the beginning of their name (e.g. \PTmqty). physics-patch has covered all commands in physics since version 2.0, so there's no need to load physics. It is ok to load physics before this package. This package will silently overrides macros in physics with an improved version. To use the original version provided by physics, load physics before this package and use the nooverride option (not recommended). This package pretends that physics package is loaded so that this package won't be overriden if loading physics is called afterward and packages loaded afterward that checks whether physics is loaded to determine its behavior (e.g. siunitx) work correctly. To disable this, use the nopretend option (not recommended). If siuitx is loaded before this package, this package will define \ITquantity and \ITqty as the integration of the improved definition of physics's \qty (in \PHquantity and \PHqty) and siuitx's \SI. You can optionally set the siintegrate option to override \PTquantity and \PTqty with \ITqty (not recommended).