MiKTeX 2.9.7200

MiKTeX 2.9.7200 was released on October 22, 2019.

Breaking changes

Windows: text files with UNIX line endings

All TeX engines now write text output files with UNIX line endings.

EPS-to-PDF converter embeds all fonts

The miktex-epstopdf utility now creates a PDF with embedded fonts.

New programs

  • synctex 1.5

Downgraded programs

  • luatex 1.10.0

Fixed issues

  • 353: luatex 1.10.1 has a bug affecting font usage
  • 363: SyncTeX binaries?
  • 369: luatex doesn't handle commands in the name of the main file correctly
  • 370: line endings
  • 373: tftopl failed with large .tfm file
  • 376: Miktex Update removes essential packages
  • 377: pdfcrop: The script engine could not be found.
  • 391: miktex-console_admin building format fails