MiKTeX 2.9.7350

MiKTeX 2.9.7350 has been released on March 22, 2020.

lualatex: switching engine from LuaTeX to LuaHBTeX

lualatex now uses LuaHBTeX as the underlying engine.

Upgraded programs

  • asymptote 2.64
  • autosp 2020-03-11
  • dvipdfmx 20200315
  • dvisvgm 2.9.1
  • texworks 0.6.4

Fixed issues

  • 445: Autoinstall packages on the fly (without asking): give option to install for all users
  • 475: BibTeX single_fn_space = 100 is too small; could we have 1000, please?
  • 486: Luatex cannot find input file when using texify on windows